Actionscript 3.0 :: Invoking An Action After A Flv Clip Has Played?

May 14, 2010

I have a flash movie that starts with an intro video, once the video has played a menu will appear, but I can't get the action script to go to another frame / scene / movie clip once the flv file has stopped playing

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CS3 Slowing A Clip Played With The FLVPlayBack

Apr 20, 2009

I imported Embaded Movie to Flash (that won't be on my TimeLine to save space), and i m using the FLVPlayBack to run it.

My problem is that the player plays the movie too fast for displaying.

Is there a way i can slow down the movie?

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IDE :: Slowing A Clip Played With The FLVPlayBack

Apr 20, 2009

I imported Embaded Movie to Flash (that won't be on my TimeLine to save space), and i m using the FLVPlayBack to run it. My problem is that the player plays the movie too fast for displaying. Is there a way i can slow down the movie?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move Clip - Stop After Sound Has Played Once

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I am trying to play a sound clip using actionscript 2 the code I am using is attached to a button and the code I used is the following.


My problem is that the sound clip loops and I do not want it to do so. I have other animations going on on the stage. I tried to place the stop(); command but I do not seem to be able to make it stop after my sound has played once.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Back To The Main Stage Once A Movie Clip Has Played

Jan 8, 2009

I'm using Flash 8 and I'm having an issue getting back to the main stage once a movie clip has played. I have my file set up with three movie clips on the main stage. One just plays which is the banner, there are two rollover buttons on that mc for panel1_mc and panel2_mc. When you rollover to view panel1 it plays fine, but inside I have another button to take you to panel 2. That wont work...this is what I have for code for the button inside the clip:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Stop Action In Movie Clip?

May 21, 2010

I have a simple movie clip that animates some text and a divider bar. The clip loops which is normal, I want to add a stop action to stop the loop.I have three layers; text, divider_bar, and actions. On the actions layer I placed stop();  on the last frame. This stops the movie clip just fine. But if I rewind and play it again the movie clips stays on the last frame and wont restart. I'm using Action script 2 and have even tried using as 3 with out any luck.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip (with An Action) As A Button

Mar 15, 2010

my movieclip doesn't behaves as a button when i try to use this


i want my movieclip to behave as a button and at the same time to load a page after clicking on it (this code loads a page and i cant delete it and use another.i just can add something into it to make this movieclip move.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Width Of Clip As Parameter For An Action?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm trying to set up a movie that allows me to flip through a two page brochure(double sided) like a book. I'm basically shirking the front page down and once its at zero, expanding the page that would exist on the back of that page. I can get this to work to open the flyer all the way to the back, but I can't get it to go the other way. When I try to trace the width of each object, it tells me they are undefined.

Am i running into trouble because I'm giving telling the clip CGInside2_MC directions early on inthe script, then again later?

I put the file up online here and the code is below.


//OPEN Ft Cover
var frontcover:String;


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IDE :: Jump A Movie Clip With Action Script?

Jul 7, 2009

I want to Jump a Movie Clip When I pressed a Control Key. What will be the code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Movie Clip In A RollOver Action?

Nov 23, 2011

I am trying to load a movie clip in a RollOver action inside another movie clip, but I have 2 problems:

1. If I do it with loadMovie("movie.swf") I cannot go back to my previous instance when the movie stops playing, but if I do it with the loadMovieNum("movie.swf", 1), it gets back to the previous instance, but it leaves that instance behind, so it keeps appearing all the time on the back.

2. Even though I see the swf when I publish it from Flash, when I insert the swf in Dreamweaver, I cannot see the swf that I loaded in layer 1. I only see the first layer and nothing happens when I RollOver.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Action Script Instance In Movie Clip

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Action Won't Work With Main File

Dec 8, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert A Video Clip In The Action Script Of A Swf File?

Jul 6, 2009

this Flash CS4 and Action Script.i am working on something which needs me to insert a vide file in the Action Script of a swf file?how can i do that?? (if the video file is not imported to Flash CS4, is the procedure different??)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending An Action To A Movie Clip From A Keyframe On A Different Timeline?

May 12, 2005

I am making a thing on my flash animation with a 3d planet spinning. When you move your mouse over it the planet will stop and contact info comes up, and when you rollOut the planet continues spinning and the contact info fades away. I have everything working but i cant get the planet to stop spinning when i do this because the button controls the fade but the planet is just spinning in the backround, hard to explan. Anyways i need to be able to send a stop and play action to the planet movie clip behind the button to stop. i need to send an action from Scene 1>universal>destinationclip>world. from a keyframe on the destination clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Action Not Working To Control A Different Movie Clip Timeline?

Jan 13, 2009

I have a button action not working to control another movie clip timeline. The movie clip timeline I want to control has an instance name but for some reason it's not playing. The button is on a different movie clip timeline. Both movie clips are on Scene 1. I think there is something wrong with my target path?


insMcWorkNav is the movie clip, lbWork04 is the frame to play

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Action Script Code For Multiple Frames Movie Clip?

Sep 11, 2009

This seems a very basic question, but googled for long time... I have a movie clip, at Frame 3 there is only one line of code: stop(); My question is: how can I add it through AS? The instance name is my_mc, more specific, how to refer to the Frame 3 of my_mc?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Multiple Sounds At Random To Single Action / Movie Clip?

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I am currently working on an assignment that requires me to add sound to a mobile game. This is fairly straightforward in many ways but I wondered if there was any way that I could add multiple sounds to a single movie clip or action?

What I really want to do is to have say three or four different sounds for the sound of a spaceship exploding in the game to create variety and stop the gamer getting bored of the same sound every time they hit a spaceship.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Elastic Image ... Action - Onmouseover - Bounce When The Clip Loads

Nov 7, 2002

im working on en site that needs a bouncie image, but all the tuts and movie clip i can find only work with onmouseover effect.. i dont want onmouseover but bounce when the clip loads. maybe someone can rearange this script so it bouces on clipload... this in the 1st frame:


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ActionScript :: Invoking A Flex Constructor?

Mar 16, 2010

In Flex ActionScript, a new object can be instantiated via the parameterless constructor with or without (). Example: var array:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection()

var array:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection

Is there a difference between the two? Is one preferred over the other?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MC Like Button / Invoking Another Mc To Place

Dec 5, 2005

I have moviclip called "b1" which I am using as a button. This b1 is in the shape of switch and when I am clicking on it it turn right and when I'm clicking again the switch is turning left to the primary position. this action is explained by AS code:[code]And only thing which I do is that I have to modernize this AS code for my own requirement. My problem is that I don't have any idea to connect those two codes. My scene ( my menu bar which I was talking about) looks like that: URL...and please click one of the buttons to see what i am talking about.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Invoking Two Dimensional Arrays?

Nov 29, 2007

I am trying to create a two dimensional array in AS2. It should have two values like name and roll no. and stored in such a manner that they can be traced out and also the corresponding values should be together.

as of now I am using...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Invoking Servlets In Flash MX?

Nov 14, 2003

friend and I are working on this Flash application that retrieves data from a IBM DB2 database and displays it. We read somewhere that Flash can't connect directly to a database, thus some middleware is required. So we are using JSP or servlets for our middleware. The problemIn our best (but limited haha) knowledge, we understand that we need to first declare an XML object, and then use a Load method to invoke a servlet that accesses the database and fills the XML object with records of the database. Finally it'll return the filled object back to Flash. Are we correct in this sense?Er, the problem is, we have no idea on how the servlet code works. We can successfully connect to the DB2 database and retrieve records, thoughBtw, we did try loading a XML file into a XML object. However, it's wierd. This is our XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Invoking Functions In Loaded Movieclips?

Jan 26, 2009

I've not touched AS2 since AS3 appeared, but circumstances brought me back to using AS2,Is there way to invoke the functions/methods in a loaded movieclip? I know you can do that in AS3 by invoking the Loader object's content's function, but I haven't been able to do that successfully in AS2. I'm currently using the AS2 MovieClipLoader object, like so (snippet):[code]as set up, I intended the target movieclip's function 'invokeInternal Function' to run, but it doesn't seem to be doing it although the SWF itself loads successfully.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Webservice Invoking Call Failure

Feb 16, 2009

I've got a movie that i'm calling a webservice from. When I run the movie in flash it downloads the service stub and makes the SOAPCall and loads the data as you would expect. But when i upload it to a site it loads the service stub makes the SOAPCall but "Received SOAP response from network" is not called.

About the files: I load the movie in an html file using UFO. There are some external interface calls before the webservice is called but these definatley return what is required for the webservice to run because the stub does not get downloaded if they don't return anything.[code]...

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Java :: F Throw IllegalAccessError When Invoking Mxmlc?

Dec 12, 2011

I invoke the Flex mxmlc compiler from a Java application. After adding the Xerces parser to the project classpath I get the error below.

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class org.apache.xerces.util.XMLAttributesMMImpl$AttributeMMImpl cannot access its superclass org.apache.xerces.util.XMLAttributesImpl$Attribute
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)[code]...........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping Playback After Invoking A GotoAndPlay();

Aug 11, 2010

I've attached a project that I'm working on, but this is a couple versions old as it's the only one small enough to upload. While I've not yet completed everything, I'll try to talk through what I'm trying to do. I've included actionscript on (a couple of) the home/aboutme/etc. buttons so that when clicked, it calls a gotoAndPlay instance on the label layer, and I'll eventually add this same code to all five of the buttons. What I'd like to do is have the animation that's being called simply play and then stop rather than just continue on through the rest of the timeline -- for example, clicking on the home button plays from the frame where I want it to start, but then it continues on through the rest of the timeline.

I'm not having much luck with doing a mc.stop(); -- so would adding a this.stop(); to the actions layer at the various spaces where I want to stop playback meet my needs of (1) stopping the various actions the buttons have called, while (2) still allowing for button clicks to resume navigation and playback throughout the various animations?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Invoking A Function With ESC Key In Fullscreen Mode

May 10, 2008

I have a movie with a video and when I exit fullscreen mode (pressing ESC) I want to execute a function. I mean, exit fullscreen and execute my function at the same time when pressing 'ESC'.I tried to add a listener but it doesnt work.[code]When I go fullscreen, I press ESC and flash exits fullscreen, but myFunction() doesnt load. If I press ESC a second time myFunction() works.Is the ESC key blocked in fullscreen mode?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Invoking A Cycle In A Function Without Rewriting It?

Sep 6, 2010

i have a for loop running through an array:

for (var e:int = 0; e < coo.length; e++) {
coo[e].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, evidenzia);
coo[e].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, evidenzia_fisso);[code]....

i'm recalling this cycle in a lot of functions so it's kinda boring and confusing repeating it every time.i tried assigning a variable to the elements:

var coo_att:MovieClip = MovieClip (coo[e]); but it doesn't work properly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Invoking A Class Using The Code On The Main Timeline?

Feb 29, 2012

I have no trouble invoking a Class using the code on the main timeline shown below; var testClass:MyClass = new MyClass(); //code on maintimeline invoke Class. However, if I were to remove this code and just use the Flash Class Input Field and insert; MyClass //the name of the Class. I get throwback errors:

1 - Call to possible addFrame Script?

2 - MyClass must subclass flash.display.MovieClip etc

I've tried variations of adding and removing the flsh.display.MovieClip Class

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Flash :: Preventing A Swf From Invoking ExternalInterface Calls Without Recompiling It?

Apr 16, 2011

I'm working with a third party swf that I cannot change and am charged with making it work in a local environment, loaded within a container application I have built. The SWF was published for accessing the network sandbox, so whenever it invokes the ExternalInterface in a local html container, it throws a security sandbox error and kills execution. The ExternalInterface calls are all non-critical (logging) so if I can block them somehow, then I won't have a problem any more.

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