Actionscript 3.0 :: After Effects Button Rollout Reversing Click Animation

Oct 13, 2008

*trouble with gotoandplay and roll out functions* basically i have an after effects movieclip (followed the after effects button tutorial on this site) that i have made into a button. it works ok on rollover and rollout i use tweener which works a treat and when i click it goes to another frame and plays a small sequence of smoke exploding.

problem: its a look problem really. when i rollout the smoke click sequence tweens back to frame 0 as per my rollout instructions IS there a way for me to have the click smoke sequence play all the way through before going back to frame 0 on my rollout ? i see tweener has a oncomplete statment is that of anyuse? ive tried a few thigns but it always reverts to the rollout and reverses the footage.


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here is a link to the tutorial you currently have: [URL]

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this.onRelease = function(){ getURL("","_blank"); }

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On the root timeline::

function buttonFade(fade) {
if (fade) {


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function reverseIt(e:MouseEvent):void{
rewind = true;


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SO I tried the If function, but i seem to make a mistake somewhere and i dont know what to do. Now there is no error in script, but onw there is a problem in link, the button finishes the click animation but it does not go to the tarrgeted"about" frame. here's the code


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_parent.MCInstanceName._alpha = 30;
But when on mouse rollout, the hovered submenu/movieclip does not continue to rotate.

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Apr 6, 2011

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I know i can put it on the first main stage layer with all my code and it will work but i want it only to work after i click a button and that button has played its animation.

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IDE :: Button Click To Animation To GotoURL?

Jul 13, 2009

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Button On Movie Clip Reversing Frames?

May 29, 2009

I make a button with some animated effects. On main work area I select object and press F8 to convert button with the name of (button1). The Up as it is which I make: w=70, h=50. Press F6 and same button on Over, here I again select object and press F8 and convert to Movie Clip. Here I insert 10 frames, one by one the button extend width and height. On 10th frame the button size 110x90 width and height. To animate and stop the button I put "stop" action on frame 10.I want that if the user's mouse over on button than the 10 frames play as I mentioned above but if the user don't want to click on (button1) than all of these 10 frames play reverse or add more frames and button will go to their original size and place. Is there any script bcuz I am new and don't know about action scripts.

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Part Of The Animation To Be Skipped When I Click One Specific Button?

Jun 29, 2009

I have a swf file "home" that has a series of animations that are button controled.I want part of the animation to be skipped when I click one specific button, for instance.Most of the time I want frame label:"1 out" to play all the way through to the last frame (20) and on frame (20) there is an action sending it back to frame 1and stopping, but I need to have a button that when hit plays frame label 1: "1 out" and continues to frame (19) and does not utilize the action on frame (20) sending it back to frame (1), or in other words playing through "1 out" and then playing "2 out" which occurs on frame 21 without returning to frame (1).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Click - Animation Go One Frame Further And Pause

Apr 21, 2010

I started some days ago with Adobe Flash CS4, and I need to create buttons now. The button I want to create this time should be a frame by frame button, so when the user clicks 1 time on the button the animation needs to go 1 frame further and pause there.

This is what I coded so far:
nextframeknop_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextframeClick);
function nextframeClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
And I assume I need to create some kind of time interval of 1 frame between the "play();" and the "stop();".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animation Of A Line That Connects In Each Other As Click Button?

Feb 24, 2012

Whats the best thing to do when you want to do an animation of a line that connects in each other as you click the button??you set the dots in a stage, and when you click the button there will be a line that will connect from dot1, into dot2 and so on.. ofcorse it includes animation effect.[code]

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IDE :: Rollover Animation To Button - Click Thread For More Details

Jul 29, 2009

So within my Flash document I have a rollover movieclip that contains a UI scrollbar. My question is, can I modify this rollover script to be active until it reachs a certain frame in the animation and then become inactive so that the scrollbar works? Or, is there some script that I can use to make the UI scrollbar active within the rollover clip?


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Oct 5, 2004

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