CS3 :: Reach Different Symbols In A Layer By Code?

Mar 17, 2010

The thing is, I am coloring though code the parts of a body, which is a movieclip composed by other movieclips. I am coding in AS2, using the setRGB function from the Color class. Everything is working ok, but there is one arm that is not being colored.

This arm actually is in one layer with several keyframes, half of them have one symbol, and the other half have another symbol. Both symbols represent the arm in different positions. Now, even though they are different symbols, I have named both instances with the same name, but with this solution the arm is not being colored. So I tried to remove the keyframes with the second symbol, and then it got colored.

To sum up, I don�t know how to reach all the symbols in different keyframes of the same layer through code.

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function magicTrigFunctionX (pointRatio){
return Math.cos(pointRatio*2*Math.PI);


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1061: Call to a possibly undefined method init through a reference with static type Snow.

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Aug 9, 2010

Im creating a program that is designed to allow the used to select  3 pictures (movie clips) and print them off on a single peace of paper.

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$url = addslashes( $_GET['urlWeb'] );
if( !$url )
die( "You need to define a URL to process." );


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Direct Reach With The URL?

Jan 17, 2006

some time when i visit some site i find the Url changing when press any button and the page never change also the main flash movie is still in the page . in the same time you can reach that movie or that section by using the URL directly ..for example :the link in shown like this [URL] in this case it will show the Contact form Movie in the main movie or [URL] in this it will show the frist main movie [URL]what i think in this case when you hit the button it will Load an external SWF Movie to the main Movie and change the URL in sasme time .

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Aug 17, 2010

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My question is this: I need to be able to click on the Paint layer when I am above a draggable MovieClip and trigger the MouseEvent for the correct object to drag it around, but the item must always remain below the Paint layer.

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Mar 28, 2011

here is my code:
var dx:Number = p1.x-bs.x
var dy:Number = p1.y-bs.height


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