Flash Banner Cropped At Right Side When Opened?

Aug 31, 2010

I have made my flash banner, when I open it it's cropped at the right size, however if I click and drag the window to make it bigger then I can see everything which is off the stage. Is this normal? Or am I missing some kind of last stage in the design process where I have to hide everything or crop the banner? Just want to make sure the banner is prepared properly before giving to the client.

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Soft Mask - Stripes Fade Away As They Approach The Right Side Of The Banner?

Sep 7, 2009

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my stage is a long, thin rectanlge, with an asphalt background on a distinct locked layer
on the stage i also  have a movieclip of white crosswalk 'stripes' motion-tweened from left-to-right over the asphalt
i am trying to have these stripes fade away as they approach the right side of the banner
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editCode sample taken from other post. Warning: it's a huuuge chunk o'code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
xmlns:MyComp="client.components.*" layout="absolute" height="554" width="817"


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Cursor Blinking When Flash App Opened?

Feb 17, 2009

I had written movie player for my website few months ago and I'm upgrading it by adding some new functionality from time to time. Not long ago I've observed quite curious behavior of my browser. If my site is opened in one of tabs in browser, the cursor is blinking, from arrow to handcursor, when I'm rolling over links. Interesting is that it happens in every tab opened in browser, if only one of them contains my website. Closing my site returns every other tab to normality. I tried opening my site with blocked this one .swf file (my player) and also was everything ok. I've tested this on few different browsers and systems and it seems to happen in MacOS (tested in Safari, FF2, FF3 and Opera) Windows (in FF2, FF3, Safari, Opera IE6, IE7 and Chrome), no matter if installed version of FlashPlayer is 9 or 10. On Ubuntu Linux it doesn't happen in FF3, nor in Opera (only this two browsers tested).

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The problematic site is [URL]. If you want, open it in one of tabs and try to play with links in other, you'll see what I'm writing about.

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Loaded Movie Is Not Cropped?

Jul 24, 2009

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var loada = new Loader();
loada.load(new URLRequest("img_one.jpg"));
loada.x = 205;
loada.y = 110;
loada.cacheAsBitmap = true;
[Code] .....

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on (press) {
var myPrint:PrintJob = new PrintJob();


This correctly tagets the clip I want but only prints out one page. How do i get it to print multiple pages if the content is long enough?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Full Screen Scroll Bar (Activate When Movie Cropped)

Feb 24, 2010

I've pretty much finished my site... [URL]. The problem with this is that with someone who has a lower resolution, the movie tends to get cropped. Since I have the movie set at 100% width and height the scroll bars don't exist. I'm trying to make built in scroll bars in flash that will activate when the movie gets cropped as such. I only need them for a few pages. I'm not sure if I am going about this the easiest way..I know you can do it if it was just one movieclip but the site is alot more complicated than just one movieclip.

For skills_mc I have a class..
Actionscript Code:
import flash.display.*;
import FluidLayout.*;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
[Code] .....

It's throwing a ton of errors..
1017: The definition of base class Movieclip was not found.

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Mar 27, 2009

URL..On this site it has this Image Carousel controlled by moving my mouse side to side, is there a flash component, or some flash script i could use/buy?

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Aug 26, 2009

i have to sanp images into tile or grid form. but my images are in 4 different sizes in height/width. i have to place all images in side by side like tiling.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: UPDATE: Image To Follow Mouse Only Side To Side?

Nov 12, 2010

Here's the AS2 way:

1. Timeline has only 2 frames

1. Make movie clip and give it an instance name (in this case: box_mc). Make sure this takes up frame 1 and 2 on timeline.

2. On a sparate actions layer on frame 1 put this down:

mouse_x = _xmouse;
setProperty (_root.box_mc, _x, mouse_x+((getProperty(_root.box_mc,_x)-mouse_x)/2));

3. On frame 2 of actions layer put:

gotoAndPlay (1);

how to do this in AS3? I really want to be able to have 3d rotation tweening in my flash file and AS2 won't let me do it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Image To Follow Mouse Only Side To Side

Nov 11, 2010

I am on a tight deadline and looking for the AS3 code of how to do what this company does on their site:URL...However, I don't know AS3.Literally my project requires I recreate the what is shown with the hand holding the sharpie and moving only back and forth restricted to a centered rectangular area at the bottom of the screen.I know how to import the image that follows the mouse to the stage, and to make it a movieclip. Let's say I have named the instance "Image_mc".Does anyone have the actionscript for how to do this? Do you attach it to the object or to a keyframe on a separate actions layer?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll Side To Side By Having An Object Follow The Mouse?

Sep 22, 2011

How would I be able to create a scene where you scroll left to right using the mouse, but instead of having it at a constant rate and having the picture (background) move when your mouse is at a certain x coordinate to have it be that when you move the mouse away from an object the background will move, and will move faster the farther away the mouse is? I have tried scrolling back and forth with x coordinates, but I haven't been able to get this to work.

(I found an example of what I'm trying to describe here; [URL], just click play, skip, leave, and then leave again and you'll be able to see it).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading 2 Swfs Into One File To Display Side By Side

Feb 1, 2010

This was super easy using AS2. I had 2 'loader' movie clips placed on the stage and simply used the loadmovie to bring up the external swfs. How would i accomplish this using AS3? I simply need one movie to display on one side of the stage, and another on the other side of the stage. do i still use these 'loader' movie clips?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Thumbnails Loading Side By Side (hga77's Gallery)?

Apr 1, 2004

This post got deleted when the site was upgraded. Currently, the thumbnails load by rising I want to load the thumbnails one by one, from left to right. An example can be found here

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i need to track the mouse movements(and register what component is under the mouse), it is done already, but i meet new problem, if click right button then context menu will be opened and no any new events(mouseMove, mouseOver) received by my components. I understand that this context menu is more browser then flash/flex and afaiu the is no way to disable context menu at all. So may be somebody know any trick to avoid this events blocking?

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Sep 5, 2009

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Oct 13, 2009

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Flex :: Server Side Alerts For Client Side App

Aug 28, 2009

User interacts with Adobe flex webpage to configure reports based on some data stored server side. They configure their view and have THAT view emailed to them daily. I've got the report builder, the part I'm trying to figure out is how to render the report server side and send it out as email (native flex functionality? convert to html? take screenshot? assume something is running client side?...)

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