Flash :: CS4 Images Overlaping An Animation?

Dec 8, 2011

I am a beginner to Flash and Dreamweaver, I hope this question is simple enough. I have CS4. I have a short, simple animation of 3 images that fade in and out. however, I put 2 still images in front of the animation. One slightly covering the left side and one slightly covering the right side. I have the images tilted slightly.
Here is my issue. When I import the Flash movie into Dreamweaver, only the fading images show up. However the still images do show up whenever I open the document in Flash, so I know that I saved it. Let me just add that when I converted to images to symobols, I saved them as movies and and then as images. I also tried expanding the stage so the images would fit inside the stage, still didn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Images From XML Dynamically Causing Sluggish Swf Animation?

Feb 2, 2010

recently i have tried loading external icons dynamically into my vertical carousel using XML and the icons got loaded successfully into the carousel ... but once they are loaded the entire processor is getting consumed ( even though its a decent config ) and the animation is becoming sluggish ... i've tried and searched the net for a solution but i couldnt find one related to this... i just used actionscripting in my .fla and no tween ( in the main timeline or the movieclip in the library) ...

var numberOfItems:uint;
var xmlPath:String = "intro.xml";
var xml:XML;


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I made an animation in Flash which I want to embed in Flex using SWFloader.
I've imported the tweener class (caurina.transitions.*) to tween a rotation. The animation runs perfectly in Flash.
However, when I embed the animation in Flex, the tweening is gone.
Do I need to import the tweener class in Flex?
I use Flash Player 10 (latest version), Flash CS4 Professional version 10.0.02, IE8 and Flex Builder 3.

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