Flash - Get / Set Functions And Inlining
Jan 23, 2012
My question is pretty simple: Do get and set functions have an increased chance of being inlined compared to standard functions? If so, is there anything that prevents me from using them for something other than their intended use? (Other than my code becoming less readable.)
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Jun 6, 2011
I have a set of custom UI elements that are used in a number of activities, and want these maintained separately but linked into the activity on compile.Basically an external library that can be linked to by all activities.My understanding is that a SWC is the correct way to implement this.I have created a bare-bones example of this duplication problem,download here.The following description is based on this example.The "shared.fla" has a library symbol with a linkage id (which is actulaly just a TLF Textfield).Compiled to SWF this is 52KB (all of which is flashx.textlayout.* TLF actionscript bytes) + 153KB textLayout_ *. swz.Compiled to SWC this is 397KB.The "activity_link_swc.fla" displays this shared library symbol on the stage, and links to the "shared.swc".This creates a 179KB swf file. This filesize is the same if the Runtime Shared Library Settings default linkage is either "RSL" or "Merged Into Code" - obviously the inclusion of my "shared.swc" automatically inlines the textLayout code.
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string.sliceStr("." , "end");
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string["sliceStr"]("." , "end");
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item.onRelease = function() {
myButton.onRelease = function() {
getURL("http://google.com", "_blank");
talk = this.txt;
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_root.myButton.onPress = function(){
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import Bus;[code].............
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Dec 18, 2008
I have a stupid question. I got this variable:
var type:int;
and this function:
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Sep 1, 2009
How to call a javascript method from flash ?? am having a simple javascript code ie
<script type="text/javascript">
function helloWorld() {
alert('Hello World');
Now how to call the method helloWorld() from flash ?Similarly how to call a php method also ?? am having the php code as,
function writeName()
now i want to call writeName() from flash ?? how to achieve these things from flash ?
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Mar 26, 2004
In most web-based programming languages you can use the left() and right() functions to move through a string and pull out individual characters. In ColdFusion, I could do this:
left("hello", 1) and it would produce "h"
I could also do:
right("hello", 1) and it would produce "o"
Is there a conversion for this method in Flash? I want to pick the first letter of a string and capitalize it.
In ColdFusion I would do it like this:
uCase(left("hello", 1)) -- and it would give me: "H"
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Jun 17, 2004
I have one function that puts text in a text field and makes a button goto a url onRelease.The code is like this:
item.onRelease = function() {
myButton.onRelease = function() {[code]....
the only problem is that the button doesn't work onRelease. i think that it is because there are too many functions there, but at the same time, i think it's just me..
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Sep 1, 2009
How to call a javascript method from flash ?? am having a simple javascript code ie
<script type="text/javascript">
function helloWorld() {
alert('Hello World');
Now how to call the method helloWorld() from flash ??
Similarly how to call a php method also ?? am having the php code as,
now i want to call writeName() from flash ?? how to achieve these things from flash ?
Wats the code i have to write in flash cs3 ??
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Sep 21, 2010
just a quickie - im sure this is possible but for some reason its not working, - can you put variables within javascript calls, ie
getURL("javascript:swffit.fit('my_flash',1024,(700 +_root.imageHeight));");
where _root.imageHeight is a variable within flash
anyone know where i may be going wrong?
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Dec 8, 2009
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Aug 29, 2010
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Jan 8, 2011
I have a .swf file that is running, I want to be able to call its internal function and modify/fetch its variable values.
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Jan 13, 2011
Is it possible to call javascript functions inside flash (as3)? How about not in the same domain? Can you provide an example snippet for samedomain and not same domain?
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