Flash :: Making The CSS Replica Of Action?

Mar 28, 2011

i would like to replicate this action with CSS/Javascript only. (I need it to work on ipad/iphone)

I have searched around, but all I can find is flyout menus, and no reference to dimming the pictures. (mine will have 6 instead of 2 this one has).[URL]..

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_root.navigationMC.onPress = function() {

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May 8, 2009

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on (release) {

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Identifier - test

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_root.nextMovie = "externalmovie.swf";


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Code is
import mx.events.EventDispatcher;
import Proxy;

Following is the class definition.

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public var XML_NODE_TYPE_TEXT = 3;
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Jun 6, 2005

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how to call the session from asp.net.

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Action Script 3.0 :: Flash - IF Statement For Variables?

Mar 27, 2012

Im building a sample pad type instrument for a project, i have four channels for four different instruments the interface has four buttons to select the instrument, when the button is selected the image should be green but when another instrument is selected it should go to the second frame of the movie clip which is a red button to signal them instrument is off.

Line 23 i added a conditional statment for the variable associated with the channels it doesnt spit out any errors but also doesnt change the image when i click another button anyone know where im going wrong

//import flash stuff
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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-----------------------------PHP CODE----------------------------------
//Random Exampe test
// if no input from Flash, redirect to a help page


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Using Google Analytics To Track Action On My Flash Site?

Aug 7, 2009

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// legacy tracking codeindexLegacy_mc.onRelease = function()getURL("javascript:urchinTracker('/home/indexLegacy');");};

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May 10, 2010

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Flash :: Check When A CakePHP Action Is Being Called From An Swf / Movie?

Dec 22, 2009

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Flash :: Javascript - Can't Use ExternalInterface In Action Script 3.0 On Localhost

Jul 23, 2010

I have a flash file which captures an image from a webcam and sends it to the server. This file works fine under ActionScript 2.0 but under 3.0 I get an Unspecified Error and the debugger crashes on the return eval in :


I've tried adding localhost to the list of trusted sites in the flash security manager
[URL] I've also tried playing with the allowScriptAccess and allowNetworking settings in the object tag.

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