Flash Piano - How To Get Each Instance Of Button To Play Unique Sound

Jun 15, 2009

I'm using flash CS4. I am trying to make a piano. It will be the header of a web page when the mouse rolls over a key the appropriate note plays- ideally the key would appear to be pressed as well. I have a jpg of a piano keyboard imported as a graphic. On a new layer I have made a button whos over state has a blank keyframe. I have imported that button to the stage and given the instance a name. I have attached a sound to the over keyframe (middle C).

I have dropped a second instance of the button onto the stage and given it a unique name. When I attach the next sound (D pitch) to the over state it changes the original middle C. How can I get each instance of a button to play a unique sound? I have tried using a new layer for each button but that didnt work. Do I have to make a brand new button for each note? I have reduced my design to include only 16 notes (I originally wanted 32 but I thought that may take too long to download)---

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public class login_page extends MovieClip {
public function login_page() {
play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onPlayDown);
} public function onPlayDown(evt:MouseEvent):void {

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new _global.whosTurn();
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Mar 26, 2011

I have been working on flash in school, and the school upgraded from flash MX to flash CS5, i have then gone to make my project in AS3, however, it is very diffrent from AS2

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Sep 11, 2006

I want to play a sound on click of a button. I can do this in AS 2.0

//Action Script 2.0


snd=new Sound();


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IDE :: Sound On/Off Button; Loop; Auto-play?

Jun 23, 2008

I'm almost done building a full flash site where it navigates by position of timeline.I just need a simple on/off button for a soundloop to loop and play automatically. the on/off button just simply turns it off (toggle is optional). on it doesn't have to resume, just start the pool again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play More Than Sound When Click Button?

Apr 17, 2011

i want to gotoAndPlay more than one sound Ex: when i click the button i want to play frame label m2 and frame labe m1 sound

playy.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK ,pl);
function pl(event:MouseEvent):void

the sound play in the same time i want to finsh play frame label m2 then stop then play frame labe m1 and stop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Getting Sound To Play When Keyboard Button Is Hit?

Dec 9, 2009

I think worded the question wrong or posted in the wrong catagory I keep geting error messages with this code in AS2.0

if (key.isDown(key.getCode(81))) {
_root.samplesound=new Sound();


This is the message fore both pieces Statement must appear within on/onClipEvent handler Im trying to get the letter "q" to play a linked mp3 in my library When I apply the code to a seperate layer No error messages shows, but no sound plays. When I apply the code to a movie clip/button object, that message shows up!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make Button To Play Specific Sound

Jun 22, 2004

I have a button that is actually a Movie Clip (so I can animate it). I want this button to play a sound. (But this isn't a sound question.) If I have a list of 20 sounds, and 20 instances of this button mc, how can I make it know which sound is being called for? If it were a normal button, each instance would have its own load- or attach-movie command. But since they're MC's, the invisible button hit is always the same. Is there a way to make it look to the MC's instance name to get which sound to load?

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