Flex :: Flash Catalyst - Where To Look For SWZ Files

Sep 3, 2010

I don't do flash myself: in this company, flash is generally used just for design elements, so the designers build the flash and my job is just getting it onto the site. All fine so far, but now one of the designers wants to move to using Flash Catalyst.

1. Flash Catalyst outputs one .swf file containing the application.
2. External files (images, videos, audio files) may be referenced, but by default are embedded into the .swf.
3. The flex framework is stored in .swz files. These files are signed by Adobe and therefore flash considers them safe to store in a "flash cache" separate from the browser cache. These framework files may be reused on any other site, and therefore reduce download times.
4. If you don't have the .swz files, and the person viewing your site doesn't already have them cached, they can be downloaded from the Adobe site.

Can I have the .swz files stored anywhere on my server, or do they need to be in the same folder as the .swf? I assume they can be anywhere, but I'd have to tell Flash Catalyst where to look for them.

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This official training guide from Adobe will teach readers all they need to know to create rich interactive experiences with Flash Catalyst CS5, Adobe's exciting new interaction design tool. Flash Catalyst CS5 lets designers create real Adobe Flash and Adobe AIR applications without having to learn ActionScript.

Using step-by-step instructions in projects that progressively build skills, readers of this Classroom in a Book will learn how to prepare and import artwork from applications such as Adobe Photoshop and Fireworks into Catalyst, and then add interactive functionality in a familiar interface and with tools that are intuitive to use.

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"The Classroom in a Book series is by far the best training material on the market. Everything you need to master the software is included: clear explanations of each lesson, step-by-step instructions, and the project files for the students." —Barbara Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor, Rocky Mountain Training

Classroom in a Book®, the best-selling series of hands-on software training workbooks, helps you learn the features of Adobe software quickly and easily. Classroom in a Book offers what no other book or training program does—an official training series from Adobe Systems Incorporated, developed with the support of Adobe product experts. Download : [URL]

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[Embed source="../../audio/wibble.wav" mimeType="audio/wav"]

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Dec 8, 2010

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EDIT: The files I see are:


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Feb 9, 2011

According to the answers to this question here, the reason why I'm not seeing errors as I work in Flash Builder is that FB is "optimizing" them out because they aren't referenced at any point in the code execution. Is there an option to force Flash Builder to compile all files regardless of whether they're used in the software?

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Jun 22, 2011

According to these instructions, I'm trying to use ANTLR generated *.as files in a current Flash Builder 4.5.1 project. Therefore, I added this ANTLR's Actionscript runtime to my project - without problems. I compiled lexer/parser specs using ANTLRWorks without problems too. I added the language option to the source *.g file to make ANTLR generate Actionscript sources:


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Mar 1, 2012

I imported an .fxp project into a Flash Builder and then observed there are 5 .mxml files in the src/(default package) directory. Silly question -- how to run each of these five files?

Since I've named the project differently than any of the .mxml files, whenever I try to run something it uses the default (empty) .mxml file named after the project. Deleting that empty mxml file didn't help anything. I also tried to clean the project, but nothing changes (although I see the directories refresh with the same contents). There are no html files in the bin-debug directory.

There must be some simple way to run those .mxml files that I'm missing.

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