IDE :: CS5 - Remove Jitter / Stutter In Video Loop?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm doing a project that uses a looping video clip sized 1280x720 - but I just can't get flash to play this without a stop and a jitter when it loops. I've tried various implementations of looping code, currently I'm using a very simple variant: on the FLVPlayback component, I have

on (complete) {;

and that's it. There's nothing else in the scene, at all.

I've even tried using video at the size, yet that too stutters on loop. Is there any way to eliminate this, as it spoils the illusion of a continuous loop entirely. I'm using CS5 right now (recently upgraded from CS3).

edit: I'm using a PC that EASILY should be able to run HD video, if I check the Task Manager, it's using around 3-4% of the CPU, yet I still get poor performance and stutter on loop!

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import fl.transitions.Tween;
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onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 103.9;
this._y = 30.2;


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var maxX=(stageW/2)+32;


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[Code] .....

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Application.application.ManagePage.gridFavourites.selectedItem as XML;


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var timer:Timer = new Timer(2000);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, voegtoe);

In function voegtoe I'm adding an Movieclip Object called man:


I want to remove this object after 2 seconds. The problem is that there are multiple 'man' objects.

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Oct 27, 2005

Let's say I wanted to randomly remove an item from an array in a for loop.

Basically, it would go something like;

thearray = ["lol", "dude", "ROFL", "lame", "excellent"]
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
randomness = random(thearray.length())
thearray.remove [randomness]

Obviously that last line was made up, that's where the code goes for the item-removal.

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Remove Any Buffer On Video?

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I'm trying to figure out how to REMOVE any buffer on video. So imagine it like this. You have a live stream set up on a server, and a flash app plays that live stream. I need it to use rtsp as well.does anyone know how this is done in flash? or a way in flash to view/show live feeds?

Similar to using VLC Player, and upening up a rtsp feed, it plays in the player. I need that exactly, or very close to using flash.

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How To Remove Last Save Image In Video

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Through FMS streaming I am receiving a stream from other user attached camera which I am playing in my file through video component in flash.
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I want that to remove and place a graphic instead.
Have also tried seek(0),video.clear(),pause() etc.

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Jul 30, 2010

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Mar 21, 2011

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function clicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
var video:Video = new Video();
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
[Code] .....

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How do I remove the video on the other pages?

I have this video I'm loading on a particular video page. It plays fine on that page, but when the user clicks to another page the video is still showing.

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);


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Oct 21, 2011

I noticed that when programming a simple motion in ActionScript (e.g. object.x += 5) that when a keyboard key is held down to cause the motion, a stutter is created in the appearance of the movement. Is there a way to remove this or to make it appear more fluent?

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Mar 19, 2011

I did a file/import/video and pointed to a video on my server and this is all on the first frame. On my aa layer I have the following[code]...

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