I'd like to do tooltip-type popups with some text. Is there an easy way to get the word under the mouse? Right now I'm reading the entire text field into an array where the index of the element is the number of the character, like so:var theString:String = 'This is some text.";and the array looks like this:[code]So the getCharIndexAtPoint function with the mouseX and mouseY is used as an index to the array, which returns the correct word. It works, but it seems like a crude way to go about it. Is there any way to get the html text of the link if the mouse is hovering over a word?
Is posible? Flex app detect word when mouse over on message in pdf file. Now have some project translate language with tooltip or pop-up when mouse over on it. I found some code can detect word (string) on TextField class but not in pdf.
I have is Adobe fl CS4. I succussfully created a scene with all correct layers including a start button action script. No errors works great. Now my next challenge is, how do I cause a word to apear? I created some objects that I want to select and cause a word to appear and color to change, once I hover over the object. It is like the same method when you create a 'start button.' Do I create another sub scene in the action script command?
In [URL], first off, how big is the dimensions of the site? Also, would you know how to make the menu bar, where the rectangle slides onto the word which the Mouse is over?
Is it possible (if so how) to find out what word the cursor/mouse is over when it is moving over a < mx:Text > component?So for example as the user moves the mouse along a sentence (inside text component), each word will highlight as they go (I know you can highlight while pressing the mouse button down - but that not how I wish to do it).
I am kind of new to javascript/html5. normally I would do that kind of stuff inside flash/as3. but since the iPad doesn't support that I need to switch the horse...I want to build a website where words are floating in position and size and if the mouse comes over one word it should draw some lines to all the other words. are there any frameworks one could use? the whole should look like a tag cloud with lines between the tags.
I have been building a simple word game. It is smple but works fine. I am now trying to enhance some of the features.I would like to see if I can display one letter of each word so the Player has a hint. Think of this as a beginners level.The words are random from a text list. Either I can make the letters invisible and the game starts without a hint or I am able to select a letter using charAt() or creating a new variable substring()from the word which is the displayed repeatedly on the stage(not what I want) I have not been able to find a way to display one letter and display it in the correct order within the word and keep the remaining letters invisible.
I am doing drag-the-word quiz. When you match the word with correct part, the message pop out, saying Bingo! If the word is matched with wrong part, the "Sorry. Try Again" message pops out, says "Sorry. Try Again". I managed to make the "Sorry. Try Again" message disappear. However it dun work anymore after that. Sometimes it is quite funny. When I play it, the "Sorry. Try Again" message dun pop out at all.
Another problem - I am not sure how to make the word fit into the white box. I only know how to make the word drop on the white box. Can you tell me how to do it? I will be adding voiceovers to the quiz when the word is matched with the part. For e.g it will say "bingo" or "Sorry. Try Again". How to attach the voiceovers to it?
create the word which changing many time and in the end become a clear word like what's happend exactly in horizintal menu in [URL] That's what i wanted the changing in words like that menu?
Ok so If I load a list of like 2000 words from a text file into a text box like this
ActionScript Code: var url:String = "dictionaries/"aa.txt"; var loadit:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loadit.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
how could I randomly choose a word from the list and have it as a variable
Basically I want my animation to play if nobody is at the computer for a few seconds.Maybe I should do this the other way saying the it the animation plays unless someone moves the
I have one principal menu with six buttons, each button open (in a loader) new menues flash movies, one of them flash movie, for example, has 20 buttons each button open in a loader a new movie. I need to detect inactivity for ten minutes for example and come back to the principal menu. Do I have tu put the code in all movies or there is a way tu put only in the movie with 20 buttons?
I would like to know if the mouse button is down, even if another object is being clicked. How do I do that? Simply adding event listeners doesn't work as it does not trigger if something else is on top of the object.
I just wrote an "Hello World" in Flash CS5, and now I wont to detect the mouse click.[code]This is the Main class of the SWF.I dont understand why cases 1 and 2 dont work, and 3 does ?
I am looking for a script to detect if the mouse has not moved for say 15 seconds or 30 seconds, and if this is the case then, its plays some movie-clip or follows with the next scene.
is there a way to detect a mouse stopping?I've created something that reacts to the mouse x & y position, just wondered if there was some way of detecting if it stops moving?
I have the following code on a movie clip which follows the mouse fine on the x axis, but does anyone how I can modify it to detect when the mouse has stopped, then the object (a bird) will then stop it's running action?
ok so i have been trying to detect the mouse angle.. kinda figuring it out on my own to learn new stuff and get a better understanding of actionscript, but ive kinda run into a problem i cant figure out.ere is the range of angles i get
i've hidden the mouse icon and made crosshairs which are positioned wherever the mouse currently is.it works fine and dandy, except if i take the mouse off the screen, in which case it leaves the crosshairs at the edge where the mouse last was.i know it's not a big deal, but it also caused some minor problems with this drawing program i made before (which drew lines between the previous mouse position and the current) where if you took the mouse off the edge of the frame and brought it back over somewhere else it would draw a big line between those two points..so i'm just curious if there's any way to detect if the mouse has gone outside of flash's borders.
I m starting with actionscript, and I need help creating a script to detect when the the mouse pointer is no longer on a certain area (or "mc" area if we use one as an area reference ).please help me.
Its a drop down menu and the problem is when the mouse passes really fast, the menus do not hide back.For a solution, I thought of an action that would check and if the menu was still open after the mouse was out,and then trigger an action to hide it back.
so in as3 there is a nifty event listener for if the mouse has left the stage area, there is however, nothing of the sort in as2. so, Im trying to figure out how to go about this, Im thinking an onEnterFrame function that listens for eitherA.) no Movementor B.) the same x and y position for an extended period of time.Im thinking the no movement would do the trick but what should I be checking for on the onEnterFrame, and how would I tie setInterval into it? what properties would I check for if I used an IF/THEN statement?
is there a way to detect a mouse stopping?I've created something that reacts to the mouse x & y position, just wondered if there was some way of detecting if it stops moving?
Attachment 54101my problem is in bitmap explained:1. after loading external text into dynamic text field,2. how to call/make visible "button over text" on the Scene by pointing a mouse over specific word in loaded external text?3. javascript, html, actionscript (asfunction, variable)
I'm having trouble having my flash file detect when my mouse goes over and/or leaves a movieclip. I want to have a mini slideshow in my menubar which, when my mouse goes over the movieclip containing the slideshow, the pictures 'enlarge', and when the mouse leaves, the clip becomes normal size again.
This is the code I've gotten the best result with, as of yet, but it only seems to notice that my mouse leaves the movieclip half of the time, and sometimes there's a 'glitch' where the clip zooms and unzooms uncontrollably when my mouse is just next to the clip.[code]...
I want to detect whether the mouse has been clicked outside of a sprite (ie. a mouse click event anywhere on the screen except the sprite).
The idea is that you click outside an activated sprite to deactivate it. This is how menus and comboboxes function, but I can't see any way of doing it in actionscript.
I wanna detect the direction of mouse movement. If the mouse moves tpwards the left or right of its currrent position, i want to detect it. Is there anyway to identify such movement. Actually i am implementing a 360 degree rotation of image. That means , if the mouse moves along the left side of its current position, then the image should move along its left side, otherwise it should move along the right side. For example, view this site: [URL]
In ActionScript 3, I need to detect a sequence of movements made by the mouse when the button is down.I've read this question, and it seems a bit overkill. I only need to detect the 8 basic directions (up/down/left/right/diagonals), so that I can detect a "Z".