IDE :: How To Know Mouse Is Intersecting A MovieClip

Oct 13, 2009

i am adding enterframe event listener on the condition that mouse is not on the stage.

if (!((mouseX < stage.stageWidth) && (mouseY < stage.StageHeight))) {
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler);

but the if condition always return false because the mouseX and mouseY seems to take the last value when it leaves the stage(i.e. moved out of the flash content

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hide Intersecting Region Of MovieClip

Oct 27, 2011

So I've been working on a Character class for platformer/ generic side-view style games. The problem is that i might need bits of characters to appear to go through other characters (i.e. char 1 grabs char 2 and runs char 2 through with weapon) the problem with this is that the characters' parts are contained in movieclips to run code on them holding them together and keeping me from having to position them just perfectly every frame in the IDE. it seems I have four choices:

1) Completely reprogram the display list -not practical

2) just hide the area of the movieclip that is intersecting with the other character

3) break apart the characters and merge them into an "interaction manager" movieclip

4) just give up.

I don't have the skills for option 1. Option 3 is ok i guess, but i'd rather try option 2 first. My biggest problem is that i have no idea how i would go about selecting just the intersecting part of the movieclip without reprogramming some part of the display list. If anyone can understand this, please give me something to point me in a direction.

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Mar 30, 2009

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I have an object (class) with a handle, when dragged I would like the clip to rotate with the mouse (much like rotating an object in photoshop). I have put my code into an ENTER_FRAME event, and have been using a matrix object to do my rotation (is there an easier way?)

private function rotateClip(e:Event)


was my attempt at converting the code from the example link. I've also tried various other methods using trig to no avail.

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Dd Eventlisenter For Mouse Click To A Movieclip?

Oct 7, 2009

from various books, I know that to add eventlisenter for mouse click to a movieclip:
movieClipName.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickFunction);
then I define the function
function clickFunction(event:MouseEvent)
{ bla bla bla }

My questions are (as silly as they might sound!),

a) why do we need a parameter (i.e. event:MouseEvent) for clickFunction??

b) since we have a parameter for clickFunction, when we feed this function into addEventListener, why didn't we write  movieClipName.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickFunction() );

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Actionscript :: Mouse Control On ONE Movieclip Only?

Jan 28, 2010

In Flash/ActionScript2, is it possible to capture the mousemove, buttonup and down event but only within one MovieClip? At present, i can capture mousemove etc. via a listener, but only for the entire stage..I need to draw a rectangle for selecten, and then press a save button. The problem is i save the coordinates on mousedown and up, but when I press on the save button, it saves the coordinates of when you pressed on the save button...I've tried mc.onXY, but that either listened not at all or to the entire stage...

Edit: Code as requested
should be

I did change it back to mc when mcImageToCrop didn't work...

import flash.geom.Rectangle;
Create a container by calling the setUpContainer functie wich will return a movieclip with a needed propeties set.
var container:MovieClip = setUpContainer();[code].................

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Oct 11, 2009

How can I do a movieclip that rotate himself when mouse is over it ?

would be nice there was a acceleration at the beginning and a deceleration to the end.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Conflict On Mouse Over?

Nov 30, 2005

Im wanting to make a Movieclip budge when my mouse tries to go over it.Sort of a scattering effect.Say on my stage I have a movieclip, which contains a picture of a square.When my cursor goes near Square movieclip, it scatters, and reveals some text which is on the stage

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How Long A Mouse Is Over A Movieclip

Jun 5, 2003

Is there a way to know the speed of a mouse or how long a mouse is over a movieclip?

Coz i have a movieclip that if I rolled over it for a specific period of seconds, it shows a picture but if the movieclip was just passed over a second, it won't show the picture.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Unresponsive To Mouse Over?

Mar 19, 2009

I'm loading an image into a thumbnail button in flash from an XML file.

The button will scale up when it is mouse-over'd (is this a word?)

Here is the loading of the image into the movieclip

imageLoader = new Loader();
//imageURLArray[i] = "image.jpg"
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(imageURLArray[i]));


Without the image loaded in it works fine. But with the image loaded in, the image is on top of the button so the scale event triggers the Loader object to scale ( instead of the button it is parented to). Is there a way to make the Loader object or the moveiclip it's parented to (imageHolder) unresponsive to a mouse over so only the thumbnail will scale (and its children as a result of course).

Here is the parenting if you need help visualizing it:

[ thumnail:MovieClip ] --child--> [ imageHolder:MovieClip ] --child--> [ Loader:dont know]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Movement Through Mouse

Mar 28, 2009

Can anyone tell me how could I be able to move a movieClip in opposite direction of the _xmouse?That means when I move the mouse pointer to right side, my movieClip would move some distance to the left side. And when I move the mouse to the left ,the movieClip should also move to right.I have done something in the attached file but i dont want to continue the movieClip's movement when the mouse movement stops.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Get MovieClip To Face Mouse

Sep 17, 2009

I'm making a top down shooter and I'm encountering some interesting code lag with the function I'm using to make the player face the mouse.

//The function is called through a ENTER_FRAME listener.
//mX & mY are the current position of the mouse.
public function facePoint(mX, mY){
this.rotation = (-Math.atan2((this.x - mX),(this.y - mY))) * 180 / Math.PI;

If I hold down two movement keys and then spin the mouse around the character really fast, it builds up some kind of buffer that sends the character out of control for a few seconds, even after you've released the keys. Just discovered that reducing the quality to low removes the issue entirely... so its a graphics problem. How to avoid this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip To Mirror The X And Y Of The Mouse

Apr 22, 2010

I'm wanting a movieclip to mirror the x and y of the mouse, so when the mouse moves left I want it to move right, only ever meeting at the center point of the page. I have a feeling this has a really simple answer but it's just not coming to me (and google hasn't helped much either). So far,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Movieclip Detection?

Apr 8, 2011

when you have two movieclips and the bounding box of one movieclip is over top of the movieclip below, how do you detect that the mouse is over the bottom movieclip, and ignore the alpha of the upper movieclip.I tried mouseEnabled = true, I tried mouseChildren = true...I can't seem to make the movieclip that is underneath of the bounding box of the upper clip respond to the mouse.

here's a method I put together to tell me what is underneath of the mouse.When I run this, the movieclip on top has its bounding box overlaying another movieclip...the bounding box meaning, and the transparent area of the top movieclips bounding box.This method returns both images when I'm over the bounding box of the top movieclip, yet I'm only over the lower movieclips actual image shape.

I just want to be able to drag that lower movieclip, and write a function that only returns that lower movieclip under it if I'm only on top of the lower movieclip.

var previousOUM:String = "";
function listObjectsUnderMouse(event:Event):void
var pointoint = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Own Mouse Design?

Feb 17, 2005

does someone know the actioscript so i can use my own design mouse as a movieclip. And how to disapear the regular mouse

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Mouse Centerpoint Of A MovieClip

Jun 18, 2009

I'm having a random generated MovieClip and adding drag function to it. Now the problem is that it sets the mouse in the left top corner, while I want it in the center. How do I fix this position?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect When Mouse Leaves A MovieClip?

Feb 12, 2010

I'm having trouble having my flash file detect when my mouse goes over and/or leaves a movieclip. I want to have a mini slideshow in my menubar which, when my mouse goes over the movieclip containing the slideshow, the pictures 'enlarge', and when the mouse leaves, the clip becomes normal size again.

This is the code I've gotten the best result with, as of yet, but it only seems to notice that my mouse leaves the movieclip half of the time, and sometimes there's a 'glitch' where the clip zooms and unzooms uncontrollably when my mouse is just next to the clip.[code]...

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