IDE :: Make A Flash Movie In Cs4?
Sep 11, 2009
i am trying to make a flash movie in flash cs4 i created buttons to go to the next page and back button,but its not working i keep getting an error message below.
scene=scene 2,layer=next ,...Unexpected ')' encountered
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signOutBtn.visible = false;
but when a user signs in
signInBtn.visible = false;
signOutBtn.visible = true;
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on (release) {
fscommand ("exec", "manual1.bat");
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I want to make a Flash movie be 100% of the browser window. I know how to do this just usaing the Publish settings. The problem is that I want the stage of the movie to fill the browser without scaling up the actual movieclips and components of the movie.
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if(Key.isDown(Key.Alt && Key.A)){
reminder._visible = true;
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Jan 27, 2012
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Jun 20, 2009
My website is going to have a main wrapper that is set to a max-width property for compatible browsers. It will stretch to 940px across at max. When scaled down I would like the swf to scale proportionately with it. Like an image with width percent applied. The flash movie has the dimensions of 940 × 360 pixels.
I can't seem to figure out the correct attributes to add to the embed tag to get it to do this.I am currently using jquery flash embed, but am open to other options, though this is my ideal.In the example I have set the flash background to black.
When resize the browser window the flash movie doesn't scale proportionately to the div, only the photo does, leaving a blank canvas (black), while the div height stays the same. I can't add a height value in the CSS.How do I make this scale correctly? Adding a noscale param only crops the image. The swf's height doesn't scale also.
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Oct 31, 2010
I'm trying to create a small flash-app, which needs to run as big as possible on the browser. For example regexr and Grooveshark work this way. However, if I use the File -> Publish Settings and there set the width and height 100%, it resizes to full browser, but... When I use stageHeight and stageWidth, they don't change. I only have one frame in my animation, so should I fire a eventListener for something like "resize"?
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Jul 20, 2011
i created a game that has 96 still movieclips and seven more movieclips that basically move horizontally. The lag starts to rise if i add more and more moving movieclips. The game loop just basically, increment the x coordinate of the movieclips, so i don't think i have problems in the game loop.Is it normal the flash will lag once it has exceeded certain number of movieclips??if it's normal, what do you suggest to increase the game's performance?anyway, this is the update method from the game loop:
public function update():void
//cek kondisi untuk melakukan spawn char
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Oct 31, 2010
I am having difficulty figuring out how to make a background soundtrack play continuously while my actual timeline will loop before the audio file is finished.
The way I have it set up now, every time the playhead loops back onto frame1, the audio track begins playing on top of the last one, making it utter cacophony. Even after a few seconds it becomes utter madness as 3 versions of the same song are playing simultaneously.
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Apr 30, 2011
I have a Flash Movie where I need to play a video. I have this video on a folder on the web server.How can I make the video play inside the Flash Movie?I want it to start playing not when the Flash Movie is loaded but then an image inside the Flash Movie is clicked.
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Mar 12, 2005
I'm working on a school project. It contains a main section which has 7 buttons. Each of these buttons is a character which you can zoom in to, see who they are, click and see a small cinematic/animation and proceed to it's respective section. I have a couple of concerns.
1. What is the best way of loading my project? I've been thinking of using the loadMovie and have placeholders, each section with a progress bar. what should I load when?
2. how can I make the flash movie resize in the browser window using actionscript ? so that I have no problems with screen resolution sizes. I use 1280x1024, but I guess there are still people on 800x600(which is lame) Here is an example of the resizing I mean: [URL]
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