Media Server :: FLV Supporting But .mp4 (H.264 Encoded) Video Not Supporting In Mobile Browser?
Mar 29, 2010
I want to know one things, is there any other settings required to publish the swf file for playing mp4 file in mobile browser also. I am able to play ".FLV" in mobile browser but not able to play ".MP4" (H.264 encoded) in my mobile browser.MP4 file required Flash Player 10 to play video I know this,I can watch video from in mobile bowser also.
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Oct 7, 2010
I am testing RTMFP unicast for a video chat project using FM Developer Server 4.0.During the testing I overloaded the upload traffic to make packets dropped rather than suffering delay due to retransmission.
However, I see it makes a significant delay and it looks like doing retransmission just like RTMP.
Do you know if there is an option in FMS to disable the retransmission or other configuration I have to consider?One thing I found is "Netstream.videoReliable=false; Netstream.audioReliable=false;" but it doesn't make any difference.
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