Prepend "loading..." Module / Animation?

Jul 30, 2009

I have done that, but the file is approx 40MB, and it takes a while to load. It does not have any "loading..." message or animation, and I'm not a Flash programmer - is there a way to prepend a "loading..." animation of some kind? Can I put up a stand-alone image that displays only until the Flash movie starts playing, without Flash programming?

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Flex :: Loading Module With Progress Bar?

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<local:moduleloader url="Module1.swf" id="modulel" />
<local:moduleloader url="Module2.swf" id="module2" />

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<mx:ModuleLoader xmlns:fx=""


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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at flash.display::MovieClip/nextFrame()
at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/deferredNextFrame()[code]....

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<param name="salign" value="lt">


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snowNumber = 60;
var flakes:Array = new Array("flake1", "flake2", "flake3","flake4","flake5","flake6")
for (i=0; i<snowNumber; i++) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mc.onRollOut - Shows An Animation OnRollOver And An Animation On RollOut But OnRelease The Animation Enlarge Itselfs

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Actionscript :: Flex4 - Customize The Loading Animation?

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I am using flash builder 4.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loader With Containing 100 Frames Loading Bar Animation?

Nov 25, 2004

I am using a loading bar with % (percentage) . Everything seems to be working properly but its giving a little problem , it load 25% and then shows the loading bar. That mean while loading till 25% of the movie the is completely blank. Which is quite annoying and recognized as a bug. Required help from the actionscripting expertise. For further reference I have uploaded the site on this address : http:[url]....

The script I am using
1st frame

PHP Code:

txtPercentage = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal())*100) add "% Loaded"; tellTarget ("loader") {     gotoAndPlay(Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal())*100)); } 

2nd frame

PHP Code:

if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) {     nextScene(); } else {     gotoAndPlay(1); } 

And a instance name : loader with containing 100 frames loading bar animation.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading And Running MovieClips In Animation

Feb 10, 2008

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Putting Progress Bar Loading Animation?

Apr 4, 2004


ok..i'm in the midst of extending/modifying this tutorial.... i understand the transition mc is the loading animation.... however i want to put a progress bar.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Music Animation / Stopping And Loading?

Jul 15, 2002

Basically I have a remote with forward, play, stop, and rewind. There are 5 songs. The mc, called player is within the main timeline. First thing I want it is to load the nomusic animation... which is a mc within the player mc. then when the music loads it'll play the workign animation when the song loads.also i'm trying to avoid going to different keyframes and states. so when song 1 is played, and if the forward button is pressed i want it to go the next song. etc...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Images Loading Into Player Stuttering Animation?

Apr 21, 2009

This is a photo portfolio and displays images that scale up to view reasonably well on even a 30-inch monitor very large. So images are capped around 300k each. This in and of itself is not a problem as I've seen other sites load many images of this size with no issues. Problem I'm having is that at some point--presumably the end of the load--the size of the image causes the player to stutter and so the scrolling motion that is occurring as these images load in the background gets jacked up and looks terrible.

You can see what I'm talking about here: [URL]

I've code in place right now that adds the image to the display list only between scrolls of the enlargements, as I thought maybe the point at which the addChild hit was what was causing the stutter. I was wrong, though, and now don't know what to do. It's def the image loading that causes this as I sub-d in 30k images into the "Stills" section and the problem goes away. Also the stuttering goes away once all images are loaded into memory.

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Professional :: Loading External Text File Into Animation?

May 6, 2010

I'm a total rookie working with flash and i'm wondering if theres a way to call in text from an external file. I'm building a news feed on my companies home page, and I'd like to be able to have my boss edit it easily 'cause he doesn't know how to use flash.
you can see it here... [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Remove Flickering In Animation While Loading Images

Feb 24, 2011

I have done a character animation by loading multiple images one after another at runtime or dynamically by accessing files from there path directly. But the problem I am facing is, I am getting a white bg or delay when the images change, it kind of feels like the images are flickering. How can I get rid of this flicker.

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Javascript :: Swfobject And Flash - Display Loading Animation?

Mar 18, 2011

I'm using swfobject to dynamically load a flash object into a div, and I'm wondering if there's an easy way to display a loading animation until the flash object is ready for display? In this case, I'm loading an embedded Issuu object, and you can see an example of Issuu loading via swfobject here. Depending on your connection speed, there is typically just a blank white space while the flash object loads, and it'd be great to indicate progress with a loading animation if possible.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Forcing The Flash Animation To Stop Loading?

May 30, 2003

I have created an opening animation for the webpage. It works well, a main movie loading in all the component parts, to keep the overall filesize down.Except this seems to cause me a problem: the animation sits in a normal html page, which has links to other pages. As the animation loads in, the little percentage checker ticking away in the corner, it is either impossible or at best slow whenever you click on any of the html links. It wants to keep loading the bits in rather than stop and do what the browser wants.IS there anyway of forcing the flash animation to stop loading?I notice on macromedia's site that most of there navigation is controlled by other flash movies, rather than html links, altho the html links do seem to interrupt the main animatin loading and then navigating on.

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