ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf Loading But With No Animation?

Dec 19, 2006

on a serie of buttons, each button loads a swf . Each swf works great apart, But when I load any of them through Loadmovie function, the image appears but without animation..

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Progress Animation For Loading SWF

Dec 21, 2009

I've created a progress bar animation to load an external SWF file as described in this document: [URL] The problem is, the SWF file i want to load is a magazine exported from Indesign, so I want it to display one page (frame) at a time (you can go to the next page using the navigation buttons provided). When I use the method mentioned above the clip loads, but then it plays... so how can i make it stop at the first frame?

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Loading Assets In Timeline Animation?

Jul 28, 2009

I have an animation that is timeline based. The file size is around 900kb for the entire project, as it has numerous images at different stages.

How does flash determine when to start playing the movie? Is it based on a percentage of loaded size or does it load assets as it moves along?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An Animation In A Target MC

Apr 27, 2008

I'm working on a bit of flash that has some actionscript in it the randomly generates different snowflakes that move upwards on the stage. Problem is I need them to load into a target mc rather than on the top level of the main timeline and I don't know how to amend the code.

The code I'm using is:

snowNumber = 60;
var flakes:Array = new Array("flake1", "flake2", "flake3","flake4","flake5","flake6")
for (i=0; i<snowNumber; i++) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mc.onRollOut - Shows An Animation OnRollOver And An Animation On RollOut But OnRelease The Animation Enlarge Itselfs

Jun 19, 2004

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Actionscript :: Flex4 - Customize The Loading Animation?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a swf published into the web, I noticed that Adobe has provided some basic sort of loading animation, as I can see it when I loading the swf(including the library swf, the overall size exceeds 1M bytes). My question how can I add some text into it, like percentage? Or further more, can I write my own "swf loading progress bar"?

I am using flash builder 4.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loader With Containing 100 Frames Loading Bar Animation?

Nov 25, 2004

I am using a loading bar with % (percentage) . Everything seems to be working properly but its giving a little problem , it load 25% and then shows the loading bar. That mean while loading till 25% of the movie the is completely blank. Which is quite annoying and recognized as a bug. Required help from the actionscripting expertise. For further reference I have uploaded the site on this address : http:[url]....

The script I am using
1st frame

PHP Code:

txtPercentage = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal())*100) add "% Loaded"; tellTarget ("loader") {     gotoAndPlay(Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal())*100)); } 

2nd frame

PHP Code:

if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) {     nextScene(); } else {     gotoAndPlay(1); } 

And a instance name : loader with containing 100 frames loading bar animation.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading And Running MovieClips In Animation

Feb 10, 2008

I'm just a beginner to actionscripting. I have 3 movie clips in an animation. All I want to do is, I want to start running the first one, upon completion, the second one should start while the first running again. Any approach and the options available in AS2.0?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Putting Progress Bar Loading Animation?

Apr 4, 2004


ok..i'm in the midst of extending/modifying this tutorial.... i understand the transition mc is the loading animation.... however i want to put a progress bar.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Music Animation / Stopping And Loading?

Jul 15, 2002

Basically I have a remote with forward, play, stop, and rewind. There are 5 songs. The mc, called player is within the main timeline. First thing I want it is to load the nomusic animation... which is a mc within the player mc. then when the music loads it'll play the workign animation when the song loads.also i'm trying to avoid going to different keyframes and states. so when song 1 is played, and if the forward button is pressed i want it to go the next song. etc...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Images Loading Into Player Stuttering Animation?

Apr 21, 2009

This is a photo portfolio and displays images that scale up to view reasonably well on even a 30-inch monitor very large. So images are capped around 300k each. This in and of itself is not a problem as I've seen other sites load many images of this size with no issues. Problem I'm having is that at some point--presumably the end of the load--the size of the image causes the player to stutter and so the scrolling motion that is occurring as these images load in the background gets jacked up and looks terrible.

You can see what I'm talking about here: [URL]

I've code in place right now that adds the image to the display list only between scrolls of the enlargements, as I thought maybe the point at which the addChild hit was what was causing the stutter. I was wrong, though, and now don't know what to do. It's def the image loading that causes this as I sub-d in 30k images into the "Stills" section and the problem goes away. Also the stuttering goes away once all images are loaded into memory.

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Professional :: Loading External Text File Into Animation?

May 6, 2010

I'm a total rookie working with flash and i'm wondering if theres a way to call in text from an external file. I'm building a news feed on my companies home page, and I'd like to be able to have my boss edit it easily 'cause he doesn't know how to use flash.
you can see it here... [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Remove Flickering In Animation While Loading Images

Feb 24, 2011

I have done a character animation by loading multiple images one after another at runtime or dynamically by accessing files from there path directly. But the problem I am facing is, I am getting a white bg or delay when the images change, it kind of feels like the images are flickering. How can I get rid of this flicker.

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Javascript :: Swfobject And Flash - Display Loading Animation?

Mar 18, 2011

I'm using swfobject to dynamically load a flash object into a div, and I'm wondering if there's an easy way to display a loading animation until the flash object is ready for display? In this case, I'm loading an embedded Issuu object, and you can see an example of Issuu loading via swfobject here. Depending on your connection speed, there is typically just a blank white space while the flash object loads, and it'd be great to indicate progress with a loading animation if possible.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Forcing The Flash Animation To Stop Loading?

May 30, 2003

I have created an opening animation for the webpage. It works well, a main movie loading in all the component parts, to keep the overall filesize down.Except this seems to cause me a problem: the animation sits in a normal html page, which has links to other pages. As the animation loads in, the little percentage checker ticking away in the corner, it is either impossible or at best slow whenever you click on any of the html links. It wants to keep loading the bits in rather than stop and do what the browser wants.IS there anyway of forcing the flash animation to stop loading?I notice on macromedia's site that most of there navigation is controlled by other flash movies, rather than html links, altho the html links do seem to interrupt the main animatin loading and then navigating on.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Multiple Clips For One Preloader Animation?

Jul 18, 2008

I was just wondering if its possible to load multiple external clips using one MovieClipLoader instance and object and one animation to accompany that. How could I write the code for this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Background Loading Causing Animation Slowdown?

Feb 9, 2009

I am using Bulkloader [URL] to load in a succession of 10 images whilst the main elements of my site have already been preloaded. It is required that these images are not loaded within the preloader as they are large in size and this will increase the wait to an unacceptable level. They are not added to the display list upon succesful load but instead are added at a later time.

The problem I am having is that the menu navigation of the site is slowed down considerably and looks sluggish if the user navigates around whilst the images are being loaded in the background. Once loading stops everything is fluid and smooth. The animations are being carried out using a combination of timeline and Tweener.

Firstly, does anyone know if this is normal behaviour? I don't see why something being loaded should interfere with something moving on the screen, they are doing completely different tasks so I am a bit puzzled as to why they seem to clash.

Secondly, can anyone suggest a feasible workaround? I have been experimenting with using BulkLoader's pauseAll and resumeAll methods and have had some success by detecting mouse events and pausing/resuming as and when required, but it is proving a lot more complicated than I feel it should be, especially as I don't think loading should be affecting animation in the first place.

I have tried loading the images in one-by-one as I thought having too many connections open (apparently bulkloader can open multiple connections for faster loading) may cause some memory issue or suchlike, but that made no difference, everything is still choppy and sluggish whilst the background loader is running.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader - Changing Animation During Loading Process

Apr 11, 2004

I just want to ask something about the preloader when it load. For example I made an animation for my preloader and when my page is loaded for, 20%, I want the animation to change and the same thing happen when it's loaded 40%, 60% until 100%.

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Android :: Black Background When WebView Is Loading Flash Animation?

Dec 7, 2010

I am displaying a series of Flash animations in a WebView. The screen goes black each time I load a new animation—this is visually distracting and I would like it to leave the screen white. I have tried changing the WebView background color, embedding the Flash animation in HTML and specifying the background color, and making the WebView "Invisible" until the page has finished loading but nothing seems to have the desired effect. The Flash animation does not display the black background when run on a PC.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Animation Into Swf2 Based On An Array In Swf1

Oct 19, 2009

I have an interface file, which allows the user to drag mc's onto the stage and save their xy position in accordance to a position on a timeline. For example, mc1 is at x50, y50 at timeline position 1.

I am using an array to save all parameters. When the user is finished they can click play to view an animation of the mc's moving about the stage.

I want a button which will somehow save this animation into an external swf. This swf needs to be independent as it will be loaded onto a website.

I have tried to figure this out in many ways. I am new to actionscript but slowlly getting there.

I have looked into using a shared object, to save the xy positions etc which are then loaded into the swf2. The problem with this, is the swf2 is dependent on the SO plus the SO is temporary. I need to be able to hand swf2 over to the guy to put on his website.

I have also looked into using an intermediate .as code file. I have worked out how to put an mc onto swf2 using the graphic held in the interfaces library. I started working out how to click a button on the interface swf which then attaches the mc into swf2.. but then I realised swf2 still isnt independent.

Now I am completely pulling my hair out. This thing is due soon and I am out of ideas.

Failing everything I thought I could just use a capturing software to record the animation as it plays... but with all the time I have spent on this and how far I have come in actionscript it is annoying that I cant work this out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Putting Progress Bar Loading Animation In This Kirupa Tutorial?

Apr 4, 2004

[URL]i'm in the midst of extending/modifying this tutorial.... i understand the transition mc is the loading animation.... however i want to put a progress bar.. how do i achieve that..?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play The Video Smpoothly Or Show A Loading Animation When It Buffers?

Nov 8, 2010

I have created a web application which records users video from webcam and stores.Once the user recorded his video he can previwe it.All the functionalities works good in local but not in internet.In internet when i preview the video it takes long time to play.some times it stops in the middle.Is there any way to play the video smpoothly or show a loading animation when it buffers.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Images From XML Dynamically Causing Sluggish Swf Animation?

Feb 2, 2010

recently i have tried loading external icons dynamically into my vertical carousel using XML and the icons got loaded successfully into the carousel ... but once they are loaded the entire processor is getting consumed ( even though its a decent config ) and the animation is becoming sluggish ... i've tried and searched the net for a solution but i couldnt find one related to this... i just used actionscripting in my .fla and no tween ( in the main timeline or the movieclip in the library) ...

var numberOfItems:uint;
var xmlPath:String = "intro.xml";
var xml:XML;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Animation And Loading External Jpg Files Using LoadMovie() - It Is Not Work In Firefox2?

Jan 8, 2007

i created a very simple flash animation and loading external jpg files using loadMovie(). I had test it in IE7 and its works fine but not in Firefox2, it cannot display the jpgs. What is the problem?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show "loading" Animation Whenever Video Is Buffering?

Nov 20, 2011

I'm building a video player, and I'd like the play to show a "Loading, please wait"-type animation whenever the video is buffering and not playing. (This is either when the user enters the page and the video has to buffer a bit before it can start playing, or when the video suddenly stops midway because the internet connection can't load video fast enough.) Is there a way to detect when this happens and show the animation accordingly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Show "loading" Animation Only When Video Is Buffering

Nov 20, 2011

I'm building a video player, and I'd like the play to show a "Loading, please wait"-type animation whenever the video is buffering and not playing. (This is either when the user enters the page and the video has to buffer a bit before it can start playing, or when the video suddenly stops midway because the internet connection can't load video fast enough.) Is there a way to detect when this happens and show the animation accordingly?

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Prepend "loading..." Module / Animation?

Jul 30, 2009

I have done that, but the file is approx 40MB, and it takes a while to load. It does not have any "loading..." message or animation, and I'm not a Flash programmer - is there a way to prepend a "loading..." animation of some kind? Can I put up a stand-alone image that displays only until the Flash movie starts playing, without Flash programming?

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Professional :: Put A "loading" Animation At The Beginning Of A Flv?

Sep 22, 2011

Like a clock or some sort of spinning thing? Are they in the component inspector? because I can't find anything.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Loading Animation Glitch - Get An Error Message "deleateprevthumb" Whenever Remove The Child "thumb_loader?

Apr 11, 2011

In the attached file I created swf that loads thumbnails from an xml file while animating, for the most part it seems to work fine however when I let the animation loop through enough times the file eventual gitches and I no longer see the file load the xml images. If

Code: Select allimport fl.transitions.Tween;

trace("the current frame label is at dimention");
var XMLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var thumb_loader:Loader = new Loader();[code]....

I also get an error message complaining about the function "deleateprevthumb" whenever I remove the child "thumb_loader".

Code: Select allArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

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Professional :: If You Create An Animation Can You Loop The Last Frames Of That Animation If A Button Is Held Down?

Dec 6, 2011

ok lets say you create a button that when held down play an animation of 20 frames if realsed it goes to frame one and stops if held down it plays out this animation. for the topic lets say you have a fire animation and you want the fire to apear and if the user hold its down the animation reaches the end of the time line and loops back and plays the last 5 frames of the animation and as soon as it is let go it goes to and stops at frame one. Well i know how to make a button that when held down plays out an animation. And i know how to say when released goes to and stops at frame one. What i dont know how to do is to loop the fire at the last 5 or 6 frames so the user can hold it down all day long and play out that animation.

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