Professional :: Compiling Multiple SWFs To Single SWF?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm building out a Flash / Flex viewer and I'm looking for a tool / software that will recompile several to many SWFs into one SWF file.  I have an XML file and would like to load that into a compiler that would compile the SWFs into a single file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compiling Multiple SWFs To Single SWF?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm building out a Flash / Flex viewer and I'm looking for a tool / software that will recompile several to many SWFs into one SWF file. I have an XML file and would like to load that into a compiler that would compile the SWFs into a single file.

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Actionscript 3 :: MXMLC Compiling Multiple SWFS With SWC Dependencies

Feb 3, 2012

So I have a project comprised of multiple modules and I'm trying to work out the best way to compile, with minimal code duplication.

I have a core Framework SWF and a number of sub applications which are independent of core. In addition I have a series of common library SWCS which core and subapps are dependant on.

I'm not sure the best way to compile this project so that each module does not need to include the libraries as this would duplicate code. Would love some advice!

I started out with using external-library-path for compilation, but something is going to have to include the common libraries.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple SWFs In Single HTML Page

Jul 10, 2002

Looking for thoughts and ideas on establishing communication between isolated SWFs residing in a single HTML page. Need to place multiple SWFs in a single HTML page and was wondering if there was some way to send commands from one of the movies to the other wihtout reloading the page. (would prefer not to reload the page and all the components and have the page "blink" - go blank before loading new and cached data) Unfortunately cannot build this as a single flash object with multiple MCs.. must be multiple SWFs.

Have an idea or two on how to set this up with HTML framesets and loading subpages ( a cheat certainly and far less than elegant) but would prefer not to deal with the heartache that would entail - especially since areas of the page would still "blink" on loading.

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Professional :: Multiple Buttons From A Single Image?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm really new to flash, and just taking an intro level course at the moment.Anyways, for one of my projects,I wanted to load some .jpg files onto the stage, and make buttons from certain aspects of the image.So for example,I have an image of a coconut that I wanted to make a button out of.Right now I am trying to use the pen tool to outline the shape of the coconut, and then create a symbol from the pen tools shape.However, I'm obviously not doing something right, as when I turn the image into a symbol, instead of creating a button symbol from my outline with the pen tool, it just turns my whole .jpg file into a symbol.

I want to be able to make multiple clickable buttons from a single image,I know how the coding will work once I can make the individual buttons, but right now I seem to be missing a step.

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Professional :: AS2: Apply Multiple Properties To A Single Movieclip?

Aug 31, 2010

Is there a way, in ActionScript 2, to set multiple properties for an exising movieclip in one command?
For example, is there a way to write something like this more succinctly?:
myMovieClip._x = 10;
myMovieClip._y = 10;
myMovieClip._alpha = 100;


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Professional :: Play Multiple FLVs Simultaneously Using Single Control Bar?

Jul 30, 2010

How can I  add a single control bar to control 2 external FLVs inserted in FLA document so that when scrolled, both FLVs move simultaneously?Is there a better PPT to Video Converter out there than Moyea that I can purchase or even a freeware? Original documents One FLV is a PowerPoint presentation with videos in some slides, converted into FLV using trial version of Moyea PPT to Video ConverterAnother one is an AVI converted into FLV using Super
I saw a similar question posted on Aug 15, 2007 ([URL].. but the "Look Here" link that describes the solution is not available (removed by Adobe for security reasons).

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Professional :: Play Multiple Videos Simultaneously With A Single Control Bar?

Aug 17, 2010

I have 4 live f4vs that I'm using with interactive server 3.5.  Thus they are running in dvr.  I'm trying to find a way to control all 4 videos so that when you go back on one video all 4 videos go back to the same time.  This is very important with camera 4 as it is the only one with sound.I have tried putting all 4 videos in one swf file and I have tried putting each video as its own swf. 

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Professional :: Use Multiple Swfs In IOS App?

Aug 25, 2011

I have to create an app for iOS from an existing Flash project. On the stage of the main flash multiple swfs are loaded dynamically . Is it possible to compile, in addition to the main file, all the other swfs too? If I load the swf in the "Included files on Setting AIR for IOS menu, they are copied as swf, making impossible to use the app on iPad.

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Professional :: Linking A Single UIScrollBar To Multiple Dynamic Text Boxes?

May 26, 2010

I have 3 different dynamic text boxes filled with an even amount of content and I can link the UIScollBar to one of the boxes just fine, but I can't seem to find a way to make the content in all three boxes scroll simultaneously with a single UIScrollBar?

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Professional :: Creating Multiple Swfs?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a fla file that has a hardcoded variable which is used to validate that a user has permission to run the swf.The variable hold the number of days from the start of the year. If the current date is later - the swf will not play.I need to generate mutliple swfs each with a different day-code (possibly 100s). Apart from editing the .fla and publishing each time,is there any other method of doing this. For example, the code being read form a file and built into to the swf when publishing.

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Professional :: Multiple .SWFs In One HTML Page?

Feb 3, 2011

I'm trying to post multiple .swf objects into one html page.  The first .swf object plays fine, but the second one does not load. My page is [URL]

Dreamweaver tells me that swfobject.registerObject does not exist, or something like that, but I see this code being used elsewhere.  I have swfobject.js in my main folder, too.

View 18 Replies

Professional :: Load Multiple Swfs Using The Following Code?

Aug 28, 2011

In actions for Frame 1:
var myrequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest("A.swf"); var myloader:Loader=new Loader();myloader.load(myrequest);img1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,


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Professional :: Embed Multiple Swfs In The Same Page Using SWFObject

Jul 26, 2010

I have tried this and it doesn't seem to work. In the example below the movie on the right (boy in the hat) is embedded using this procedure but the two on the left (paws moving on order button and dog animation) had to be installed using Dreamweaver's swf installation methodology. and, consequently the dog animation does not show up in Explorer 8 and some other browsers.


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Professional :: Uses Multiple Swfs To Make Up The Game And Its Elements For Optimisation?

Mar 21, 2010

wonered if someone could help me wih this one. Currently making a facebook game all in flash, it uses multiple swfs to make up the game and its elements for optimisation.
My question really is down to flash cache issue so we can make updates to various swfs that are going to be, site wide for users so the game doesnt break. Currently some users get older versions which breaks things if other swfs have chnaged how they communicate as an example.
I am aware of adding a query string onto the end to force to get the latest version.....however doesnt this make the use of a cache redudant as its being simply overriden? Would jsut like it to work as it should:) If theres a new version of a swf use it..if not use current one.

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Professional :: Load Multiple Swfs To Main Flash File?

Aug 27, 2011

I am using the following codeIn actions for Frame 1:

var myrequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest("A.swf");  var myloader:Loader=new Loader();myloader.load(myrequest);img1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickButton);function clickButton(event:MouseEvent):void{ 


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple .swfs Into Multiple .swfs?

Aug 13, 2010

I am loading multiple .swfs into multiple .swfs, but the .swf are never being properly unloaded. I thought they were unloading until I started monitoring my Page File Usage and seeing it increase everytime I loaded another external swf.
In using this function to load my content, what would be the proper way/function to unload the content?


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Professional :: Multiple Video's In A Single Video Player?

May 17, 2010

I'm doing an Assignment where I have to build a website using Flash and for it to contain 4 video's.How can I have one single video player where the user can select what video's they want played in it from the website?

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Flex :: 'fake' Multiple Series For Single Chart Or Same DateTime Axis For Multiple Charts?

Apr 11, 2011

I want a chart that has several separate series running in rows across. They are largely separate charts and should not overlap, but all share the same horizontal datetimeaxis. They don't share the same y-axis, however and that's where I'm getting stuck.I have tried having a linechart series and then a plotchart series, but it will only allow a single <mx:series> per chart without having them inside the same series which as far as I can tell will place the charts on top of each other in the z-axis. I can stack them and have them completely separate charts, but it was proving to be somewhat irritating having them align correctly.

Is there any reasonable way of combining multiple charts into one like this? Basically having rows in a table where each row is a different chart but the columns are consistent. or am I going to be best served just by stacking separate ones? an illustration of what i'm going for is here: http:[url]........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedding 2 SWFs In Single HTML

Jun 2, 2009

I tried to embed 2 swfs to a single html file.. is this allowed?
<object id="FlashMovie" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="[URL]" width="800" height="600" id="test_3d" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
<param name="movie" value="test_3d.swf" />
[Code] .....

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Ajax - Making Multiple Asynchronous Calls To Fetch Result From Multiple Services In The Single Click Of A Button In Flex?

Dec 27, 2010

In one of our project we are using flex for front end, blazeds/java in the backend. Its an existing code where services are prewritten. I have to make calls to 3 services in the backend (basically 3 remote objects) and get their result and store the result in an object and show the data of this object in a view.
Now in front end we are using Flex and Parsley Framework. I was thinking of the following approaches.

1) Making commands for each service call and storing the result in a shared object (model) and then displaying this model in the view. In this approach the problem is some services are needed in some other web pages, but they donot need the same model. How should i handle this scenario ? Should i make a asynchronous remote call and fetch the result and then again dispatch and event with the event object storing the result.

2) Making a service call , wait for the result then make another call and wait for the result and then make other call, not sure if this is the right way ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove All Loaded SWFs With A Single Button?

Jan 27, 2010

I load many SWFs in to my webpage. I need to add a removeChild to my main buttons (HOME, ABOUT US, CONTACT US, etc...) so when exiting from one page to the other all the loaded swfs will be removed.

Is there a way to remove all loaded swfs with one action on a button?

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Professional :: Compiling For Ipod App?

Jan 26, 2011

I have flash cs5 and when I publish to ios I get:

Adobe Flash CS5-----Error creating files.Error occurred during initialization of VMCould not reserve enough space for object heapCould not create the Java virtual machine.

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Professional :: Compiling For FlashPlayer 10.3 In Flash CS4

Aug 18, 2011

how can I update/configure Flash Professional CS4 to compile for FlashPlayer 10.3?
Is there some official Adobe article regarding this? Couldn't find one for half a day

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Flash :: Professional - Compiling & Publish A Image

Mar 2, 2010

I've been using Flash for 10 years and I've never seen this problem with images after publishing. I've also worked with graphics for many years, but I can't seem to figure out what could be causing this problem with Flash compling this image.

The image is RGB, the image displays properly when opened in other applications on my computer, it also displays properly in the Flash library and on the stage. I've imported it as PNG and JPG, but neither of them work. The other graphics in my fla file look fine. When I publish/compile the Flash file, all the colors are messed up - you can barely make out the graphic, it looks all digitzed and pixelated, with major color distortions. I've tried adjusting the publish jpg quality, but that doesn't help. I'm convinced this is a bug in Flash, since I have the same problem when I publish on the laptop and on my desktop, but I'm not sure.

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CS3 :: Multiple Buttons Run Single Clip?

May 16, 2009

What I have done:

1/ A very simple Flash movie

2/ 5 very basic rollover buttons

What I want to happen:Everytime I'd hover the mouse on each button, I would like the background animation to run. And have the animation stop on mouseout for each button.I was able to make it on one button via this tutorial: [URL]But this doesn't seem to work with multiple buttons involved.

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Using Multiple Players On A Single Page?

Nov 22, 2010

I'd like to use the same music player displayed multiple times on the same page, one for each song. But when songs are played, I want the existing play to stop. For example:


I click to play song1, while it's playing, I decide to play song3 instead. Based on the default setup, song3 will start playing while song1 continues to play. I'd like song1 to stop when song3 starts.

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Flash :: Add Multiple Points For A Single Value X?

Mar 20, 2010

Is there a way to plot multiple data for the same value x? For example following points:

[1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 6], [2, 9], [3, 11], [4, 11]...

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Multiple Flash Instances Or A Single One?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a doubt: When you open various flash pages in tabs, for example in Firefox, all those pages share the same Flash instance or each one use an instance of flash??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Merging Multiple Swf To A Single Swf?

Jan 6, 2011

I have done words animation in flash and converted as swf. I have more than 300 small swf files. Now I have to merge all these files in to a single swf. Is there any software to merge multiple files to a single file. I don't want to use loadMovie, because I haven't used script in any of these files. Since it is an urgent project, I can't add code in all these files.

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