Professional :: Flash - External Preloader Halts At 100% In Safari 4.1.3 OSX?

Feb 17, 2011

After several months of use, the sf's preloader in my site has an issue.  I am having trouble recreating the issue.There are 2 files, loader.swf, and external.swf.The first, gets the bytes of the second, displays a progress percentage, and loads the external upon completion.I used the Adobe Flash CS5 sample files to create the loader.Issue:On a Mac, running Safari 4.1.3 (this is all that I know), the progress bar would go all the way to 100%, but then freeze and not load the second swf.I have no issues in any of IE, Firefox, Chrome, or even Safari on any of my PC's/Macs/Adobe BrowserLab.The HTML page uses a combination of swfFit and swfobject to display the loader.

Has anyone ever heard of this issue?Could the swfObject/swfFit correctly load the first swf, but then fail with the Loader class within the loader.swf?Could the the fact that the swfObject minimum flash version check was version 8.0.0? Would a flash player 8.0.0 load an AS3 Flash 10.0 loader.swf, but fail on a more complex AS3 Flash 10.0 external.swf?Here is the loader's code:

logo_mc.mask=progressbar;var contentLoader:Loader;
loadContent("external.swf"); function loadContent(url:String):void { contentLoader = new Loader(); contentLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRES S,


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function getMovieName(movieName) {
if (window[movieName]) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Not Working In Safari , Works Fine In Firefox?

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my site is comprised of several images loaded dynamically and added to the display list. i declare a bunch of loaders on the first frame, and add a preloader progress listener to the largest image to have one preloader for all the assets. I then added a COMPLETE listener to the same image, and add that image, along with all the others in the onComplete function. i have two issue. the preloader doesnt work in Safari. but works fine in Firefox? and i'm totally stumped on what it could be? another compatibility issue that seems to be arising is that one of the galleries of my site which corresponds to the "drawn" link. also does not seem to be working in Safari, but works in Firefox. its a fairly simple xml based image gallery, which loads thumbs on to the stage, and then loads a larger version of each, when the corresponding thumbnail is clicked. the other galleries of the site work fine in safari, and are basically the same code wise.heres my code for the loading and preloader in the first frame

import caurina.transitions.*;


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green_mc.scaleX = 0;black_mc.scaleX = 0;var loader = new Loader();loader.load(new URLRequest("zibapistachiointeractivesmfilesize03.swf"));loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,


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green_mc.scaleX = 0;
black_mc.scaleX = 0;
var loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("zibapistachiointeractivesmfilesize03.swf"));
[Code] .....

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I have a system where a textbox is the child of a movieclip. When you click the "Next" button, the movieclip fades to 0-alpha and upon completion, the text in the textbox is changed (to the next index in an array) and it tweens back in to 100-alpha. This makes a nice transition through the text.

My issue is that sometimes it doesn't tween back in, only out, leaving the user with an empty box where text should be.

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function changeClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
if (e.currentTarget==btnRight) {
} else {


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Aug 9, 2011

My mouse cursor doesn't change when using mc.buttonMode = true; either doesn't Mouse.hide(); work,
Chrome 12.0 Works
Firefox 5.0.1 Don't work
Safari 5.1 Don't work

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Flash :: Preloader For External Swf?

Nov 1, 2009

all i need is a preloader to run and when it detects the swf is loaded it will stop and the map.swf will start to run.I have trawled the net for weeks with no luck.I have a massive 776kb flash map. I need a preloader to run prior to this map but it need to be a preloader independant of the map.swf.

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Use An External Swf As A Preloader In Flash?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a project where I want to use different pre-loaders from time to time so I wanted to know if there was a way I could have my project use an external swf for the pre-loader ?

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IDE :: Flash - Preloader With An External Swf?

Sep 19, 2009

I know it has been explained so many times but I can't get this f**er to work. Has been killing for almost two days, went through gozillions of posts and forums and still nothing,so many things go wrong. The case is simple:How do I put an external swf into my loader swf? both swfs are 700x700 and I want the embedded swf ("16.swf") to start when the loading bar ('preloader', size 232.1) goes to 100% .I have three frames:

var amountLoaded:Number = _root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal();
preloader._height = amountLoaded * 232.1;


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Jul 26, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Preloader Into A External Preloader?

Jan 15, 2004

changing a preloader I have into a preloader that can be used for loading external swf.Now the code for the preloader is

loadedbytes = getBytesLoaded();
totalbytes = getBytesTotal();
loadedkbytes = Math.ceil(loadedbytes/1000);
totalkbytes = Math.ceil(totalbytes/1000);


Ie the preloader and steps through a preloader animation filling the logo (ie loader)Now I have tried changing a few things but having problems tried loading into a container and a level

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Preloader With External SWF

Sep 19, 2009

How do I put an external swf into my loader swf? both swfs are 700x700 and I want the embedded swf ("16.swf") to start when the loading bar ('preloader', size 232.1) goes to 100% .

I have three frames:
var amountLoaded:Number = _root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal();
preloader._height = amountLoaded * 232.1;
loadtext.text = Math.round(amountLoaded * 100);

if(_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) {
else {

This is where the 16.swf is supposed to play.
How to set up the containers etc?

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