Actionscript 3 :: Clicking Text Element In Tween Halts Animation

Oct 1, 2010

I've been having some trouble with tweens. Here's a description of my usage:

I have a system where a textbox is the child of a movieclip. When you click the "Next" button, the movieclip fades to 0-alpha and upon completion, the text in the textbox is changed (to the next index in an array) and it tweens back in to 100-alpha. This makes a nice transition through the text.

My issue is that sometimes it doesn't tween back in, only out, leaving the user with an empty box where text should be.

However, I'd asked this question previously with the thought that it was "Timing out". Now, after significant testing I realised that it only happens if I click or select some of the text on the text box. Could it have something to do with this text selection intefering with the changeText function below... (it's the same text box, just the text changes).


function changeClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
if (e.currentTarget==btnRight) {
} else {


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var easeInPic:Tween = new Tween(bg, "alpha", Regular.easeIn, 0, 100, 1000, false );
function showPic(e:Event):void{
}function tweenPicEI ():void{
easeInPic.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, showMenuBar);
}function showMenuBar(e:TweenEvent):void{

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Oct 2, 2009

I have four movie clips with instance names of "purple_ob", "green_ob", "orange_ob" and "blue_ob" and four buttons "purple_but", "green_but", "orange_but" and "blue_but" I want to have the movie clips automatically fade from one to another continually with a 5 second pause inbetween, but then if the user clicks one of the four buttons it will fade the relevant movieclip in. Then if nothing else is pressed the fading will carry on working through the four images in a loop.
So far I have the movie clips fading on a button press but how do I implement the automatic fading from one MC to another?
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//My actionscript 2.0 code
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Action - Zoom In Animation

Dec 20, 2010

I am using this code to preform a tween action (a 'zoom in' animaion')
//Tween and animations
var myTweenAlpha:Tween = new Tween(lalBtn,"alpha",None.easeOut,0,1,3,true);
lalBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverListener);
function mouseOverListener(evt:MouseEvent):void {
[Code] .....
And when its done I load the include file. How to I return back to the main part after the include?

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Mar 5, 2011

I have made this animation, please click here to see it.
Username is
password is sairam11
However am not happy with it because its not very smooth. I will like my animation like this [URL].

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Is there a way to export it as AVI or any file type that support HD and get the same out put in SWF, i tried to export but the final output is very weak

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Tween Reversing Direction In Rolling Animation?

Feb 26, 2012

I am trying to make a banner where two colored squares roll across the screen. The first blue square does just fine, however when trying the same thing with a green square (in a different layer) it does ok the first half of the tween, but reverses direction in the second half (where I placed a keyframe)- even though I rotated the green square the same way as the first half.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: AddChild MC With A Tween And Roll_over Animation?

Mar 31, 2010

I'm trying to create a website to display my architectural portfolio and I'm having troubles with a ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT EventListener. I have attached my fla file for you to look at to get have a better understanding of what I'm trying to explain.

What I'm trying to create are project thumbnails that when you roll over the thumbnail movieClip it will expand the other project thumbnails to the right allowing room for a brief summary. Also, the roll over will trigger a function inside the proj1 movieClip that plays the mc timeline, which simply removes a translucent colored layer (classic tween) to expose the project thumbnail in color. (You might want to reference the attached file) The problem I'm have is in the movement of the other thumbnail.

Problems are as followed:

A. When I roll off the thumbnail_mc the other thumbnails don't come back to their original locations.

B. The roll_over only works once. I would like to have it so that every time you roll over it, the proceeding project thumbnails should move to the right, and when you roll off, they should move back to the left to their original locations.

Now, I'm not sure if a if statement is the best way to move the other thumbnail or if I should use a tween. I tried some simple tweens off to the side, which you will see, but I can't get a addChild MovieClip to tween...I believe it has something to do with the instance name, which I'm not sure how to give an instance name to a movieclip that is a addChild...?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Animation On MouseOver Of MovieClip?

Dec 12, 2007

Attaching swf and fla for your reference.I am developing a animation with 4 MovieClips... on mouseover of movieclip it will grow and adjacent movieclips will move and shrink...I am able to develop the code...BUT....

1. On quick mouseover/mouseout event I am not able to stop the growing & shrinking of other movieclips.

2. Also I want attach a movieclip such that when I'll click on ONE .. a maximised Movieclip will open.

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IDE :: Creating Letter Spacing Animation - Tween / AS3

Apr 13, 2009

I want to create animation of the text where at frame 1, letter spacing is 0 and at frame 200, letter spacing is 60 for specified text. This process is unsuccessful via motion tween in cs4 flash, and i guess neither in earlier versions, nor that I have done that before. But I was certain that it would be very straight forward to achieve via motion tween, so far it feels that I was wrong and for such simple animation and straight forward concept, why it doesn't work, again, via motion tween. I presume I can write AS3 code spinet that would run every frame and increase or decrease property value for letterSpacing, to achieve the effect. Why such basic manipulation of text can not be done via motion tween?

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Actionscript 3 :: Change The Color Of One Shape By Clicking On Clicking Another Object Of Sprite?

Aug 30, 2011

I have drawn intersecting lines. The user can click on a region inside the angle formed by the two lines.When the user clicks inside the area, the small region formed by the arc between the two lines showing the angle should change. How can I do that.the region between the intersecting lines is sprite object to dispatch event listener, but the arc is shape object.

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