Professional :: Large Vertical Gradients Not Working Like Examples

Mar 29, 2011

I am trying to create a simple gui component that has a vertical gradient, simple enough right... I create the sprite, and draw the gradient with beginGradientFill and a matrix with a 90 degree radian angle on it; but it stops working if the sprite has a long width, below is an exmaple of what I mean:

package {
import flash.display.GradientType;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
[Code] .....

If I change
matrix.createGradientBox(800, 100, Math.PI*0.5, 0, 0);
matrix.createGradientBox(800, 100, Math.PI, 0, 0);
It works fine - but horizontally - why is it that applying 90 degrees the fill does not work?

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If I drag the object--which is a graphic object from the library, drawn completely inside of Flash--to the right side of the screen, it looks like this: As you can see, the gradients do not display properly. The same thing happens when I scale the image down to a smaller size. It invariably looks worse on the right side of the screen than on the left. This display problem carries through into the SWF file when I export the movie.

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Actionscript 3 :: Vertical Gradient Incorrect When Large

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This seems to be a very straight forward thing to do and there are loads of tutorials about the subject. None of them are helping me get this right though, and I can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong. I'm trying to create a simple Flash AS3 GUI component that has a vertical gradient. I create the sprite, and draw the gradient with beginGradientFill and a matrix with a 90 degree radian angle on it. If you look at this output, you see that its not creating a black to white vertical gradient.


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// IN Parent MC
stop()var AudCh:SoundChannelvar AudFile:Stringvar Audio:Soundvar AudPos:Numbervar CRF_Array = new Array()var Domain:Stringvar [code]....

If you choose to try .. some instructions are in order ..

1. Next to begin

2. Matching Source Document = "The CRF is the source document"

3. 2 errors = initals and date on bottom of CRF sheet ..

4. Next to continue ..

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<mx:List contentBackgroundAlpha="0" baseColor="0x333333" leading="10" id="weekButtonList" width="260" borderVisible="false" dataProvider="{_data.mappoints.week.@number}" itemClick="onWeekClick(event);" >


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<game name="puckmana" sourcefile="pacman.c" cloneof="puckman" romof="puckman">
<description>PuckMan (Japan set 2)</description>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Help With Gradients

Jan 26, 2009

Hi --

I am trying to programatically create a gradient fill. I have
following the examples in the Flash CS3 help but they don't
seem to work

The help file states:

ratios:Array - An array of color distribution ratios; valid
values are 0 to
255. This value defines the percentage of the width where the
color is
sampled at 100%. The value 0 represents the left-hand
position in the
gradient box, and 255 represents the right-hand position in
the gradient

So I interpret this to mean that if I have a box that is 200
pixels wide
that 0 would be at 0 in the box, 128 would be at 100 and 255
would be at
200. However, it appears that 255 is always the middle of the
box and 128 is
1/4 of the box.

What I want to do is create a three color gradient of red,
blue and green
where blue is in the middle, red is on the left and green on
the right and
the colors transition.

Can someone please help me here?



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how to change below code to as2.
var _loc_1:MovieClip;
//var _loc_2:Graphics;
var _loc_2:MovieClip;
var _loc_3:MovieClip;
var _loc_4:Matrix;


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Saving AI CS4 Vector With Gradients For Flash MX

Dec 16, 2009

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Flex :: Linear Gradients Library?

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Is there a place online where I can find like 16 linear gradients that match good with each other? I need them for a chart of mine and the ones generated (by Flex) aren't good enough.

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Dec 29, 2009

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Sep 9, 2010

I have more reach application, in simplify my problem looks so:

I dont' need in scroling. How do it? With JavaScript? or exists decision in ActionScript 3?

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I use the following code to horizontically align my swf on screen. How about vertical align?

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I want my page to be covered with thumbnails (not just in a row) then when you click on a thumbnail the image will open up either vertical or horizontal on top of the thumbnails. How can I do this without scripting or does anyone know of a simple way to do this with either Flash or another Product?

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http:[url].....make a mask scroll (I have a vertincal only one inside)?

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May 8, 2010

I have faced a problem in Adobe Flash CS4. I have created a simple text box and set it to a vertical direction, I've rotated it to 90 degrees. It looks good in the FLA file but when I convert to SWF, the text box simply disappears. Other components of my animation remain as I have designed them.

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May 4, 2010

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Sep 30, 2011

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Professional :: Mouse Cursor Becomes Vertical Bar Outside Of Dynamic Text Region?

Sep 21, 2010

Coworker is developing a Flash project and has a small dynamic text field inside a movieclip.  Imagine the text field being 200 pixels wide by 50 high, and sitting at the top of the canvas.  As she moves her mouse around the LOWER part of the canvas, directly 'under' the text field, her cursor changes from the standard arrow, to the vertical bar (that is used for text selection).  This is inexplicable and odd and is also interfering with her ability to do other things in the project.  Has anyone seen this behavior?  She has turned off 'Selectable' for the text field but that doesn't help things. 

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Professional :: Flash - Text On The Vertical Menu Doesnt All Show?

Jan 10, 2011

I am learning flash and recently bought a flash template so I could see how it was structured etc. The vertical menu on the flash template plays fine when ran locally but when I upload it to the web the text on the vertical menu doesnt all show (i.e. the text is half cut off).

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