Professional :: Possible To Make Animation Using Video Clips
Apr 4, 2010
Is it possible to make a animation using video clips? What I want to do is have the same clip playing side by side in a loop at different speeds - I would like the animation to play without it having to be clicked on too.
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Aug 11, 2009
new to flash, using windows vista 64 bit and cs4. I would like to take flv movie clips and edit them to use in flash. Is there a program in cs4 I can do that with? or should I use something else.
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Apr 5, 2010
I've searcehd but haven't found anything similar. I am trying to add animation to an educational video that I produced. I am new to Flash but already love it - have used for several presentations at work with my higher students and it's been really, really effective so far.
I have done two things: Imported an .flv of the video that I am trying to add animation to but only see the first and last shots in my timeline. How can I add text and tweens throughout the movie using flash? Or can't I?
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Apr 14, 2010
I am having a problem with a project for school. In a video I am making, I need to add animation over a live video. For example, in one scene, I have videotaped myself running.Now, I want to add the picture of a ghost chasing me. Both layers are moving. My question is, can I do this easily in flash? I have not used Flash before and if it is complicated, I would rather not to try. I've talked to some friends who have used Flash before and some say it is the perfect program for my need while others claim it would either not be able to do it, or be really hard to.
Is Flash suitable to my needs? If not, is there another program that is?
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Dec 7, 2011
Is there a way to export it as AVI or any file type that support HD and get the same out put in SWF, i tried to export but the final output is very weak
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Oct 26, 2011
I embedded a video flv to use as part of the animation but its breaking apart the rest of the animations. Started well then suddenly flash stopped the flv at certain points and then actions to other parts of the slideshow started to look like a fast forward and jumping transitions. No errors on the output panel.
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May 14, 2011
I'm trying to make an animation similar to the ones on these websites, scrolling images with a navigation bar to return to an image.
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Sep 19, 2011
I have set up a single, one-page resume/portfolio website, but I'm having difficulty finding a way to get the 2 individual movie clips to play individually - not at the same time.Everything is set up on a time line. Each movie clip has it's own layer with it's own button via Code Snippets as follows:
CArrow1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame_15);
function fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame_15(event:MouseEvent):void
View 7 Replies
Mar 28, 2010
I want to import a video for optional playback into a flash animation. Now, the animation is a loop and replays after 120 frames or so. I noticed when I exported my moviemaker video and imported it into flash, it automatically asked me if i wanted it to arrange it to fit or not. the thing is, i don't want the video to automatically play like flash does for default. What i want is to be able to have it look like how a video looks in youtube 'before' you play know how it has that 'arrow' sitting on it with a black screen showing
you that it's ready to be played if you want it to? well, that's what i want. so, if someone stumbles upon my animation loop on the web, they will see a little video in the upper corner that has the ability to play but it doesn't start
playing right when they get to the page.Also, when they play the video, the length is obviously longer than the loop of my animation, but I obviously don't want it cutting off when my loops ends and restarts, so is there a way to code where it will keep playing on it's own timeline apart from what the flash animation loop is doing? (it should be able to play all the way through, end, and be able to be played again no matter how many loops the animation goes through)second thing i want, is the video to be maybe 220 X 180 in size.
when i exported in Moviemaker, I actually got a video size that I liked but the quality looked poor and sounded poor (I went with the Pocket PC export 148kbps or something like that). Now, was the quality poor just because Flash had to cut it off because of the animation loop restarting or is it going to be poor just cuz PocketPC export is a bad choice? In other words, what export choice should I go with in Moviemaker to get the desired results i want (with the desired width + height I want as well)?
Do you have to code to make it be a video that's got the arrow/blk bkgrd i.e. not playable til a user clicks...or do you just have to export it a certain way in Moviemaker to make it's format that way?
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Oct 12, 2010
Flash newbie here, using CS5 on a Mac. I've created several Flash animation files, all about 25 seconds long. The animations are fairly simple, about 6 layers each, but all contain a lot of movement. I need to turn the animations into videos that can be played on computers that don't have any Adobe programs, i.e. Quicktime. This is where my issue comes in. The published .swf files work wonderfully, but when I export the files to Quicktime video (.mov) the motion seems to leave a "trail" of images behind it. The static remnants go away after a few seconds but are replaced by new remnants of the current movement. I've played around with the quality and size of the videos, but nothing seems to have helped. I've tried used Xilisoft video converter to convert the .swf files into .avi or .mp4, but the files couldn't be uploaded. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what steps I could take to export my .fla or .swf files into high-quality video files?
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Nov 18, 2011
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May 6, 2010
check this link this ppl just make smooth images animation [url] the images in the back ground "flash" work smooth and nice I try to make the same don't work the image look so stupid what is the way they use to make the image look smooth in motion ?
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Sep 16, 2010
hey you wouldnt know how to make a gif play throught once when you press lets say space. i know the coding for to make button link to the animation but u have to hold it to for it to play throught once i want to make my char do a attack thing and i dont want to use toggle i want to press it like for halfd a sec and see about 2 secs of my char do his attack i have the gif, and i have it stoping at the end of the gif but is there a way to make it so i just have to press not hold?! heres my code
var rollSpeed = Number=14; var facingRight = true; ichigo_mc.onEnterFrame = function() { if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { this._x += rollSpeed; this.gotoAndStop("right"); facingRight = true;
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Dec 5, 2010
I made an animation using Adobe Flash,but I want to make the flash animation file like .exe (which i did by using adobe air)But I have a problem!I want to make it to appear on the desktop not in a frame.I mean to be like the Bonzi Buddy.I hope you understand me(my english is very bad and I'm sorry for thaht)
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Jan 2, 2011
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Mar 5, 2011
I have made this animation, please click here to see it.
Username is
password is sairam11
However am not happy with it because its not very smooth. I will like my animation like this [URL].
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Apr 29, 2011
I need to make a 1 minute long animation for today that incorporates these three elements:It must have a title and credits Must have at least one character that uses the bone tool It must have shape tweens (with hints)The quality doesnīt really matter, just so long as itīs not completely shoddy, or super professional, it just has to be done by today.
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Aug 10, 2011
make the camera zoom as an animation plays from an entire body shot to a closeup of the head?
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Aug 26, 2011
[URL]I'm trying to make an animation of electricity going through power lines.. (and just drawing lines in general) and I like how it was done in this video. I'm just not sure how to go about doing it.
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May 1, 2010
I am designing a very long page. There will be a flash animation at the bottom of the pageI want this animation to play only when the user scrolls down and this flash object comes into view. How do I do this? I am quite familiar with flash and actionscript, so I just need some pointers.I have seen that this is already being used for advertisements. If you visitthere are ads that appear far below on the page. These ads play only when you scroll down and the ad appears within the browser window. This happens on many other sites as well.Many popular sites also use something like this. On CNN, try opening a new tab that loads a flash video. The video begins to play only when you actually go to that tab. Until you open the tab and the contents become visible in your browser window, the video doesn't start. How is this done?
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Jul 17, 2010
In my original thread my answer was given and I only needed to take the information and tweak it to make it apply throughout other instances in the code.This is marked as answered. The way I constructed the code heBecause each Movie Clip is individually handled, I was explained by Ned Murphy on this forum that I need to insert code for each individual clip to send it back to start when it comes off the stage because it is structured to go to infinity with the movie symbols continuing on their path.I get that. ittle code to add was provided for an example clip that started at the top of the stage and went down, then when it goes off the stage, go back. In this case it was for MovieClip_1 (Out of 15) The red was the additional code (Provided by Ned Murphy who is IMHO a Guru here) that was added :
/* Animate Vertically*/
movieClip_15.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_AnimateVertically_13);
movieClip_15.startY = movieClip_15.y;
View 4 Replies
Feb 21, 2011
I'm trying to make about a minute long animation of two koi fish.
1. Fish slowly swim in frame
2. Fish swim in circle a couple times
3. 4 food pellets drop into water
4. Fish eat them one at a time
5. Fish slowly swim out of frame
I've finished step 2, but now I want to go back and do step 1. I've attatched a picture of my koi and I was wondering if there was any way I could flip the image of them and tween them to make it look like the fish were moving their bodies all in flash.
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Mar 4, 2010
I have a flash video that is set to autoplay when the page loads. We've just implemented thickbox/lightbox system on it now so when you click on the video it enlarges into that new frame. Problem is, when that's done the video/audio is still playing while the video in the thichbox is playing too. This leading to ineffective listening. Does anyone know a code that would trigger the video to pause when clicked anywhere on the video screen?
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Feb 21, 2010
We have imported our video into flash cs4 (we are using presentation mode to mimic a powerpoint presentation), we have gone into the component inspector and altered it so it doesn't autoplay. When it is on autoplay, it plays the audio throughout the entire presentation. We want the video to start on click (hit the spacebar or return or anything).
View 9 Replies
Jun 28, 2010
I run a small digital signage business and need to be able to use Client provided Flash files. Problem is Harris Infocaster's built in video player is version 5 (yes, it is 2010 already). I made a 15 second clip with three photos and some text, looks okay BUT I want to include video an endless error messages when attempting to Export to Flash. Any takers on a solution.
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Nov 5, 2010
So I have a website... [URL]
If you go there and click on the "Corporate Videos" section, you will see me pop up and start talking.
But... if you click on one of the videos below... I keep talking over the top of the new video.
Is there a way to "tell target" the one video to stop playing from the action of clicking play on the other video so I stop talking the minute any button on the page is pressed?
I am using AS3 with the FLV Playback component for all these videos.
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Dec 21, 2010
I work on flash CS3 I created a video in sony vegas, and imported it to flash, but the background is black, I want it to be transparent, what should I do? P.S: in sony, there is no background, except the original black backgound that we see when we open the projet?
can we make some changes in the flvplayback in order to fix this?
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Sep 10, 2011
The video imported and plays fine with the provided skins. However I want to display the video online with the same Play control as many YouTube videos - a Play button shown in the center of the video screen area. Right now I have the video player controls that I selected during import and they are at the bottom. These skin controls work but I'd like to let the user just click on the screen to start the playback.
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Aug 9, 2010
I was taught to make a fading "slide show" in Flash CS3 using movie clips, key frames, and alpha channels. Is there a simpler way? I have a project with over 40 "slides." I am aware of some web sites like but they seem to include ads which I don't want on a professional site. Any suggestions on how to create a slide show like this one more quickly than with tweening movie clips? (I do have CS4 now.)[URL]
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Oct 13, 2011
Im trying to make a video class so I can put in my src and video dimensions to load up a video .. I am wishing to implement this in the following way
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