Professional :: Taking Symbols From Illustrator And Making Parts Of Them Into Buttons?

Sep 8, 2010

I am importing a series of mockups of a website into Flash CS5 as symbols, and it already has elements drawn in Illustrator CS5 that I want to use as  buttons. I want to place those symbols into the Timeline and just use simple AS3 to make it go from one mockup screen to the other to make it into a slightly more functional mockup. 1. How can I take the mockups done entirely in Illustrator and make the buttons functional?

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Professional :: Disabled (greyed Out) Buttons / Symbols

May 6, 2010

I've downloaded the Flash CS5 trial and am trying to use the software, but a lot of buttons and symbols are greyed out for me and I don't know why.  Here's a typical use case for me:
- Open Flash CS 5
- Create a new Flash AS3 Project
- Try to use the buttons on the right-hand toolbar, but they are greyed out
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froggy.onRelease = function() {;

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Professional :: Loading Swf In Container In Illustrator?

Aug 17, 2010

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Jan 18, 2011

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Professional :: Importing Text From Illustrator?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm using the CS5 version of Flash Pro and Illustrator on a Window box running XP serv. Pk 3.These are the AI Import Preferences:I'm trying to import some text, grayscale with suitable stroke and drop shadow, from a finished Board in Illustrator.  I've made PNG's, to allow for a transparent background, at both 300 and 600 ppi.  I know these are large, but it doesn't matter too much in this movie.  It worked well in the Color version. 
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Nov 10, 2010

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here is what the file looks like: [URL]
so as you can see it is pretty complex. I want to import as much as I can in vector so that it saves on load time since i already built it in vectors. is it possible to import most of it in vector then just rastor the stuff that might not translate like gaussian blur etc?

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Professional :: Saving Bug With Importing Files From Illustrator?

Jul 22, 2011

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Mar 3, 2011

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1. invisible!, and
2. moved to the top left corner for the document!

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Mar 30, 2011

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Jul 30, 2010

This has been a long time question, why, when you bring illustrator artwork into flash does it add so many unnecessary control points to the object? something as simple as a circle with 4 happy control points in illustrator suddenly becomes a 20 control point circle when brought into flash. It has been this way forever and I know that there is no setting to change this?

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Professional :: Animation To Play In Parts?

Aug 24, 2010

How do I make an animation play and pause when I click. Meaning.. I want it to play part the first 10 frames when I click, and then stop. Then when I click again it will play from frame 11 to 20, then I click again it plays 21 to 30.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Affect Other Symbols?

Aug 22, 2007

I have a series of buttons that when rolled over I want some text to highlight.First, I need to know if the text has to be a symbol with an instance name to get this done.Second I can't find the code to even begin making my buttons change another symbol

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Professional :: Seeking To Unbuffered Parts Of Video?

Feb 17, 2010

I have an flv with some navigation cue points embedded in it. The video is pretty long. When I upload it to my site, I cannot access cue points in unbuffered parts of the video. What do I need to do so I can jump to unbuffered parts of my video?

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Professional :: Linking Parts Of Swf In Dream Weaver

Apr 22, 2010

Ok, I got my interactive SWF movie into DW and was wondering, I have 5 pictures in that SWF interactive movie I need to link to 5 videos so that they play when the user clicks on it. How do I do this? Should I export it out of Flash differently other then SWF?

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Professional :: Subtract Parts Of A Movie Clip?

May 18, 2010

I am trying to build a game just for fun and i found something interesting that i really don't know how to do, so any help that you can give me is going to be useful, this is what i need to do, i have a movie clip and i want to subtract another one from just like THIS i can detect the contact but i don't know how to do that.

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