Professional :: Timeline Not Visible In Motion Editor?

Jan 8, 2011

I'm working in Flash CS4 and I can't see my timeline (or playhead) in the Motion Editor.I've never experienced this before and have no idea how to remedy the issue

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Professional :: Using Ease In The Motion Editor?

Apr 23, 2010

I really like the motion editor in CS4. A lot is easier than before, particularly working with ease. But I wounder how you use the custom curve when having a complicated motion with a lot of keyframes. In programs like AE it's easy to select a key and tell if it's going to be a easy in/out or both, and then I select next key and tell how that key should ease. In Flash CS4 I allways get a easy curve that range the entire tween. Is the workflow to brake everything apart so you tween every single motion, or is it another way doing it?

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Professional :: Filters Options Not Appearing In The Motion Editor?

Dec 6, 2011

I've tried searching but have not succeded in finding an answer, I just hope i'm not asking something that has already been answered.ANyway , here I go.For some reason the filter option is greyed out in the motion editor ans i don't understand why, and I was hoping someone would be kind enough to enlighten me on the matter?Could it have to to with the fact that i'm apply ing the motion tween to a graphic symbol with an imbedded animation ? Should i change it to a movie clip?

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CS4 Motion Editor Never Available

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I recently migrated from CS3 to CS4, and have a question about the "Motion Editor". In principle it sounds fantastic, but I can never get it to work on any of my fla files. The tab is there, but when I select a tween span in any of my files, the Motion Editor continues to say "to edit properties, select a tween span in the timeline or a tweened object in the document." Nothing I do can get the Motion Editor to show anything but this.

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IDE :: Scrubbing In Motion Editor?

Jun 30, 2009

iam new to Flash CS4 and for some reason i cant scrub the playhead when in the motion editor window? if i press on the playhead it only moves to next dot on motion timeline, like a snap motion.

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Professional :: Motion Path Using 3D - OK In Main Timeline Broken In Symbol

Jan 4, 2012

I have spent many frustrating hours trying to figure out why this is happening. It is totally broken. I need to use a  motion path using 3d in a symbol. Because of the way the project is put together (for Flex) there are several FLAs that need to be converted to symbols.
So when I convert the FLA that contains a motion path with 3D, the object moves away from the path in the symbol (the 1st frame remains in place, but everything else is off the path), even though it remains correct in the main timeline.
And once I start editing the object in the symbol, the object returns to the path ok, as if it had been some strange display issue, but the 3D is all wrong - the vanishing point relative to the object has changed. The same thing happens whether I create the 3D path using "global" or "local" tool settings.

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Playhead Not Functional In Motion Editor?

Sep 4, 2009

The playhead in Motion Editor doesn't work and I'm seeing in tutorials.I can't scrub it along the timeline.When I pick a keyframe point it doesn't appear there unless I change the value of that point. If I then click on the playhead rectangle, the playhead disappears (actually it appears to jump to the first frame where it's half visible and can't be moved).I was playing with the motion editor interface trying to better define the problem and I figured out what's wrong.

The Motion Editor values for graph size, expanded graph size, and viewable frames were unusable in their default settings. In particular, viewable frames were set to 1 by default. As I increased the value the playhead started to function. I can't set a value higher than 117. I've maxed-out the graph size setting at 180 (300" wide format display) and the expanded graph size at 200.

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IDE :: Motion Editor With Shape Tween?

Aug 5, 2009

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Professional :: CS5.5 JSFL: Timeline.convertToKeyframes() Doesn't Work With Motion Tweens

Oct 26, 2011

I'm writing a JSFL script to export animations from Flash. I iterate through every frame in the timeline, and for each frame I go through every element in every layer, and write each Element's symbol name and matrix values out to a file. The problem is, if you've created animation using a motion tween, the exporter steps through every frame but sees the same matrix values for each Element in every frame. This is where I hit the first problem: Iterating through the timeline in this way doesn't seem to work. I can't see any way of getting the right information out for each frame.

There is a workaround: Namely, selecting all the animated layers on the timeline, and selecting "Convert to Frame by Frame animation" from the context menu. Then you run the exporter, and then you have to undo the "Convert to Frame by Frame" animation in order to continue working on the file. That's pretty messy, so I tried to automate the process, by having the export script perform the convert to frame by frame. When you perform the action, and look it up in the History window, Flash tells you that the JSFL command it used was the following:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D Rotation Inconsistent Between Motion Editor &amp?

Nov 21, 2008

I'm trying to access the rotationY property in code to determine the current state of a movie clip that has its rotationY animated in the motion editor. What I'm seeing is that the value of the property reported in a trace stmt is different than the value shown in the motion editor.

In the motion editor I created a tween from rotationY=0 at frame 0 to rotationY=353 at the last frame. I've added the attached code to get the value of rotationY at every frame.

What I see is that the rotation does not increase steadily from 0 to 353. Instead it increases from 0 to 90 and then decreases back to 0 and then goes negative to -90 at which point the absolute values decrease toward 0. This seems like a bug. The rotation of the object is visibly different during the 0 to 90 deg

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Flash Motion Editor - Rotation Y Property

Jun 24, 2009

I recently installed Flash CS4. As I attempt to learn from different tutorials I've run into a problem I can't figure out. I've watched the video tutorial at: [URL] several times to try to emulate the rotating logo. The problem I run into is when he says to open the Motion Editor and to edit the Rotation Y and Rotation Z properties. When I open my Motion Editor there is no Rotation Y or Rotation X. There is only a Rotation Z property. I've played it over and over to try to discover what setting I've missed but don't see it. How do I see a Rotation Y property to be able to edit it?

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Create / Apply Easing With CS4 Motion Editor

Jul 6, 2009

Is it just me or is creating and applying custom easing with the motion editor absurdly difficult? Firstly, the bezier curve tool for custom easing has a mind of its own. It will change the curve at a different anchor point to the one you're editing on a whim and every time you get close to where you want the curve it does it again and you're back to square one. Second, you have to recreate a custom ease for every tween as there's no way to save them. It's impossible to create two custom eases exactly the same! The entire motion editor seems designed to infuriate me and parts of it don't seem to have been tested at all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Motion Editor Not Showing Rotation X Or Y For MovieClip Symbol In CS4

Nov 30, 2009

I'm just now trying the Motion Editor for the first time in CS4 Professional. I've created a shape, converted it to a symbol, done an Insert Motion Tween, and brought up the Motion Editor. I'm looking for Rotation X and Rotation Y, but only see Rotation Z. My Publish Settings are Flash Player 10, ActionScript 3.

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Professional :: Start "Motion Tween" After 24 Frames In Timeline?

Aug 4, 2010

I want my object to animate using Motion Tween in Timeline. I did so. But it starts animating from Frame 1. Instead I would like it to start animating from Frame 25. I don't want anything to animate upto 24 Frames. How can I do that?

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Professional :: Motion-tween Along A Curve Prevents Change Of Motion Curves

Mar 8, 2010

If I perform a motion tween along a curved path, Flash CS4 does not allow to change the curves to "corner point" or "linear" in the motion editor. URL...

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IDE :: Z - Rotation X And Rotation Y Missing In Motion Editor Panel

Feb 23, 2009

Why isn't there the Z, rotation X and rotation Y fields in my motion editor panel?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Flash Xml Editor Based On Senocular's News Editor?

Oct 5, 2006

I'm trying to create a flash xml editor based on senocular's news editor but I am having some trouble getting the xml file to load. My xml file is structured as below[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Getters And Setters From The Editor Without Using Static On The Editor?

Jan 13, 2011

my main class is Editor my sub class is a CustomTextField i need my Editor to keep track of what the active CustomTextField is, since there can be more than one. i want to have a variable, activeTextField:String to keep track of the active CustomTextField. i created getters and setters on editor to keep track of activeTextField. how do i call these getters and setters from the editor w/out using static getters and setters on the editor? this has to be confusing to read because i am utterly confused writing it...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using External Editor - Why Better Than The Native Editor In Flash

Apr 24, 2007

Does anyone have any experience using external actionscript editors? I've given a brief look at SE|PY, but not sure why it's any better than the native editor in Flash.

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Audio Kept Visible In The Timeline For Flash Animation?

Oct 19, 2009

The images for animation load okay. The sound loads okay.  But the animation images need to be inserted in coordination with the sounds, which is difficult using only the ears, but I do not know how to keep the audio graph seen on the timeline so as to know where to put the images. I can keep the graph open on the little library window when it is open but not on the timeline. how to keep the graph open on the audio track while I work on the image tracks.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Timeline Continue When All Movieclips Are Visible?

Feb 23, 2010

I am looking to have the timeline continue (gotoAndPlay basically) when the movieclips in the frame are visible.I'm trying to make a simple game where the user clicks differences and they (movieclips) are made visible in a table of discovered differences.When these movieclips are visible, the timeline should continue to the congratulatory frame.I was given the following code:

if(mc1._visible && mc2._visible && mc3._visible && mc4._visible){

I have replaced 'mc1' .etc with the instance names of the table entries recording what differences have been found. However, I don't know where to put this script (i assume it's on the frame where the movieclips become visible when differences are clicked). In addition, what do i replace 'somemovieclip' with?

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