Professional :: Central Server To Dish Out IPs?

Oct 29, 2011

I want to have two clients voice chat, I will need a central server to dish out IPs for that to work out right? Also unless I route all the streaming through the central server, won't there be problems incomming connections and peoples firewalls and such? I would ideally want to host it on a PHP shared host, could that be done?

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Professional :: Getting .swf Into To Device Central?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm using flash CS5.5 (trail version) and want to export a movei file out to device central to test acceleromoter settings.
When creating the file I : selected air fro andiod, made these changes to the publish settings : set upa  certificate, tick all permission (as it kept telling me they hadn't been set) and then click ok.
For some reason under control > test movie > device central is greyed out. If i try to open the .swf file directly in device central it just tells me the device has the wrong version of flash.
Any ideas? I selected the file type as andriod?, preferably would like just to be able to click on test moving in device central.


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Test Flash IOS App In Device Central

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Actionscript 3 :: Connect Those Two Clients To The Central Flash Game?

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Actionscript 3 :: Central Event Dispatcher Shared Between Instances (not Static)?

Aug 22, 2011

I'm building a flash app (just AS3 with FlashDevelop) and I'm having some trouble keeping things loosely coupled around the event system. I've done a lot of reading about central event systems and static eventdispatchers but they don't quite fit the bill for me. What I'm building is similar to a video player.I have a Player class which is the parent of all the other little parts of the app.The Player class extends Sprite and I've currently designed it so that you could instantiate multiple Player's and put them on the stage.I also have a Controller class which extends EventDispatcher and I dispatch all my events through this class. It's a central event class.

The problem is that I need to pass around a reference to this class so that all the other classes can dispatch and listen through it. Passing around the reference works but it's the exact opposite of loose coupling. I know I could make a static EventDispatcher that all the classes could see but then if I had two or three Player's on the stage they would all hear each others events.How can I create a type of sandbox that will allow all the child classes of a Player instance to be aware of the central dispatcher without passing a reference or making it static?

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Flex :: Photo Gallery - Resizing Image Whilst Keeping It Central

Mar 4, 2010

I am using a mx:Resize effect to change the width of an image in Flex (leaving the height to look after itself) but I want the image to remain vertically centered on the page. Whilst I could calculate the aspect ratio of the photo, and work out the new y value to keep it centred, I would have to include a mx: Move effect too, and I am hopful that Flex has a simpler way. This is for a photo gallery where images are loaded at run-time, and swapped about.

So I really would like to avoid recalculating the aspect ratio and vertical position every time the updateComplete event fires, I tried putting my image inside a mx: VBox with verticalAlign="middle", thinking that the box would do all the centering for me, but this only seems to happen when the app first starts - i need it to gradually adjust the position during the period where the effect plays (to keep it central even when part-way through).

Here's a stripped-down example (which doesn't work):
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="[URL]" layout="absolute" width="600" height="600">
<mx:Resize id="fxResize" target="{imgPhotoA}" widthTo="350" duration="500" />
<mx:Button x="10" y="10" label="Resize" click="" />
<mx:VBox id="boxPhotoA" x="100" y="20" height="500" width="350" verticalAlign="middle" borderStyle="solid" verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">
<mx:Image id="imgPhotoA" width="60" maintainAspectRatio="true" source="[URL]"/>

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Professional :: Take A Picture With A Web Cam And Save It In The Server?

Feb 12, 2010

I need to take a picture with a web cam and save it in the server.

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Professional :: Swf Useless When Moved To Server?

Feb 27, 2010

I publish test.swf and test.html to mydoc folder on my local computer. Mydoc folder also contains the test.flv that was imported to the flash to create the swf and html. Open any of them in the mydoc folder and they work fine, move the swf or html files to another folder and they work.Move the flv file,even keeping it with the other files, and they don't work.The main problem is that the swf will not work after uploading all to the same folder on the web server.

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Professional :: ExpressInstall.swf Won't Upload To Server

Apr 16, 2010

I am unable to uploade the file "expressInstall.swf" generated by Flash CS4 AS2.0. DreamWeaver displays the following error message:
"Scripts:expressInstall.swf - error occurred - An FTP error occurred - cannot put expressInstall.swf.  Access denied.  The file may not exist, or there could be a permission problem."

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Professional :: Xml File Not Loading From Different Server?

May 6, 2010

I have a simple flash banner that is pulling a number from an xml file on a different server. When it gets to the frame where the number should be it just says "transferring data from and will not actually pull in the number. Unfortunately I can't put the files on the same servers.below are the links and the xml code I'm using followed by the action script.[URL]

<?xml version="1.0"?>

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Professional :: Saving Data To Server Via SWF?

Jul 26, 2010

I have in mind a very basic swf file that allows someone to enter data (via dynamic text box), submit this data (via php), which in turns saves it as a file on the Server. This file (.txt) would be used to populate text on the main site. Most of this seems quite straight forward, and standard practice, apart from actually saving the data as a particular file and on the server (or overriding an existing file), which I'm sure comes up against problems such as FTP access and everything else, but I was wondering if someone might have an insight on how this could be done?

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Professional :: Exporting Which SWF's From CS5 For Upload To Server?

Sep 30, 2010

I am working on a mac but my question is what files do I need to export out of CS5 to include in my upload besides the index SWF and index html? Do I have to export each individual page? Each individual photo? each individual button, ect? Or is there a main folder I can export and up load to my server. Also for all the photos I have put into the project, do I need to upload them as a seperate folder, if so, is there a specific name I should label it so it registers?

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Professional :: Swfs Are Not Loading From Server?

Dec 11, 2010

I have a problem. We have a website which hosts the game developed by our company. Recently we wanted to change the template. We are testing the new template in a subdomain of ours which is . Everything is fine except that the swfs in the server are not loading. Instead they are showing Movie Not Loaded. If I directly access the swf with the URL it showing the download option window.
We are having seperate database for both sites. Both have same swfs. If we change the source from .in to .com then the swfs are loading properly (in the src property of embed tag)

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Professional :: FLV Works Locally But Not On Web Server

Jan 19, 2011

I've got a project that loads a couple of external flv videos. It works great locally but when I upload it to a web server I just get a blank screen.
Googling reveals two possible issues... server mime types, and flv path issues.
Everything is in the same folder so I'm doubting it's a path issue.
If it's the mime type issue, how do I go about fixing it? My host is dreamhost.
*update, I tried adding the following two lines to my .htaccess file but it didn't change anything:

AddType application/andrew-inset ez
AddType video/x-flv flv

 Here is the html: [URL]
And here is the whole project in a zip if anyone has time to take a look:

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Professional :: SWF Plays Locally But Not On Server

Jul 4, 2011

I have a SWF (1.8mb) which I placed onto my HTML page using Dreamweaver, and set to autoplay. When I save the file and open it in Firefox/Safari, the movie plays as expected. But when I uploaded the files to my hosting server, the movie doen't appear (not even a box where it should be - just nothing but blank space where it should be). I've made sure that I uploaded the SWF, the HTML file, the expressInstall.swf, and the swfobject_ modified. js file. I also changed the permissions to allow executable scripts. I don't have a Flash blocker installed.[code]

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Professional :: Can't Get Gallery To Work On Web Server

Aug 23, 2011

[URL] When you click on the design button, the gallery doesn't work. The thumbnails come up, but when you click on them there's should be a full sized image at the top.

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Professional :: Connecting A Kiosk To Server

Jan 3, 2012

i am self-taught and i have pretty good as3 and mxml skills and have worked with Flash Pro and Flex, but only for my own stuff at home. i have only done local AIR stuff that don't require sending and getting data from a server now someone has asked if i could build him a kiosks/server system, and i want to dive into that the kiosks would be deployed in stores and have touchscreens displaying pictures, movies, banners and accept user control and data.i plan to build his remote controlling software in Flex and the kiosk AIR apps in Flex or Flash pro.the kiosks should periodically connect to the server to see if updates are available  and download swf, jpeg and movie (mp4? flv?) files to the local filesystem (no live streaming is needed)also, user created data (forms only) should be sent to the server - i guess xml.[code]can all this be in as3 alone or do i need stuff like php also?also, would i be able in the controlling flex app to determine if specific kiosks are offline?

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Professional :: How To Upload Image Using AS3 And Display It Without Server

Jan 21, 2010

Is it possible to upload an image using as3 and flash player 9 and then display it in a movie clip without server side assistance?

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Flash :: Professional - Use The Sockets - Setup Server?

Feb 10, 2010

i'm trying to develop a multiplayer game in AS3, but i don't know how to use the sockets, how to set up my server, actually i don't know how to start, i want to build a peer to peer game, which will have a "room" to find players, it will be a cars game, i already have all the rest of the game, i just need to be able to make it multiplayer

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Professional :: Flash Won't Play When Uploaded To Server?

Feb 28, 2010

Have a website with 2 small pieces of flash - they play when I click PLAY in dreamweaver but won't play when I use preview or when I uploaded the actual site.There should be a spider going up and down a web beside the signpost and an image in the picture frame.

The code is:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


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Professional :: Calling Swf File From External Server?

Mar 11, 2010

I am working on a Vignette platform that doesn't support XML, so was told to place my swf file on an external server andcall it from that server in the html code. I have never done this before and need detailed instructions on how to get this executed

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Professional :: Flash On Remote Server Will Not Play?

Mar 27, 2010

I have inserted services.flv into [URL]. I am using Dreamweaver CS4, and all dependent files, including the  flash video are present:

I am able to successfully use the "Live  View" function within CS4.  I am also able to successfully preview  within IE and Firefox.  I've put all files in the appropriate location  on the remote server.  All files are in my /wwwroot/, except the two  files that are in the Script folder, which is in my root.  My domain  host claims flv files are supported, and Adobe technical support  eperiences the same behavior as I, they can play locally, but not  remotely.  Adobe technical support claims the cause of the problem is  the remote server.

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Professional :: Playing Flash On Remote Server?

May 29, 2010

I have been using flash for years deploying video for the web.For the life of me I cannot get my .FLV file to import into Flash from my URL.It's already on the server here is the address.I've always used this method.The only thing that is different is I'm now using GoDaddy to host my site instead of 1and1. http:[url]...........I do have the .F4V locally on my machine but I've never been able to get that to play from the remote server... meaning-

I import .F4V file locally into flash.I create a .swf file and place that in the same folder as the.f4v.I use GoLive to make my webpages.I create my webpage and import my .swf and .flv into the html webpage. It plays great locally on my machine.When I upload everything uploads. When I check it all out online, I get no video.

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Professional :: Movie Not Playing On Production Server

Jun 4, 2010

I am relatively new to Flash development. I created my first movie with a poster board.  It appears to work fine on my local machine, however, when I publish it to my production server, the poster board displays, but the click to play button does not play the movie. The page is located at: [URL]. I copied all of the published files directly to the production server.

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Professional :: Streaming Video Without Media Server?

Aug 23, 2010

I thought Flash could play a video without having it not fully loaded first. (even on a normal server)

My SWF is calling the video from the server (I mean the video is not embedded in the SWF but is on the server space) My problem is that the SWF seems to download the video in full before playing it.

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Professional :: SWF Created In CS4 Flash Does Not Play From Web Server

Oct 3, 2010

I published a Flash movie in CS4, which includes the following ActionScript 3.0 code to allow people to click the movie to open a new web page; but it will not play from the web server...however, it plays just fine from my local hard drive in Firefox and IE 7.It  is an html file with an embedded .swf and I made sure to copy over the  swfObject.js, AC_ActvieX.js, AC_RunActiveContent.js, expressInstall.swf, and  swfobject_modified.js files to the correct directories. The address is: [URL] and as you will see,  there are no errors...just a blank page.  I even tried changing the script  from:
<script  type="text/javascript"><!--swfobject.registerObject("FlashID");//--></script>
to  this script:  <script type="text/javascript"  src=""></script>, but using this script generates a lot of CSS and other errors.
Nothing  works.  The ActionScript code I used is:
//Link to websiteSite_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,visitSite);
function visitSite(e:MouseEvent):void{    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");    navigateToURL(req,"_parent");}

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Professional :: UIScrollBar Works Fine On Pc But Not On Server?

Nov 22, 2010

I created a textfield on stage, set it as dynamic, put a UIScrollBar next to it , with component inspector I set scrollTargetName to the instance name of the textfield then I wrote these actions:
var externalReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("loremIpsum.txt");var externalLoad:URLLoader = new URLLoader();externalLoad.load(externalReq);externalLoad.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, textReady);function textReady(event:Event):void {    theText.text =;}
Ot works on pc just fine.  When I upload the swf and the text file to my godaddy linux hosting account the scroller doesn't work.example on server: [URL]the text you see displayed is only about a quarter of the file, I should be able to scroll through it.

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