Professional :: Check Of Mc Contains Movie?

Feb 28, 2010

on enter frame i need to check if some mc contains a movie, if yes perform and action, if not do nothing ..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: DropTest - Check And See If The Dragged Movie Clip Is Completely Within The Bounds Of Another Movie Clip

Jan 11, 2010

I'm creating a small drag & drop activity, and I want to be able to check and see if the dragged movie clip is completely within the bounds of another movie clip (or at least in the bounds of a certain x/y zone on the main stage. I can't use dropTest because it returns true if any tiny bit of the movie clip overlaps with the dropTest movie clip.

I also thought of something that just checks the x/y coordinates of the dragged movie clip, but I'd need this to reflect a range of values rather than one coordinate. For instance, I'd want to return true if the movie clip's x is between 50-60 AND the y is between 50-60. I'm attaching a small graphic to illustrate in case my explanation isn't clear enough [URL]

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The swf loads fine, but I'm trying to incorporate updating a status text field on a successful load or if there is an error during loading.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If MC Has Movie Loaded?

Jan 14, 2008

I'm doing a friends photograpy site that has a slideshow. [URL] This slideshow is loaded into a containerclip on the mainstage. Another container clip loads the site content (services, contact etc.) But the site also has a gallery which unloads the slideshow mc, as the gallery takes up that place too. Now... i need the buttons for Services, Contact etc to check if the slideshow mc is loaded into the holder clip, and if not then load it aswell as the related content. I need it to check if the slideshow is already loaded, so i don't reload the slideshow everytime a button pressed. Something like:

services.onRelease = function(){
if(loaderSlideshow.movieisLoaded == false) {


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Professional :: DropTarget Check Against All Objects On The Stage

Oct 1, 2010

Not sure the best way to do this. I have a class we will call DropActivity, here is the code


when the stopDraggingMe() method is called from another object (code shown below) I need to see all the objects on the stage to see what objects on the stage my currently selected movie clip is over and assign it to the dropCheck.checkAgainst method (that will be checked against an array to see if it can in fact be dropped, if so set the canBeDropped value to true and therefor run the .stopDrag() ). I have read using root is not a good coding practice in AS 3.


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Professional :: Check If File Loaded Ok With LoadMovieNum?

Dec 9, 2010

is there a way to capture the Error loading message as a boolean when loading an external file (AS2)? I wanted to make a decision based on the success for loadMovieNum.
The scenario is that I have a file that I am loading with loadMovieNum and all is working successfully.
The circumstance I wish to cover is if the file is missing for any reason, I want to load a placeholder movie.
I have looked at onLoad and onClipEvent(load) but these appear to only be for movieclips and not external files.

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Aug 28, 2011

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name:Boolean = new Boolean();
mc1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouseEvent);function myMouseEvent(event:MouseEvent):void{    name:Boolean = true;        if(name:Boolean = true)    {        //code to run....      

Syntax error:expecting right paren before colon.
probably a simple explanation that i cannot this of.

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Professional :: How To Check If Image / MovieClip Is In Particular Position

Jan 1, 2012

I am trying to develop a e-Learning kind of stuff where in All the planets of solar system are jumbled and then the Kid has to drag and drop the each planets in order. But what I need is After the kid drags and drops the image/MovieClip in order, I need to verify all the Planets whether they are in particular order or not. How to Verify the Objects?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check Which Movie Clip Is On Stage?

Feb 13, 2009

I'm trying to create a slideshow, using Flash CS3 and AS3. I have 6 thumbnails with buttons attached to them, and then 6 movieclip images placed on the stage manually, each on a different layer. Inside of each image MC (i.e. image01_mc is the instance name of the first image), the image is animated to enlarge outwards from the thumbnail to make a larger version of the image. Standard operating procedures, and all that. So far, the buttons successfully call upon the frame label inside the imageClips to enlarge.

The next part of the problem is that when clicking the next thumbnailButton, I want the currently enlarged image to diminish in size back to its thumbnail, so that the next image can take its place. I have a frame label inside those imageClips to make that animation.

I think, with my rudimentary understanding of AS3, that I need to find out which movie clip instance is on the stage, using If statements, with some code to gotoAndPlay the frame inside the imageClips that shrinks the image.

I've tried various combinations of If, Else if, getChildByName, etc, that I've found in numerous posts, but nothing seems to work.

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Animating Movie - How To Insert Check Marks

Aug 3, 2009

I need to create a movie from a photoshop file that pops up upon entering a site I work for. I was wondering the best way to do this. The movie does not need any buttons or interactivity. It just needs to show a simply process of going through necessary steps within the site. I know how to insert check marks shown below, I just don't know how to subtly highlight each box as if it was being scrolled over. Below is the file I need to turn into a flash movie
Attachments: pop up trnasition1.jpg (131.6 K)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check Mouse Hit With A Movie Clip?

Dec 29, 2010

i have  a group of movie clips i want to know when certain movie clip is clisked

here is my code that does not work properly
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicked)function clicked(e:Event){ switch( {  case "myMc" :  trace("hello world") break;}

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ActionScript 2.0 :: F5 Check If Movie Has Played Before, .. If So Stop?

Nov 18, 2003

I have a movie loaded into a header (which is loaded every time a new page is browsed). This movie spouts out a pop up window after 30 seconds then stops. This works except of course every page time this loads afresh it spouts out a new one.Is there some sort of way to check if movie has been played (say within a 4 hour period) and if it has not to play (do not spout out the pop up)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check Using As What Frame A Movie Clip Is On?

Dec 26, 2005

is there a way to check using as what frame a movie clip is on?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check When The Movie Clip Has Finished?

Mar 22, 2007

How do you check when the movie clip has finished playing?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If Movie Is Already Loaded In A Level?

Apr 21, 2008

This may be a simple question, but I'm relatively new to the actionscript side of Flash.I have buttons that each load a different movie clip into, let's say, Level One. I'd to know how to write the AS so that if a specific movie is already loaded into that level, it won't load again when the button is pressed.

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Actionscript 3 :: Check Whether Movie Clip Got Filled At One Place

Sep 15, 2011

I have created a empty movie clip . And i,m brushing on that .(i.e)Filling(Begin Fill) it with ellipse for every click .

How do I check whether it is filled at particular place .(say 400 x 400 from x=0,y=0)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check Hit Test Of Two Movie Clips Having Different Parents?

Sep 14, 2009

To check hit test of two movie clips having different parents. is it possible?

For example:


parent of "a_mc" is "AAA_mc" and parent of "b_mc" is "BBB_mc"......hit test of a_mc and b_mc is possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check Movie Clip Has Finished Playing?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I couldn't find the right answer.

I want my MC to load after a button is clicked. When that MC is finished playing I want an imported FLV to play. [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check External Movie's Load Status?

Mar 21, 2006

I've an empty movie clip on the stage and an external swf is loaded to that movieclip. How can I check the external movie's frames are completely loaded or not from the base movie. Is it possible by targetting the empty movieclip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check Text Inside Movie Clip To XML File?

Sep 17, 2010

this current situation as i cant seem to find a solution anywhere.The Coding are below:

ActionScript Code:
var xmlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Beginner.xml");
var xmlloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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Professional :: Make Drag And Drop Work On A Check Answers Button?

Feb 20, 2012

I ve got a drag and drop code working, but what I really want to do is have a check answers button that tells the user, you have none correct, or two correct or all wrong... I have one target area, and 3 correct answers (out of 7) so I would like to let the user put as many ansers on the target as they want and then check if they have any correct, also a reset code would be nice to put everything back where it started... I tried to break my code up but the events then went mad, Here is what i have so far, it works instantly and lets crrect answers stay and incorrect bounce back..
doit.text="drag over the words that mean Vision";


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ActionScript 3 :: Flash - Check Input Text With Movie Clip Button?

Jan 30, 2012

im just working on my new project. All what i need is, i want to check input text using button, if the value on the input text box is equals 1, trace("true"), else trace ("false").

here's the example link [URL]

the problem is, when im trying to input text to 1, it's always goes to else, which means false. also all number. sorry for my bad english. here's what i did

var check:Boolean = false;
var input1:String;
var answer:String = "1";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1180: Call To A Possibly Undefined Method Check -> Var RightCheck = New Check();

Oct 2, 2009

See [URL] Now there is a button called Answera, which when clicked should have a symbol (movie clip) called Check appear at the cordinated specified. Check exists in the libary (but does not have an instance name) and no where else on the stage. when I run this code I get: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Check. -> var rightCheck = new Check(); How is it undefinded if it exists in the libary?

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Actionscript 3 :: Check The User Selections On Dynamically Generated Radio Buttons And Check Boxes In Flex?

Jan 27, 2011

The following is my codes. This is still work in progress; so, you will see some functions with empty contents. Plus, this is my first Flex application; please bear with me. This is a quiz application that gets the questions and answers to each questions from a ColdFusion web service. There are three types of questions, True or False, Multiple Choice with single selection, and Multiple Choice with multiple selections. So, based upon the question type, the application would dynamically generate the appropriate amount of radio buttons or check boxes for the users to select. I got these working. The problem that I am having is, I am not sure how to check what the users have actually selected. In some other forums and posts on other web site, it said that I can use event.currentTarget.selectedValue to get the user selection. But when I actually do it, I got a run-time error saying, "Property selectedValue not found on mx.controls.FormItem and there is no default value." My question is, what do I need to do to capture the user selections?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Put A Condition On The Button Event On (release) To Check Which Frame Of The Movie Symbol Is Stopped?

Mar 16, 2009

i want to put a condition on the button event on (release) to check which frame of the movie symbol is stopped. something like if(frame 3 is stoped) gotoAndPlay(14).

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