Professional :: Embed Or Hide A FLV Playback Interface File?

Jan 31, 2011

We're currently developing a small Flash application to display our company's capabilties. This application will be stored on a small USB thumb drive that we give to our potential clients. When the thumb drive is accessed, users will see two folders "Media" and "Other"; and an SWF file entitled "Start." There is; however, one more file that displays: the interface/skin file that we used for our FLV videos (entitled "SkinUnderPlaySeekStop.swf"). If this file is not included in the same location as the main SWF file, the interface/skin will not display on the video.

We would like only the two folders and the main SWF file to be displayed on the root of the thumb drive. Is there anyway to move the interface/skin file into another folder (for example, the "Other" folder) and call it up from that location within the original FLA file?

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Hide Interface Elements When File / SWF Loads

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Professional :: Hide A SWF File On A Stage?

Oct 18, 2010

I am loading my SWF file onto stage. Later, I want to hide it. For movie clips, I am using the following code:

TAC_mc.visible =false;

But I can't do the same to my SWF file.

Countdown.swf.visible = false;

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Professional :: Add Playback Skin To Existing .swf File?

Aug 19, 2010

I have an .flv file I created and imported it into the Flash timeline and needed to use an Actionscript with it because I need it to loop when it's finished.  I exported it to an .swf file but I can't find any way to use the "ClearOverPlayMute.swf" skin with it on my web page.
Flash doesn't export the swf file with any playback skins.

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Professional :: Switching FLV Source File Mid-playback

Nov 22, 2010

I have a number of different videos (all of the same duration and resolution) encoded with almost the same content - however they have different colour schemes, etc., and I require my FLV player to be able to switch seamlessly between them.

That is, if the player is currently playing "test1.flv" and the user presses the 'switch' button, I want to switch over to playing "test2.flv" in the same player, picking up at the same point in time.
I used to have a server-side solution that could fake this, but that isn't a long-term solution. Might I ask how you experts would handle something like this?
Do I need Flash Media Server, or can it be done with just Flash?

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Professional :: Hide Navigation Button In Xml Config File?

May 11, 2011

I have a photo gallery with a navigation button that allows for additional photo categories that I don't want to appear. Unfortunately, I can't open the .fla as it appears to have been created with a newer version of Flash. The code in the config.xml file is basically:
<navigation>  <menu 1> <content>
</menu 1>
<menu 2> <content>
</menu 2> 
Is there a tag I can add to make the navigation link disappear?

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Professional :: Possible To Embed Flv File In To Flash?

Aug 27, 2010

Is it possible to embed the flv file in to the flash like other files(images, swf), so that i can handle this in as3 as programmaticaly in the same way as FLVPlayback component? I know the way to add flv file by creating FLVPlayback component. But in this case we always need to depend on the source path of corresponding file. I am not able to find any kind of solution for this. As second way I have imported flv file to the library and created the instance of this but there is some problem with the synchronization of audio with video.Also in this case I am not able to handle this flv in as3 as programmatically

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using Flash (CS5 pro) and have created a leaderboard ad that I need to have link to a website. 

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Professional :: Embed Player Skin Into File?

Jan 27, 2012

Is there a way when using Actionscript 3 to embed the video player skin into my document so that when I publish it, everything I need to launch the file onto a website is in one swf?  When I publish it as it is now, 2 swfs appear, one for my file and one for the video player skin.  Can I embed the video player skin so this doesn't happen and I only have to upload the one swf to my website? 

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Professional :: Embed A Detection Code Into The Flash File?

Mar 11, 2011

Flash Player Detection Kit ( http:/url......... ). I would like to embed the detection process in just one file. Hence how can I embed a detection code into the flash file, so once its exported to swf, it'll have the detection code already and no additional files are needed?

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Professional :: Embed .mov File In .swf File?

Jan 12, 2010

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Warning: This is an adult site. I can provide the URL if requested.

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Professional :: Embed All MovieClips / Sound And Video In One Flash File?

Feb 13, 2012

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Actionscript 3 :: Embed Dynamic Audio File(s) / Use Variables In Embed?

Feb 10, 2012

Making a piano/keyboard application and trying to figure out the best way to set this up .I plan on having a directory of sounds for each 'instrument' in my assets folder (piano1/C4.mp3,piano1/D4.mpg,...)Is there a way to import/embed all of these as an array? Also is there a way I can pass a variable to this class to indicate which folder I want to import these from? Something that would be ideal

var type = "piano2"; //passed from class being called by
foreach(notes as note){
[Embed(source = 'assets/sounds/'+type +'/'+note+'.mp3')] private const C3:Class;
public var c3:Sfx = new Sfx(C3);

Or would it be a better idea to have a class for each of these "types" that pulls all notes?

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Professional :: Embed HTML In Flash - When I Click ,opens The Correct Description Text File In The Second Text Box?

Apr 17, 2011

Is there any way I can embed HTML in flash? I know I can do this with text boxes but is there any other way I can do it? If not I know theres is the load feature where I can load text from a text file. With the html text box editing, Can i link that to the text file?. As in when you edit the text box with html could i have the textbox's instance name equal to the text file? With this my issue is with the <a href> in one textbox, I would like when i click those it open another text file in a different text box.

Clarification: I have two text boxes in my flash file.One has current products. And the other is the description of the product they select. I would like a way to edit and change the products in the first text box without having to keep using the FLA file. Which is why i am using this code

var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); myTextLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
function onLoaded(e:Event):void {trace(;} 
myTextLoader.load(new URLRequest("myText.txt"));

The contents of myText.txt are <a href=(not sure what to put here)> Product 1 </a> But all that does is put it in the text output section in flash.It does not show it in flash. I need help getting it to show up in a text box.That is the first part But the main problem is im not sure how to code the a href correctly so that when i click it, another text file opens in the second text box.So that when a user clicks on a product ,like "Product 1" It opens the correct description text file in the second text box.

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Professional :: Flash Interface CGI Alternative?

Mar 2, 2010

I would like to have a flash app on a website where:A user can input some values Those values are then sent to a server which has an executable fileThe exe is run with the user's settings and then sends some data back to the userThe data is displayed in the flash app.Is it doable with CGI or is there a better alternative to this?

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Professional :: Flash - CS5 Interface Corruption?

Jun 8, 2011

This is a computer I am provided with while I work onsite. I am having severe corruption issues. Sometimes the fly out panels appear on the opposite side of the monitor, scroll bars duplicate and appear over the top of my work, and the toolbar just disappears completly until I mouse over each button and force flash to redraw them. It seems to be redraw issues of flashs actual interface, not my work.Not sure how flash renders its own interface, but my .NET framework and java is up to date if that makes any diff.Is this an incompatibility with the video card? I've never seen this before and I wasnt able to find any solutions while googling, or even mentions of this issue, unless I was just searching for the wrong keywords

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Oct 1, 2010

I'm having an incredibly annoying problem with Flash CS5 on my Mac that is making the software absolutely unusable.
If I open a previously worked on file and start deleting layers and moving keyframes, the screen never redraws the interface. As in, if I delete a layer, I don't actually see it go away. It's still there in the interface. Minimizing/maximizing does nothing to refresh the interface.

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Professional :: AS 3.0 - Using External Interface Call To Open PDF

Oct 7, 2010

Using Flash - AS 3.0: I am trying to use to open a .pdf file - but it is not working - nothing is happening... ("","diagrams/v1/crh.pdf", "WindowName", params);
But this line DOES work - call an .html file to open. ("","m5_quiz/v1/quiz.html", "WindowName", params);

I can't find any information that says this should or shouldn't work - it seems to me it should open it. To get around this - I have been using 'navigateToURL' to open the pdf file - but that triggers the pop-up blocker - using the External Interface call does not.

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Professional :: Using External Interface On Local Content?

Jul 17, 2007

We're using External Interface for interfacing between Flash and JavaScript on the HTML page. All works fine online. When we
try to localize the pages though (so that a Salesperson can have a CD full of demos), none of them seem to work.Is this an over-sensitive Flash security issue? We already have allowscriptaccess='always' and swliveconnect=true in the object/embed tags.

What can we do that doesn't require changes on each individual machine to set trust paths or any other kind of browser configuration? Not only do we want to have this content working on the machine of a salesperson, we may get clients that want to deploy content offline (kiosks, machines without any network access).

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Professional :: Getting Error With RegExp Class / Interface At AS 2.0

Jun 11, 2011

I am getting an error with RegExp class at my flash document. I am using an Action Script 2.0 at my document. Is RegExp class is not supported in AS1/AS2 ?

My code is as follows
function validateEmailAddress(emailString:String):Boolean {
var myRegEx:RegExp = /(w|[_.-])+@((w|-)+.)+w{2,4}+/;
var myResult:Object = myRegEx.exec(emailString);
if(myResult == null) {return false;}return true;
} if(validateEmailAddress(email) == false) {
contacterror = "Error ! Please Enter Valid Email Address";}

If RegExp not supported in ActionScript 2.0 then how to validate email address at ActionScript 2.0 ?

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Professional :: Same Buttons On Interface Throughout Multiple Scenes?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a project that requires building the project using Scenes to chunk up different sections of an Elearning course.
I have created 20 Scenes.
Each Scene uses the same interface design.
On the Interface there are 6 specific buttons that will allow users to visit 6 instructional areas.
All six buttons will be avialable in all 20 Scenes.
My question is: is it possible to replicate the six buttons across all 20 scenes without having to provide unique instance names for each button in all 20 scenes so that the code to go to a scene will work in each Scene?
Or do I just have to code all 180 buttons individually as I go?
What I mean is for example.
The Lesson 1 button is replicated 20 times. the lesson one button has actionscript to go to the Lesson 1 Scene.
If I replicate the button to another Scene, I have to give it a different instance name, and update the code for that button each time and for all buttons.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A XML File & A Flash Based Interface?

Oct 6, 2005

I am trying to create a XML file & a flash based interface which would:

A) Sort the data on the node specified (I tried, it doesnot sort correctly many times)

b) Search the XML nodes for the text the user inputs and display the data

Say he gets 5 results all five must be displayed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Class Constructors - Xml File To Build Up An Interface

Feb 11, 2008

Not sure if this is possible but it has been annoying me for the least few days. Basically im aware i can do this to instantiate a class


However, if i pass in a string for the SOME_VARIABLE , is there anyway i can get the above to work? If i pass a string in i either get no error, or the fact that the datatype is incorrect. Im using an xml file to build up an interface. but the value of SOME_VARIABLE is passed in from the xml file as a string. I want to be able to detrmine which class to create from this string.

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Professional :: Question Regarding User Interface Text Size?

Aug 9, 2010

I'm doing a trial of the CS5 applications and I cannot seem to find out to increase the size of the font on my user interface.  I'm finding the default font size to be too small to work effectively and find the commands I need.  I've tried Edit->Preferences which is where one typically finds this type of interface option; however, I do not see any way to do this. I've tried adjusting my screen resolution and screen font size and while this affects every other application on my screen, it does not affect Flash Professional.

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Professional :: Can't Hide Or Get Rid Of Pre Loader Bar

Dec 19, 2011

[b]Ok why wont this work?
Trying to do a
Navigation bar button , to preloader to abour me page with a photo component.
Not on the pre loader page the bar works, only it wont disappear.[/b]
Frame_movie._alpha = 100;
loadingBar._alpha = 100;

it appears to be the if script thats the problem not triggering the fad or gettig red of the pre loader altogether.

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Professional :: FLV Playback Doesn't Appear When Run It

Mar 16, 2010

I am playing an swf on a form which works fine but I've added an FLV to another layer in the same swf and when I run it, the FLV doesn't appear. If I run the swf by itself the FLV appears. I've tried using the FLVPlayback component and tried coding the FLV with AS3, both work when I run the SWF by itself but the FLV still doesn't appear when run in VB.

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Professional :: Playback Component For A Swf

Sep 9, 2010

I know you can put a playback component on a FLV. Is it possible to have a playback component on a swf?

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Professional :: How To Stop Playback

Jul 7, 2011

I have an ad banner in which I am certain I touched nothing that would affect the lack of looping in the file and lo and behold some elemnts loop even though in the actionscript it says to stop looping it....The trace says it played out the function to stop looping but it still does. I am not an actionscript pro but could anyone PLEASE possibly look at the file and tell me how to make sure EVERYTHING stops looping? The looping is causing google to prevent us from putting up the banners

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How Will Flash Work If The Container Html File And An Embed Swf File Are From Different Domains

Jan 8, 2012

Let me give the context first. A user opens a local html file which has a reference to a network url of an swf file to embed.

(1) If the embed swf requests a local image file , will Flash allow the request?
2) If the embed swf requests an image file on a non local url other than one of the swf file, will Flash check a crossdomain.xml file on the url?

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