Professional :: Get Flash To Open In Frame One?

Feb 6, 2012

how I can get my flash files to open with frame one selected.

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Professional :: Can't Open Flash File, Got "Failed To Open Document" Message?

Aug 14, 2011

My CS5 flash crashed when I changed the name of the root folder while it was open. Swf is working fine, but .fla file wont open, I get a "Failed to open document" message. This is a disaser because I've lost two days of work. Is there anything that could be done to fix this problem?

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Professional :: Flash MX Professional 2004 Fails To Open On Mac Osx 10.6.7

Apr 27, 2011

i am trying to install a copy of Flash macromeadia 2004 mx profesional. the software installs fine when i go to open it it apears in the dock and nothing happens. right clicking on the icon in the dock the program says it's not reasponding.
on the box on my flash it syas made for mac osx 10.2.6 and my mac is running mac osx 10.6.7

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Movieclips Aware Of What Frame Open Another Movieclip To The Same Frame?

Jan 4, 2011

I was having trouble even knowing quite what to search for so I figured asking a question in a forum would be the best way to go. Currently I am making an application where I have multiple movieclips of equal duration on multiple frames. For example, movieclip_1 is on frame 1 and is 40 frames long. There is currently a scrub bar that scrubs through the 40 frames of movieclip_1. On frame 1 of the Scene there are also buttons with the actions to gotoAndStop on frame 2, frame 3, and frame 4. Frame 2 contains movieclip_2, frame 3 contains movieclip_3, and so on. The functionality of this is that it shows medical conditions progressing from different angles and when a button is clicked the display shows a close up of just that one angle. As expected, without any actions on the movieclips navigating from one frame to the next brings up the proper new movieclip but they always begin at frame 1. What I would like to be able to do is somehow have my movieclips know what frame they are on so when a button is clicked the application would go to that frame and open that movie clip to the same frame as the previous one that was just navigated from.

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Link The Buttons On My Flash Bar To Open The Pages Into The Main Frame ?

Nov 16, 2009

I have created a basic flash navigation menu bar for my website. I have added the bar into a frame on my dreamweaver page. I was just wondering if it was possible to link the buttons on my flash bar to open the pages into the main frame below my navigation bar? The code I have at the moment for my "home" button is the following:

master_mc.home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLI CK, homeF);
function homeF(e:MouseEvent):void{
var homeL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("C:UsersSalisburyDocumentsProjecti ndex.html");

and this is opening the "home" page in a new window. Is it possible to make it open it in my main frame (called mainFrame)?

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Flash :: IDE - Menu Buttons Open Up An HTML Page In A Different Frame?

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Is it possible to use HTML frames with Flash? For example, I want to make a flash menu system on my site, and have the click of the menu buttons open up an HTML page in a different frame.

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Professional :: Get Flash To Open A SWF?

Sep 15, 2011

I an using Flash CS5 on MAC, OS10.
I am trying to get my flash file to open a SWF file in a new window. My SWF file ins in a separte folder. Can someone please tell me how to do this?
Is there a way to tell the file to be 50% scale?

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Jan 4, 2010

Since about 4 days ago, every time I open my Flash CS4 project file, Flash crashes.Besides reinstalling.

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Professional :: FLASH CS3 Won't Open Files

May 3, 2010

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Open :: Professional - Flash CS5 File In CS4

Jul 19, 2010

I think I know the answer to this, but. Is there any way I can open a CS5 file in CS4? A designer I'm working with created some files using her CS5. She's on vacation for 2 weeks (so I can't have her edit or resend the files as CS4) and I just got an email that the client needs a couple tweeks and all I have is CS4. Is there any way (or any program) that can backwards convert a CS5 file?

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Professional :: Can't Open Flash File?

Jul 20, 2010

I just taught myself Adobe Flash and created a very intricate file with lots of moving parts.  I saved it and then went to improve it.  Of course it was taking forever so I got up from the computer to let it do its thing and I accidently knocked out my external harddrive.  A lil freaked out I exited out of adobe flash- plugged it back in and went to open my file.  However, it wont open now!  I've saved it a dozen times after I added each new part but I have nothing now!  Is there a way to get it to open?    The message that comes up simply says failed to open document.

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Professional :: Can't Open The Flash Games?

Mar 4, 2011

I hope I am in the right forum with my question - I am playing at [URL}.. and there is a Flash Application for Live Games - Link "Live" at the website.
My problem is that I can't open the Flash games because I if I click at "Live" in the main navigation nothing happens!!!
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Professional :: Flash CS5 Don`t Open .fla Files?

Apr 26, 2011

CS 5 made the most terible thing I ever could imagine. I saved over the last files and some temp files in order to have backup of my project. I saw something is wrong and don`t open the first file, so I saved 3 more times. I restart and now Flash don`t open those files. The flash open old files, but I`m going back for three days.

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Jun 18, 2011

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Sep 12, 2011

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Professional :: Jvm.ini - Too Low - Can't Run App - Too High - Flash Won't Open

Sep 28, 2011

So I recently switchs to a new computer. Installed flash and got everything up and running. On the old computer, I was forced to set the jvm.ini to use -Xmx512M in order to run the application (it's kinda big) But now, if I set it 512, flash will not open... I get the Java enviroment error.

Now, I lower the xmx value more and more and more until flash FINALLY opens without an error... I load up my application and when I try to run it, I get the java memory heap error and it tells me to adjust the jvm.ini file. Anyone know how I can get flash cs5.5 on a windows 7 64bit machine with 8 gigs of ram to open with a larger jvm.ini value?

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Dec 16, 2011

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Professional :: Open A  PDF From Flash Projector File?

Apr 19, 2010

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Professional :: Open External File (ie, Ppt) From Flash?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a webpage that currently display a powerpoint slides.The problem is that other can download the slides which I really dont want.
following issues:I dont want to convert the ppt slides to .swf then convert them to flash but rather let flash open the .ppt directly and display on the webpage.

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Flash :: Professional - CS5 Crashes When Try And Open A .FLA File

Jun 9, 2010

I have been working on a flash website for a few days now and I cant open the file any more. When I try and open the file, Flash Professional cs5 Crashes with this error:


System: Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) If you want me to send you the file I can also do that...

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Sep 8, 2010

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Professional :: Open PowerPoint With Flash Buttons?

Oct 23, 2010

I have a flash menu with buttons which need to open Powerpoint presentations. At the moment, getURL does not work. Would fscommand work? how to use this? I am using CS5 and PPT 2007.

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Professional :: Failed To Open Flash Document?

Apr 14, 2011

I have been working on a flash website inside flash CS5 here at school. I have been working for almost 3 hours with no problems and I have made sure to save from time to time. I have saved with no problems. My problem came when I clicked on test movie. As the movie was loading to test the SWF of the website flash crashed and closed out on me. I had just saved before testing so I could have the latest saved. I double click on my flash document to re-open flash and I get a message that says "Failed to open document."

Right after the message it lists the folder where my file is located. I still cannot get past this message and my file is a website I have been working on for over 3 hours now. I needed this for school and I guess if I can't fix it I will have to start from scratch although I had so much work completed. I even tried to open flash first and then go to file open but that did nothing except give me the same error message. Then I looked under recent documents and clicked on the file document and got the same thing.

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Professional :: Open Window With Flash Content?

Aug 25, 2011

So I have a button with the following AS:



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Professional :: Can't Open Flash Page In Dreamweaver

Feb 9, 2012

i am trying to edit a web template with adobe dreamweaver (version CS5). the template has flash in it, and i have flash installed on my computer (i can view flash on any web browser, and java is enabled). when i open the index file in dreamweaver, i get a message saying "Note: Install Flash Player | Enable Javascript".i don't know what to do. flash is installed and java is enabled. what do i do??

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Professional :: Flash / Flash Player Will Not Open Link To Web Page When Clicked

Mar 19, 2010

I am testing a FLASH animation ad that has links to a website.When I click on the links, it opens firefox but it doesn't go to the link!I have added the links and the file names in the Adobe Flash Settings Manager, restarted several times, restarted in Safe Mode and it still does not work!I cannot find any information on this. My coworker also tried it and it does not work for him on IE on Windows.HOWEVER, If I have SAFARI open it works fine, and If I drag and drop the .swf file into either browser and then click on the links it goes to the web page.

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