Professional :: Resize At Runtime Only The Height Of A Flash Animation

Jul 15, 2010

I have set a stage to this size: 1200x330 px.

All graphics in this animation area greater than the stage, so I could extend the stage size to 1200 x 450 px.

So, my miz size for the movie is 1200x330 px and max size is 1200x450 px.

Is there a way to show the movie at minimum size or maximum size based on the browser window heigt?

note that the movie is put iside a table in my html file.
I would like to obtain something similar to this: [URL]
If you resize the browser window the flash movie (and only the flash movie) will be shown in different ways. If the browser window is higher enough the whole flash movie is shown. If the browser window is not higher enough, the top and the bottom of the movie will be cut. Of course there is a trick that cuts the movie only to a specified minimum size.

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<div id="maxme">full screen</div>

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<html xmlns="[URL]" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<body align="center"><object>
<param name="movie" value="/flash/connect.swf" />
<embed src="/flash/connect.swf" width="800" height="600"></embed>

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Content Embed is the embed tag and content object is the object tag in the flash. This works in chrome (and probably firefox) but not ie. In internet explorer I get the error: Unable to set value of the property 'height': object is null or undefined Here is the example page I have been using:[URL]

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stage.align = StageAlign.LEFT;
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[Code] .....

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Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
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var win:Window = new Window();
What about if I want the popup window to be stretched and be 80% width and height from the parent? How do I achieve that?

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May 26, 2010

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as you see the container._height is bigger than the maxh (maximum height) but the _width is just fine... how do i fix this problem??

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And just loved the way it looked, anyone have any idea how to get a similar effect using ideally CSS/JS and if not then using flash? Furthermore it would be excellent if you could move to the next slide by clicking on the image itself.I'm also wondering how she is able to maintain height of the images when resizing (unless she is doing it manually which I doubt now days).

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