Reveal And Un-reveal Text Upon Clicking With Animated Transition?

Mar 1, 2010

I want to create a simple script in AS2 that can reveal and un-reveal some text upon clicking (and any additional graphic), preferably with a simple transition (likely a tween). How would I go about achieving this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Typing Text To Reveal Movieclips?

Jun 23, 2010

I want to have a text field that, if a certain letter is typed in it, shows (visible = true) a certain movieclip. I need to cause 26 separate movie clips, (or one movieclip with 26 frames, one per letter), to respond to each letter of the alphabet when letters typed in the text field.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Eraser Which Will Reveal A Picture?

Aug 20, 2005

get the zip file which will be very helpfull. I made some screenshots in photoshop for help.

1). map jpg: That's the map

2). the map is covered with a black layer

3).the user changes (somehow) the _alpha property (before starting revealing the image) to -let's say- 60% and reveals with the eraser the path of the map up to some point.

4).the user sets the _alpha of the cover back to 100% in order to get the picture shown in the example.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hovered Over Scrolls Out To Reveal The Page?

Dec 6, 2006

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade Grid Effect To Reveal Landscape

Oct 6, 2003

The tutorial I am working on is at: [URL]. I have no problem with the fade grid effect itself but... I'm trying to make one of the squares (which is a guy in the middle of a scenic landscape) visible first giving the effect that you can only see him first, then the grid squares fade in to reveal the landscape that he is standing in.

So I tried just cropping the square out in photoshop, then just placing it in the exact same spot above the original image, but everytime the movie gets to the portion in the timeline with the actionscript, the little square with the man in it disappears. I want the square with the man in it, to remain on the stage from beginning to end, as top layer.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Expanding Circle To Act As Mask To Reveal Banner?

May 3, 2005

for (i=0; i<200; i++) {
circle.duplicateMovieClip("circle"+i, this.getNextHighestDepth());
randX = Math.floor(random(Stage.width));
randY = Math.floor(random(Stage.height));
this["circle"+i]._x = randX;
this["circle"+i]._y = randY;
Circle is a movieclip that has a circle starting at 2px by 2px and expands to 100 by 100. Banner is just a movieclip, but I would like these expanding circles to act as a mask to reveal the banner. This should work, but isn't, I know I am overlooking something.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delete Pixels To Reveal Background / Transparency?

Jan 6, 2011

This has been bugging me for a little, and some of the examples I have tried to find throw me in loops and they have been wrong. [url]...

Or if you have ever played "Scorched Earth" you will see that when some part of the terrain is destroyed, it punches out the pixels perfectly when a shot is fired into the ground, to reveal the picture behind the main picture with the terrain.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Top Down Falling Particles Reveal Dynamic Mask/logo?

Apr 7, 2009

I have plenty of ways of creating falling snow like effects, but a client has just comitted me to an effect as a test of my ability without talking to me first, that I am a little stumped by. use AS2 or AS3 for this project because of the filters and tween effects available to me.I need to have a top down falling snow effect (its actually supposed to be flour falling from a sieve but hey...). All the snow effects I know, fall down sideways on, from top to bottom, and then they disappear off the page (the flakes).I need the particles (movieclips) to fall downwards from a birds eye view, and 90% of them to disappear, but the remaining 10% to gradually (over about 5 seconds) build up a white logo (shape) in the middle of the screen.So I am guessing that I am going to have to be clever with dynamic masks to get the shape appearing a little bit at a time, and then I also need some random motion, and scaling as the particles fall downwards (and away) from the eye.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Using Mask To Slowly Reveal Target Object

Nov 25, 2008

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sweeping Mask - Using Image To Move Over Layer And Reveal Another

May 25, 2011

I have a question, and I find it hard to find resources on it. I have two layers, and another layer with an image of a broom on it. I want to use the broom to move over layer2, and reveal the layer beneath it. Kind of making a sweeping game. Frankly my search efforts on google have only come up with alot of masking, but I am sure you need actionscript to make the broom move with the mouse.

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IDE :: Make A Banner That Expands Over The Website It Sits In To Reveal More Content?

Sep 20, 2007

i have to make a banner that expands over the website it sits in to reveal more content. i've never made one before so i was wondering a few things.

1) is there anything special i'd have to do to the flash to make it work?

2) it looks like the banner sits in a css layer that's over top the rest of the site, is that correct? [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sliding Rollover Panel - Hover Over Invisible Button To Reveal

Nov 9, 2010

I have created a sliding rollover panel so that a user can hover over an invisible button to reveal the panel itself. The panel itself is under a movie clip which basically motion tweens the panel to slide in and out effectively. Then there is the panel_mc inside the movie clip which contains an img. The one panel can slide out but for some reason cannot slide back, even when you rollover the button(popUp_btn)!!!! The compiler errors does not even display this error!!!

Here is the code for the main AS timeline in the site:
function rollFarrange(event:MouseEvent):void{ if(panel_mc_arrangement.currentFrame <<2){;
}else{ panel_mc_arrangement.gotoAndPlay(20); }}

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Top Down Falling Particle Effect To Reveal Dynamic Mask / Logo

Apr 8, 2009

I have plenty of ways of creating falling snow like effects, but a client has just comitted me to an effect as a test of my ability without talking to me first, that I am a little stumped by.I need to have a top down falling snow effect (its actually supposed to be flour falling from a sieve but hey...). All the snow effects I know, fall down sideways on, from top to bottom, and then they disappear off the page (the flakes).I need the particles (movieclips) to fall downwards from a birds eye view, and 90% of them to disappear, but the remaining 10% to gradually (over about 5 seconds) build up a white logo (shape) in the middle of the screen.So I am guessing that I am going to have to be clever with dynamic masks to get the shape appearing a little bit at a time, and then I also need some random motion, and scaling as the particles fall downwards (and away) from the eye.

Before I jump in at the deep end, has anyone got any ideas on this, even just part of it (the falling particles or the revealing dynamic mask part) would be a great help.Please let me know if you can help with ideas and input in anyway, and I'll give you credit on the final project when complete, as well as much help as I can with game related scripting and deisgn/URL...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Class Button - User Click On The Top Rectangle And It Moves To Reveal The One Underneath It

Sep 20, 2007

i am creating a simple set of a few rectangles stacked on top of eachother (going to be like a stack of postcards) and i want to have the user click on the top rectangle and it moves to reveal the one underneath it. i have it all set up to work except i can't think of a way to stop it from being clickable after it's been moved to the side and the 2nd rectangle is revealed. does this make any sense? here is my code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Slider Bar Reveal Movie Clips On Stage As Drag It Along And Alpha Values

Feb 25, 2010

I'm looking to make a slider bar reveal movie clips on my stage as you drag it along. I've written some sloppy code that works, but isn't smooth by any means. I basically put MCs on different frames on the timeline, and I want those MCs to fade in or out relative to where the pointer is on the bar. This was a workaround, what I think I need is a boolean solution, but I'm not familiar enough with AS to write one from scratch. Here is the code I have so far. Does anyone have any ideas?


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Dragging The Stage From Left To Right To Reveal Hidden Areas Off The Edge Of The Stage - Part 2

Dec 10, 2009

I have created an animation (see attached) where the stage can be dragged from left to right to reveal hidden areas off the edge of the stage. Unfortunately I need to add buttons containing links to websites within the dragable movie symbol and I can't work out how to do it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Masking Layer With Fancy "Multipart" Reveal?

Feb 5, 2010

I have an image 300 x 400 and want to reveal it 100 x 100 at a time in a cascading flow. I can create a 300 x 400 triangle & tween it to fade the image in, but I want to reveal small portions at a time like puzzle pieces coming together. Since masking only works for the layer below it, I apparently can't make 12 layers that each reveal only 100 x 100 I can get this effect?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Menu Probs - Menu Is Split 5 Times Too Reveal The Submenu's?

Aug 27, 2002

have designed a menu that opens into a sub menu that in turn opens up to reveal another menu .the menu is split 5 times too reveal the submenu's the script to do this is a tween that at frame 6 opens the menu and 11 closes it.

This is replicated to form another sumenu

I have declared the menu instance as "menu"

I have declared the submenu instance as "subsect"

I have declared the button to open the submenu as "expander"

using the with action i have told the expanders to tell all the other submenu's to play the closing sequence so that the open menus close when a new menu is opened .this fails to work as the with action cannot find the target .the code on the expander button is as follows

on (press) {
with ( {gotoAndPlay(11); [code]............

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Drag And Drop Multiple Boxes And Snap To Multiple Locations Then Reveal Button

May 3, 2011

I'm Trying to develop a small game where the user chooses from a range of boxes of the left of screen and can drag 3 of them separatley to 3 holding boxes on ther right. each box can be dragged to any location and the order is not important. Once the 3 holding boxes are all full I want a new button to appear. I completed a tutorial and I've got one box working perfectly but no matter what i try I can't get it working with multiple boxes and locations. Below is a list of the instance names of the movie clips plus my actionscript. I've attached a link to the flash file.
box 1 = "circle_mc"
box 2 = "circle_mc2"
both the grey boxes are called = "targetCircle"


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Professional :: Drag A Slider To Reveal An Image Underneath Another Image

Oct 6, 2010

What i want is: A slider that can be pulled by the user across an image to reveal a second one underneath. The same as this example, only I want a vertical scroll button not a horizontal. [URL]

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Drag A Slider To Reveal An Image Underneath Another Image?

Oct 6, 2010

I am very new to Flash and have been trying to figure this one out for myself. Sadly i can't. What i want is:A slider can be pulled by the user across an image to reveal a second one underneath. The same as this example, only I want a vertical scroll button not a horizontal

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MCL + Keep Clicking A Clip To Transition To The Next + Images

Jun 15, 2005

Just starting out with the MovieClipLoader class and have gotten what I wanted with an image being loaded - a 'blinds' transition - click on the clip to view the next image - also a 'blinds' transit. But these two are using one MCL obj. and I've sort of run out of ways to then click on the second image to load a third...thus, need to do some re-writing for a new function? How can I keep clicking a clip to transition to the next - and where could I place a second or third MCL obj. w/out conflicting with the first?

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Professional :: Clicking Animated Button Goes Directly To URL?

Dec 16, 2010

I have created a button in Flash CS4 with AS3. It is an invisible button over a test tube illustration. I have created an animation of an empty test tube illustration that fills with liquid when you click on the invisible button. The duration of the movie clip (test tube filling) is 26 frames at 18 frames per second (about 1.5 seconds).I have put in action script that sends the viewer to a URL when you click on the (invisible) test tube button and it works as expected.My problem is that when I test the button, it goes immediately to the URL without me being able to see the full animation of the test tube filling first.

My question:How can I delay the action of the button linking to the URL to allow the viewer to see the full 26 frames (about 1.5 seconds) of animation and THEN GO TO THE SPECIFIED URL?Found lots of stuff about delaying using intervals?? in ActionScript -not making any sense to me. I am a beginner/intermediate in Flash and know very little about AS - i find most of my AS stuff on line on forums etc.Here is my action script 3.0 on the last frame (26) of my animation. teach_btn is the invisible button.

function mouseClick(event:MouseEvent):void


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Add Some Animated Text

Jul 6, 2009

I'm creating a simply animation with background images fading in and out. I've done that part.Now i want to add some animated text (simple scroll to middle of movie), i have it fading in ok, but i want to make it look a little bit more realistic.By this i mean, i'd like it to move towards the centre of the movie, but slow down before it stops at the centre.At the moment it simply moves accross the screen at one speed and then stops abruptly. Doesn't look good.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Squeeze Transition Effect Between Frames Using The Transition Manager Class?

Nov 16, 2009

How can I add a Squeeze transition effect between frames using the transition manager class on a simple slideshow using the goBack and goForward functions in ActionScript3? Below is the code I have so far:

function goBack(event:MouseEvent):void

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