Actionscript 3 :: Accurate Way To Track Time In It?

Jan 11, 2011

The timer class seems to accrue a lot of error over time so I'm wondering what other solutions people have come up with for a more accurate Timer.

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I have two questions. First: how can I get the accurate time for when the click took place? In the example below, I am getting the dispatch of rapid click events long after the click was clacked (sp?).

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I have tried putting the xml load/onLoad code in a movie clip and use getBytesTotal and getBytesLoaded to track the mc progress but it seems as though when that mc is loaded the application freezes until the xml is fully loaded.

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Dec 17, 2011

If I understand this correctly, most timer examples I've seen in AS3 are limited by a certain number of occurrences. Such as:

var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000, 2);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, blah);


Where it would fire twice (again, if I interpreted this correctly)

So if what I assumed is true, is there a way to make a timer where it would continuously keep track of time?

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I need to make a local shared object (or javascript cookie function- below) that I can use to calculate the time since an ad was last loaded. It's an expanding ad, and I only want it to expand once every 2 hours. (Trying to keep the expanding-annoyance to a minimum!) I understand the basics of creating an "lso" but the action script for retrieving the time, placing it as a variable in the lso, and later retrieving it to figure the time is well beyond me. I considered a normal browser cookie, set to delete after the session, bypassing all time calculations... Forcing javascript to create a cookie ONLY when flash tells it to (after the ad has expanded) is tripping me up and creating a function to check for the cookie on the first frame to decide whether or not to continue is also beyond my simple animation skills.

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Make A Timer Accurate?

May 10, 2011

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var mainTimer:Timer = new Timer(60 / (bpm.value * 1000),0);
mainTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fl_TimerHandler,false, 0, true);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback: Seek Is Not Accurate Enough

Jul 18, 2011

My FLV is paused and I do a seek to FLVPlayback.playheadTime-1. This i.e. equals to 22-1=21. It works, but than VideoEvent.PAUSED_STATE_ENTERED is called and my trace shows playheadTime = 22 and nothing changed. If I seek to playheadTime+1. This i.e. equals to 22+1=23 my onPaused trace shows playheadTime = 24 and my FLV advanced 2 sec. not 1. So there is always 1 sec. added to playheadTime and its cut to absolut .000 numbers.
It seems like FLVPlayback alligns my seek into blocks of 2 seconds. But I need to position more accurately and jump in half seconds even.

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Flex :: Accurate BPM Event Listener In AS3?

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Jan 4, 2004

I was wondering how you get the collsion detection to be just what is in the MCs instead of a rectangularness of the movieClip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Skew Function Not Accurate

Aug 22, 2004

i got a problem with a nice skew function From Ericlin of URL...[code]i have prepared a small and plain .fla for you so you can check it out right here, its also attached to the posting (Flash MX 2004 File but should be ok for earlier versions?):url...while the borders of isometric walls are still exactly vertical (90 deg) the function is producing lines which are very slightly skew. might be something like 90.1 deg... but this inaccurancy produces ugly gaps between walls i put together later.This function is maybe not accurate enough, maybe to accurate, i am not sure. But i need probably some rounding in there but i dont know where, really (is that a wonder? look at the script! ;))when you zoom in and look at the "orientation bar" (thick dark blue bar), you will notice that there is a very small gap on the top right corner but its bigger on the bottom right corner of the wall texture.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pull Only The Accurate Amount?

Nov 7, 2004

I am with a small problem, is the following one, I have my main file that this calling 10 swfs external, example in frame 1 calls one swf, in frame 150 calls another one, in frame 230 calls another one and thus it goes until completing the 10 swfs, I am using something thus for each swf "tran1_mc.loadMovie(_root.i11)", in the HTML if I to place 10 swfs it pulls normal, all certainty so far, but if in my HTML to say only it to pull 3 swfs, it pulls these 3 swfs and the remaining portion is blank, what necessary to make it is when to finish to show to this 3 swf it comes back to the first one, somebody has an idea of as I can make this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 100% Accurate Countdown Timer?

Jun 28, 2007

I need to make a countdown timer in Flash that will countdown in seconds to the next whole hour and then will reset and countdown to the following next hour The timer needs to be 100% accurate. Is it possible to create a countdown timer in actionscript which will be perfectly accurate - ie. will always be identical when compared with actual rea-life time, irrespective of the hardware, processing of applications done on a client machine?If this is not possible, is it possible to include in the code a detection of when the timer becomes inaccurate and then further code to get it back on track to correct the inaccuracy?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: BytesLoaded Preloader Not Accurate For FLVs

Nov 8, 2009

After wrestling this flash flv slideshow for the last few days, I finally have it running smoothly locally. The problem is that on a server it has serious issues. I see a blank screen where the flv should be... I assume it's still loading or buffering. That's a problem as is, but when it's in this state, nothing else works on the site (flash site-one swf). If you wait for sometimes 10 minutes the flv finally shows and the site works great. All of this obviously depends on the connection.

So I understand that this could be caused by the size of the 10 flvs. I'm using the FLVplayback component by the way. So that's fine for now, but I just want a preloader at the beginning to only go to frame 2 after the intro flv has been loaded. I thought this would be simple using bytesTotal and bytesLoaded. I was wrong. Below is the code I'm using. When you view the page the preloader seems to work, but after it runs - you are directed to the second frame... showing the "skip intro" button (which doesn't exist on the 1st frame)... but the flv doesn't show. It's actually still loading... 5-10 minutes later it shows up and the site works fine. My preloader isn't showing the progress of the flv load.

You can see what I'm talking about by viewing my project... if you're on a connection like mine you won't be seeing much: [URL]

Does anyone know of a preloader specifically for FLVs... maybe one that reads the buffer progress?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get Accurate PlayheadTime In Flvplayback Component

Mar 3, 2011

I use flvplayback to play a 20 seconds flv video, but I can't get accurate playheadTime no matter how to set the attributes.
Here is my as3 codes.
import*;my_FLVPlybk.playheadUpdateInterval=10;//my_FLVPlybk.seekBarInterval=100;//FLVPlayback.seekBarScrubTolerance=100;function the_play(eventObject:Object){ ta.text = my_FLVPlybk.playheadTime;     //  ta is a textarea.}function the_end(eventObject:Object){ ta.text = "video over";}my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener("playheadUpdate", the_play);my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener("complete", the_end);
I drag seekbar to between 0 and 8 seconds, it always obliges to 8.333 .

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Flex :: Random Point On VideoDisplay Isn't Accurate Enough

Mar 17, 2010

For a schoolassigment me and some buddies of mine are creating an application that is showing many similarities with the C-Mon & Kypski musicvideo on [URL]. The application is being developed in Flex.

We want to get a random point of a clip, let it pause so a user can mimic the pose and make a snapshot out of it.

What i managed to do is get a random point of the movie. I did this by getting a random value between 0 and de total duration of the movie.

But what i didn't managed to do is let the screen pause on every 24st of a frame. As the movie concist out of 24FPS. It looks like the the random value of the movie that is being requested is being rounded by the movie itself. As example: There appears to be no difference between the frames requested at 2.40 or 2.41.

It appears it got something to do with keyframing i've read on the Adobe® Flex™ 3.5 Language Reference. The movie is a FLV file and i use the VideoDisplay object to display the movie.

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Accurate Character/font Metrics?

Jan 12, 2012

I have created a class which will use an embedded font to dynamically generate a bitmap font at run-time. So far it works well except that I have a minor issue with character spacing.

In the image below the first line is an actual TextField and the second has been rendered using the generated bitmap font.

If you look at the word 'fox' or the 'ed' of the word 'jumped' you can see that the letter spacing looks a little bit odd.

Are there any alternatives to the TextLineMetrics class which will give me more accurate character metrics?


Text rendering quality using the new Flash Text Engine :


By chance I have eventually found the solution :

The first problem was the antiAliasType property which was set to AntiAliasType.ADVANCED. Although it produces higher quality text it also causes TextLineMetrics to return incorrect widths for characters.

The second was that it had to also be rounded up (using Math.ceil) to the nearest pixel and not down.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Rich Accurate Rollovers?

Feb 23, 2004

I have some buttons on a page that I'd like to fade from white to orange. However, if you rollout before the entire fading MovieClip plays, it jumps to the out state. I'd like to have it gently fade out, from whatever point you are in the mC, for a more natural looking rollout. I know this is possible, but I can't seem to code it correctly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F8] Accurate Timed MC Movement Despite Framerate?

Mar 9, 2007

Im making a little sequencer program as part of a bigger application. The sequencer playhead MC needs to move at accross the stage at a constant speed regardless of the frame rate of to achieve this? My first thought was setInterval, but i have since read that it is not that accurate accross framerate changes either.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Extremely Accurate Sound / Beats?

Apr 2, 2007

method where you play a blank file, with a specific time length, and that will loop, and using that sound file, it will dispatch a event when it finishes, hence you get a very accurate loop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Rich Accurate Rollovers

Feb 23, 2004

I have some buttons on a page that I'd like to fade from white to orange. However, if you rollout before the entire fading MovieClip plays, it jumps to the out state. I'd like to have it gently fade out, from whatever point you are in the mC, for a more natural looking rollout. I know this is possible, but I can't seem to code it correctly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Skew Function Not Accurate: Need Rounding?

Aug 22, 2004

got a problem with a nice skew function From Ericlin of Here is the content of the original Actionscript Function:

PHP Code:
function skewObj (obj, mcW, mcH, pt0, ptH, ptW)function distance (pt1, pt2) var dy = pt2.y-pt1.y; pt2.x-


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Flash :: Editing Symbol Position Or Size Not Always Accurate?

Nov 19, 2010

If I click on a symbol, go to the properties tab, click on the width textbox, type in 1000, hit enter, it then reports the width being 999.95. That's .05 pixels off from what I wanted.

I have snap to objects disabled. The symbol in question is a 1000x500 linear gradient rotated 90 degrees alone in it's own layer in a movie clip.

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