Actionscript 3 :: Create A Flying Tile 3D Transition Just Via Classes?

Feb 14, 2012

I have been looking all over the internet for a tutorial to which will show me how to re-create this effect on images.[url]...

I dont want to install these 3rd party components, because the project I am working on at present, may in future need to be edited by other designers/developers.

Is there anyway to do this just via scripting?

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--red button code--

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--green button code --


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If I add the"out");

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the problem im having is, targeting a specific label when i need it.

what i mean is, i can target it fine by tpecasting my external as a MC, doesnt give me the desired effect.

for example, i want it so that when a button is pressed, go and play the "outro" frame inside the external swf, at the end of that same external swf, theres an " end" label, when that label is reached. something happens etc.

my problem is that when i hit the button, at the time of that event firing, the "end" is null or rather undefined because it hasnt reached there yet and i get an error or if i do a if/else statement, then i get the else part firing off since again, "end" isnt reached yet when the button is pressed.

i dont know how to make it fire when the "end" label is reached.

i tried while loops good lol. thing froze flash for a bit until it did fire, by then it was a mess lol.

heres my code:

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("indexCoontentLoad.swf");


ive added a " here i get lost" comment to indicate the part im lost in/cant figure out how to write.

overall, what i hope to achieve is that when the "end" label is reached, something happens. else, just keep playing until it is reached.

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<s:TitleWindow xmlns:fx=""

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function goBack(event:MouseEvent):void

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May 18, 2010

i have a flex app that transitions between 2 states with the toggle of a button. my issue is that the effect of fading only seems to work on the 2nd transition and after. However, for my first transition... going from State1 to studyState... there is no fade effect whatsoever, in fact the components in state1 disappear completely (the footer fills the empty gap where the "body" use to be) and then the flex recreates the studyState (without any fade refilling the "body" with components only in studyState). After this first transition however, going between studyState and State1 working COMPLETELY fine.. why does this happen and how can i make it so that crossfade works STARTING FROM THE VERY FIRST TRANSITION?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Top Level Classes?

Nov 21, 2010

what is the meaning of top level classes. and how to create toplevel classes.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Classes On Timeline?

Jan 17, 2009

In AS1/2 I would use functions to create class-like structures;

it would be nice to be able to, for the sake of convenience, use classes on the timeline

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Abstract Classes In It?

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Apr 5, 2005

does anyone know the format for setting up classes in AS? Also I was wondering if anyone knows if there is "type." A type in some programming languages is exactly like a class but its much easier to call into a program. Okay right now I just need to find out the format for classes

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Flex :: Class - Create Own Classes / Objects?

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When I try to do this in an AS CDATA block, it tells me I can't have a class declared within a class (the MX:Application itself). Makes sense. But where and how do I do it?

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ActionScript :: Create Own Undo/redo Classes?

Jan 17, 2011

i've been unsuccessfully attempting to create my own undo/redo classes that work well with any type of possible undo and redo commands.

for example, my simple class works perfectly with undoing/redoing x and y positions of display objects or undoing/redoing values of sliders, etc., but things get dicey when i try to tailor my classes to also work with things like adding and removing items to a list.

is there any well known and well documented solution for general undoing and redoing for actionscript (without Flex)?

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