Actionscript 3 - Flash Movieclip With Sub-animations Eating The Memory?

Nov 22, 2011

I have been working on a flash game where I add sub-animations to a movieclip by attaching child movieclips. This creates a hierarchy of movie clips with different animations, but the result of that was that the parent movieclip ended up growing indefinitely and eating lots of memory. Is there a way I can optimize such animation? If bitmap caching works, would I be able to cache all the children which were added before runtime (e.g children movieclips which were added during design and before publishing the SWF).

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Professional :: Flash Eating Up Memory?

Oct 15, 2011

I have created a swf interactive content, but I notice that the more I click on the buttons, the more memory it consumes, how can I prevent flash consuming my memory instead of closing the entire flash and reload it again?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Box Eating Too Much Memory?

Mar 13, 2009

I have developed an online chat application based in AS3. Users report the chat gets really sluggish after sometime. Days of debug point to the flash movie growing in memory! The only thing I can think of is the dynamic text field i have in there where chat is displayed. Is there any way to "purge" some old text? To add text to the dynamic text field i use:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData = New BitmapData(); Eating Up Memory?

Dec 22, 2011

I've made a mobile version of my software, with low-res images and such, and I can now fully buffer all my content (including a 360 frame animation which is buffered to memory). Problem is, that everytime I update the view, more memory is used.When I write image = new BitmapData();, does it store the previously created BitmapData's in memory? Do I have to flush the memory somehow before I draw my second picture in BitmapData?Example:

ActionScript Code:
// In this example I draw using the same bitmapData several times, also
//overwriting the first image. Do I have to somehow delete the data first, to


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Flash 8 :: Creating An Eating Schedule?

May 15, 2010

I am working on a website that focuses on a specific diet. On days that the person exercises, they eat from the time their workout starts until 9 hours later. On days that they don't exercise, their eating window is 2 hours after their normal exercise time until 6 hours later.
Here is what I'm looking to achieve:
A visitor enters a workout time (example: 1pm) and checks off the days that they work out. From there, it generates a schedule for the week that lists the eating times for each day. For example, if they exercise mon/wed/fri at 1pm it will look like the follwing:


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Flash :: Animations Not Working Correctly When Movieclip Is Shifted To Next Keyframe?

Feb 3, 2012

By default I had 2 movieclips on first frame on the main timeline. And an actionscript code for first two movieclips.They are kept on each individual layer. They were working just fine but when I shifted all three keyframes from first to second frame on the maintime line. It doesn't works properly. The reason why I'm shifting them to next keyframe is because I wan't to insert a pre-loader on first frame. Here's the output message I'm getting:


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Actionscript 3 :: Is RemoveChild Enough To Completely Remove A Movieclip From Flash Player Memory

Jul 26, 2011

Will this line


completely remove the child of clip at 0 index? I read somewhere you should set to null to all the references to that clip, but I have no other reference in my code. The clip at 0 was added via a regular addChild().

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Progress Bar For Movieclip Animations?

Jun 11, 2009

I have to create a presentation with audio and animation synced - it's about 5 minutes.  It has 5 buttons at the bottom that the user can use to navigate to a particular subject of the presentation.  But I was asked if there could be a progress bar for each subject so that the user could see how far they've gone.  I'm thinking I could have something check to see how far along the audio is and have a bar move along as the audio moves along.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using MovieClip Inside Each Other For Different Animations

Jan 14, 2010

I'm making a game, and I made a class for the player character, as it is a platformer the character has different animations for different actions (jump, walk, etc...), I create a movieclip for each animation put them all inside a movieclip and tryed to use an array to set the visibility of each movieclip true or false. The problem is I can't reach the moviclips inside the each other.

The code I tried was these
Code: Select allprivate var charClips:Array = new Array();
charClips.push(char.walk, char.jump, char.down, char.stand);
private function setVisible(clip:MovieClip){
for (var i:int=0; i<charClips.length;i++){
if(clip = charClips[i]){
clip.visible = true;
clip.visible = false;
And for each action I call setVisible(char.walk).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip With Several Labeled Animations On Timeline

Apr 22, 2008

I have a MovieClip with several labeled animations on it's timeline. When I made the MovieClip I leaved extra frames between each labeled animation, to see things better and to better read the labels. Everything worked just fine, but then I needed to dispatch an event when each labeled section of the animation was done, so I trimmed out the extra frames (which were completely empty... no code, no drawings, nothing) and placed a dispatchEvent(); and a stop(); function on the last frame of each labeled section of the animation...

And this is when my problem occurred: the animation stops at a specific frame within each animation each time I play it. There is no code on that frame, the symbol doesn't run out of frames, or whatnot. I have cancelled all the code that I could to simplify things, and it still doesn't work. I tried adding back the extra frames, cutting out the action frames(so sort of undoing manually to the point that it last worked), but it still stops in the middle of each animation... If I could roll back to before this happened I would try not cutting out the extra frames and just placing the action frame where the animation ends, but I can't...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip - Playing All Animations At Right Time

Jul 11, 2008

I am trying to make this movie clip (presenter1) to play all is animations at the right times, when it starts the movie clip should be on the frame label rock which is frame 1 then on rollover it should go to frame label gesture which is frame 2 onRelease it should go to frame label walk which is frame 3 then if its already on the walk frame then go to walkback which is frame 4.

Select allpresenter1.onRollOver = function () {
if (frame = "walk") {
stop(); }
else if (frame = "rock") {
presenter1.onRollOut = function () {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: After Hitting One Button Movie Keeps Eating Cycles

May 28, 2003

fspaiva just posted a thread with a scale script [URL] attached to a movie is attached this script :


when i try this script and watch the CPU monitor of the computer, after hitting one button this movie keeps eating cycles and a lot of it, meaning after the movie has adapted to it's new set scale, so tried if adding an "if" in the script could stop that :


but that doesn't work, the CPU keeps peaking, so my question is, should i worry about these things? if so what to edit to make that more efficient?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip - Controlling The MOUSE_OVER And MOUSE_OUT Animations

Feb 26, 2009

What I would like to do is have various MC's act as buttons so I can have animations in their various states. I have no problem controlling the MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT animations, but I want another animation to happen with the MOUSE_DOWN action, and at the same time I want to disable the button controls. When I call a myClip.mouseEnabled=false;, myClip plays on, instead of remaining at the frame it is at, like it did with AS2. One solution I found was to create a second mc and have it cover myClip, but the animation I'm using makes it unusable.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Multiple Animations For A Single MovieClip Sprite

Jun 23, 2010

how to animate a simple sprite for the 100th time, I hope I might found I more specific, and better explained answer to my problem. I'm trying to make a flash game, of course, and I want my main Player sprite to be able to play multiple animations based on specific input. So, a running right animation, a running left animation, a jump animation, and an attack animation.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assigning Actions / Animations To MovieClip Buttons?

Mar 18, 2011

I am following along this tutorial: [URL]. And I get to the part where I need to add code to get my buttons to work, and I copy and paste the code and then change the frame labels to match mine, but then I get a syntax error:
"About_Project_mc, Layer 'hit area', Frame 1, Line 1
1086: Syntax error: expecting semicolon before leftbrace."

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Difficulties Playing Animations In MovieClip Timeline?

Oct 5, 2009

I'm trying to build a site to act as a portfolio. I know AS2 pretty well but want to start using AS3.

checkout what I have so far. [URL] only the "Copenhagen" piece of paper works. The .FLA is here: [URL]

What I want to be able to do is close the "paper" by using the following script (within the movieclip)

closeb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickcb);
function onClickcb(MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animations Not Working Correctly When Movieclip Is Shifted  To Next Keyframe

Feb 3, 2012

By default I had 2 movieclips on first frame on the main timeline. And an actionscript code for first two movieclips.They are kept on each individual layer. They were working just fine but when I shifted all three keyframes from first to second frame on the maintime line. It doesn't works properly. The reason why I'm shifting them to next keyframe is because I wan't to insert a pre-loader on first frame.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop All The Movieclip Animations And Removed All The Event Listeners?

May 30, 2011

how can i pause and resume my hole game? i wanted to try it with some vars can give the var and tell me how to use it?

btwi have tryd to stop all the movieclip animations and removed all the event listeners

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Flex :: Flash - Total Memory Usage And TaskManager Memory Usage Are Different?

Aug 24, 2010

I wrote an application in flash AS3, and when I trace from flash the total memory usage of the total application is only about 9MB, But at the same time Task Manager Shows the memory usage as 110MB. Around 100MB difference.Flash Trace Method System.totalMemory difference of the Trace from the Beginning of the application to end of the application.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing A MovieClip From Memory

Jan 11, 2011

I have a function called changeMovie which is supposed to load a new movie/swf into a already established container.I can get the new movie to load (all these movies have sound embedded in them) but I can not figure out how to get the old movieclip out of memory.I can foresee an instance of memory overload in my application down the line.I am using Flash CS3 with AS3.[code]As it stands now, I can get the new movie to play and be shown but the old movie clip still continues to play "in the background - along with its sound".

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Professional :: Way To Totally Remove A Movieclip From Memory?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a .fla that contains five movieclips, and have a couple of questions regarding removing movieclips and swf size.If all the movieclips are displayed, my resulting swf is about 50k.If, in frame 1, I code conditionals that decide which of the movieclips will be displayed, will the resulting swf size become smaller if some of the clips aren't displayed?If so, what is the correct way to totally remove a movieclip from memory? Say I have a main movieclip that contains 5 other mcs, and the as code is within the main movieclip.If not, is there a way to make the swf size smaller if less than all clips are displayed (using conditionals).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Leak With Large Movieclip?

May 26, 2011

I'm having what strikes me as a stupid problem, but I can't figure it out myself... it could be a subtle nuance of Flash or just some knowledge I don't have, anyway... I'm making a Flash game with a main menu and multiple levels. We didn't organize our project right (just self-taught college students doing it in our free time) so we made a level before the main menu. I ended up putting the entire level, code and all, into a MovieClip. It creates an instance of that MC when you start a level (I'm sure this was a terrible idea).
But it leaks when I delete the MovieClip and create a new one (i.e. quit the level to the main menu and then start it again). It originally leaked ~6MB each time you quit and started it again, but I've tightened it up to ~1MB, but I'd still like to fix that.
I know to Garbage Collect something you have to remove references, so I've
Blanked all arraysNulled all referencesRemove all MCs dynamically added to the stage and any associated eventsRemoved every single MovieClip from the entire stage, including ones that weren't added dynamicallyNulled practically every object and variable I've only used weak-referenced events, and I've removed all of them anyway, but it's still leaking. There's way too much code for me to post all of it, so I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has any general ideas I haven't thought of.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove A Linked Movieclip From Memory?

Jan 11, 2011

I've seen people explain how to remove a script created movieclip or shape from memory but what about when you link to a movieclip in the library?

Do you remove that from memory in the same way?

For example would the code below remove this clip from memory?

// I want this out of memory when the button is pushed.
var my_clip:my_clip_link = new my_clip_link();


When I test it, it does not show it out of memory on my computer but I read that the GC cleans up when it wants to, so I put in System.gc() to force GC, but I don't see any memory change in the debugger.

Also if I put a stream sound in the timeline of my linked movieclip it keeps playing the sound. If it's not in memory anymore how is it playing the sound? Did I open a portal to another dimension?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Proper Delete MovieClip From Memory?

May 26, 2011

There is a main movie with button "b1" .Loading external movie in it we have movieclip "b2". Now I add two the SAME listeners on "b1" and "b2" with function deleting from memory.But works only from b1.

my code-""

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Actionscript 3 :: Greensock LoaderMax Memory - Clean The Memory Which Been Occupied By The Previous Queue

Jan 31, 2012

I have a bit trouble with LoaderMax memory occupy, i have a queue, and i am keep loading images depend on user's action. if they click load more and it keep load, but i would like to clean the memory which been occupied by the previous queue (i have remove all the children been added by the loading previously). is there a way i can do it? the behavior like this.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Monitor That Allows To See The Memory Leaked And Find Its Location?

Sep 26, 2010

I have an FPS monitor running and notice that I am getting choppiness here and there, bringing my game from 40 to 27 fps and back and forth at certain stages. I have an idea of where it is happening, but do not know for sure. I looked up quite a few memory monitors but haven't found anything decent yet. Is there a memory monitor that allows you to see the memory leaked and find its location? If not, how about just he memory leaked?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Benchmark Test :: MovieClip Vs. Sprite Vs. Shape?

Jun 11, 2010

I performed a benchmark test memory consumption by three DisplayObjects - MovieClip, Sprite, and Shape.
Below are results and method used. I just wanted to create instances. Test with adding instnaces to display list showed a slight difference in terms of memory consumption.
Observations: Sprite uses from 16 to 22% with average 18% less memory than MoviClip.
Shape uses from 42 to 55% with average of 46% less memory than MovieClip.
Shape uses from 32 to 42% with average of 35% less memory than Sprite.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Memory Management - Take Less Memory For Scrolling

Aug 2, 2007

I'm making an isometric game and I need to know which takes less memory for scrolling, making everything invisible that you can't see? Like if(!this.base.hitTest(worldHitter))this._visible = false; Or would it be better to remove the movieclips unseen and then reattach them when i should see them?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Eating A Global Listener On The Class And Receive Dispatched Event For Any Instance Of The Class?

May 11, 2006

I've done a class to be able to listen to the event for a CLASS not on an instance.

class {[code]....

why did I do this.It cames with my rugby game.I have player in two teams. When a player throw the ball I want the other teammate to act like "wait for ball" and the opponent like "seek for ball". Plus I'm lazy (and I don't want to register the listener for each instance of the player I'm creating). So this class is made to be able to handle as many instance of a class I want without adding a listener on each of them. I'm just creating a global listener on the class and then I will be able to receive dispatched event for any instance of this class .so in my team I can do

this.addEventListener("throw", "", "wait");

and in my opponent team I can do

this.addEventListener("throw", "", "seek");

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Calling Certain Animations In Other Animations

Apr 8, 2009

anywhoo i have minimal actionscript training tho i know a bit... im trying to make an Item system were i make an object like a key or a helmet... and if i collide with it it disapears. and i get the item, then somewhere put _root.playerMC.standing.gotoAndPlay ("item"); .. maybe in the item i dunno..

so basically i set my characters up like playerMC then in that animation i have a body head arms and legs.. and in those i have different items equipped on each body part on each frame how should i set this up!!!.. i cant call those items deep in the animation the farthest i can go is like Playermc.gotoandplay ("walk") when i try to do like.. playermc.walking.head.gotoandplay ("item") it doesnt work..

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