Actionscript 3 :: Using AS3WavSound To Play WAV - Cannot Stop Instantly
Jan 13, 2012
I'm using the AS3WavSound [URL] class to playback externally loaded wavs. This is working successfully. The library is simple and effective.
After decoding the Wav ByteArray the method the library employs for playback is using the SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA event and then writing the mixed samples to the output stream.
player.addEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, onSamplesCallback);
private function onSamplesCallback( evt : SampleDataEvent ):void
My problem is that I need to silence this audio output immediately but whatever method I have tried there is a distinct (1 second approx) delay before the silence takes effect.
As you can see I've attempted to add a boolean to block any samples being written to the output stream but this has had no effect on the delay.
My suspicion is that this is a fundamental part of how the samples are buffered and then written out. Essentially by the time a user action on screen (clicking a mute button) has been called and the _mute boolean is set to true there are already samples waiting to be written to the output that cannot be affected.
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obviously it doesn't work because it's not the correct syntax but i wrote it for you to understand ..
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mugWidth = 60; //change these if you change the size of your mugshots
mugHeight = 60; //change to your mugshot height
//instantiate sound and textformat classes
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[Code] .....
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var sect2X=((obj.stage.stageWidth/2)+(obj.stage.stageWidth/4))+lg.width;
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[Code] .....
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Oct 21, 2008
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May 16, 2009
when i play the movie and click on any ball it shows the subpage one by one continuously rather than to stop as per the number of their page order.
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