Actionscript 3 :: Why Can't Class See An Array On The Timeline
Feb 27, 2011
I have a class that controls an enemy. From within that class, it checks for collisions with an array on the main timeline. I've done it this way before and it works fine, so I have no idea what I've done wrong this time. It keeps giving me an
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I have a multidimensional array on the main timeline. Its name is myInst. I need to access this array from this class to build a scrolling list of swfs which the path to the swfs is in the myInst array. I have not included the entire code/class because the issue is somewhere in this part. The error is 1009, cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. This fla is not going to be the root fla, it is going to be external, so the use of root probably will not work, but I tried it anyway, to no avail.. for any help.
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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public class SpaceWolf extends MovieClip
private var _playerMissiles:PlayerMissiles;
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Dec 31, 2008
If I load a class on my root timeline and I have a movie clip call "ball_mc" on the root timeline. How do I make a function in the class control that movieclip? I don't like the addchild because I design my pages and then animate them. If I'm inside the movie clip using actions trying to reference a main timeline item I use MovieClip(root).instanceName.This works perfect, however it doesn't work in a class.
I would use classes if they were easy to reference objects on the main timeline...
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Oct 23, 2009
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this is what i am using to call the class, i'm placing this code in the frame of the timeline i want to control. but it always gives me a null error.
I Know senocular adressed the timeline issues in one of this forum's post, but i can't figure out what to do in order to register this class in the specific timeline in order to control it.
the frame goes like this:
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Dec 23, 2009
This used to work in flash 8.I just purchased CS4 and am trying to learn a few basics.I have nested arrays on frame 2 of the main timeline. [code]I can no longer use _root. on the mc to reference the main timeline.If I trace myQuestions from the mc I get an error.
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May 12, 2005
I am trying to create an array on the main timeline that I can access from scripting in other movie clips. I have tried putting the _global. in front of my array initialization like this
_global.array_name:Array = new Array();
but i get a syntax error. how can I make my array global?
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The timeline reference and usage:
import networkScores;
var network:networkScores = new networkScores();
score1Textfield.text = network.score1.toString();
[Code] .....
The errors I am getting:
Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', Frame 4, Line 149 1119: Access of possibly undefined property score1 through a reference with static type networkScores.
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type networkScores to an unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.
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if i rename
ActionScript Code:
public function
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Feb 4, 2012
This is probably something basic, but I was wondering how you can access the document class and its children through a frame on movie clip's timeline.
I tried root.<object I am looking for> and stage.<object I am looking for> but neither seem to work.
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Sep 16, 2009
I have the following class
package {
import flash.display.Stage;
Which is not a document class. I wish to pass the stage of the main timeline into the class, say on frame 1
var c:CustomObject = new CustomObject(this.stage);
Is this the right way of passing the stage of the main timeline into another class?
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Feb 16, 2011
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Apr 7, 2011
Let's say I have a file that loads an AS. Within that AS is an array that loads to a list menu in the main file or .fla. The list menu is used as navigation, so when the user clicks on one of the items, in the list, it goes to, let's say, frame 2.Now, on frame 2 I would like to change the information in the array so that the list menu now contains a new list of links.
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Sep 20, 2011
I'm new to AS3 so please excuse me if the question is a bit confusing.
I have 3 movieclips in my library with the Linkage names "Panel1", "Panel2" and "Panel3".
I want to create a new Array on my main timeline with the three movieclips.
i.e. var panelArray = new Array(Panel1, Panel2, Panel3);
How would I be able to do that?
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Apr 7, 2011
Let's say I have a file that loads an AS. Within that AS is an array that loads to a list menu in the main file or .fla. The list menu is used as navigation, so when the user clicks on one of the items, in the list, it goes to, let's say, frame 2. Now, on frame 2 I would like to change the information in the array in the AS so that the list menu now contains a new list of links.
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Mar 12, 2012
I wanted to setup an array of movieclip buttons to navigate across my timeline via labels, this is where it went pear shaped.
Having spent three days reading and attempting most online solutions I couldn't find a method which worked 100% without failing in some way or another.
I've had some joy with the method below having seen a blog entry covering different ways to call frames etc and which highlighted the bugbear below :
clipArray[i].mouseChildren = false; //Hidden bugbear
I've added the full code below so hopefully it may help anyone else who similarly nearly resorted to hari-kari in trying this.
var clipArray:Array = [btn_1,btn_2]; // Movieclip's called btn_1 etc...
This works fine, now however my understanding of whether it is 'good' code or not is an issue, if this could be improved in any way I'd like to know why and how as the problem with learning AS3 from 2 is that often you use code having seen it online without fully grasping the detail.
Adding MovieClip buttons with fluidity and which cancel out from an array became a three day mission when you're learning...
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Dec 4, 2009
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package {
public class CLASS {
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May 27, 2010
I need to assign dynamically a path to a xml file through Flashvars. How I can make it work?
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Nov 25, 2010
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Dec 23, 2010
I need to assign dynamically a path to a xml file through Flashvars. How I can make it work? I was able to get Flashvar from html page into swf with actionscript code on timeline:
1. HTML � assigning Flashvars with swfObject:
<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.xmlfile = "xml/data.xml";
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Dec 30, 2008
When I set the following class as my document class it works (draws a rectangle) but when I don't set it as my document class and instead instantiate it using var myRec:simple_shape = new simple_shape(); in first frame of my timeline nothing happens no rectangle and no error either). why and how I can get it to work without setting it as my document class?
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Dec 26, 2009
I've been working on flash CS3 for some time now and have learnt a lot in actionscript 3. However, I still have some very simple doubts which I want to clear:
1) Is the Document Class same as the Main Timeline?
2) If we type "trace(this)" in the actions panel on the main Timeline, it gives "object MainTimeline", is this what is the document class because there is nothing else as the mainTimeline Class.
3) If we type "stop()" in the main timeline, it stops the movie. Where does stop() belong, I mean, it is the method of which class?
4) Sometimes, when within a class or a movie clip, something like "root.gotoAndPlay" doesn't work while "MovieClip(root).gotoAndPlay()" works. Another example is when we try accessing a child of a movieClip by using getChildAt(i), "MC1.getchildAt(i).play()" does not work and we have to write "MovieClip(MC1.getchildAt(i)).play();
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May 2, 2010
I am trying to make a basic timeline for a class but I can't figure out the coding to use. I have worked on an older version- macromedia flash but I can't get cs4 to work for me.What I am trying to do is have a button that is the date. When someone clicks on it or rolls over it information about that date is highlighted. I want the box with the text to turn from grey to white then back.I can make the button and get that to work but I can't seem to get in further on it. Meaning that once I try to connect it to the box with the text everything starts to go crazy.
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