Actionscript 3 :: Why Is TextFormat.size An Object

Mar 22, 2010

According to the ActionScript 3.0 documentation, the TextFormat classes size property is an Object. Why is this? Clearly this is a number! When I check its type (using typeOf()), it returns Number. So whats the deal?

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TextFormat - Change The Font Size

Jan 14, 2011

In my movie, I have a dynamic textfield on the timeline starting the first frame and going to the end. At various points during the movie, I change the text in the textfield (and that works just fine), but I also want to change the font-size when I do that. I've tried using setTextFormat to a different TextFormat object, but that doesn't seem to work. Maybe someone has a better idea?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: TextFormat.size Maximum?

Jun 8, 2008

It seem that the textFormat.size property has a maximum - attempting to set it to something like 160 doesn't work correctly..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Font Size TextFormat In TextField?

Oct 11, 2010

Project: Simple Click Counter of two separate buttons.

Problem: Font size of clicks needs to be changed/increased.

link to .fla
Not sure where to place this code in the script below.(inserting it causes font to initially to be correct size of 20 but changes back to default when a mouse click is issued)[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Garbage Collect Textformat Object?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm struggling a bit to fully understand garbage collection. To be honest I don't understand why this just can't be taken care of automatically but hey - I'm not a programmer so what do I know... Now to my question - I have the following code:

var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format.letterSpacing = -3.5;

Is it enough to set format = null; to destroy the format object or is there some crossreference going on here so that I need to do something more? huvud_txt is a textfield on stage - it's not created with code...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Applied Textformat Object No Effect?

Nov 10, 2009

I have created a textFormat object and applied to Dynamic text field, but I do not see the effect. Am I missing something? I have a section of the code belo. fields[h] is actually a dynamic text field in the case below. As you can see I have assigned the arial as a font and red color as its color. But when I run the movie, it has no effect at all. But if I trace the textFormat as below i can see arial and 0xff0000 (in decimal) in console.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: TextFormat Object In Class Not Working?

Sep 6, 2007

I'm having a problem with a my TextFormat object in the Letter class I've created. Whenever I call a class function that alters the TextFormat object (formatText,sizeText,colorText), the next time that one of these functions is called on a different instance the common formatting is applied. I've read that you need to redefine objects or arrays within the class constructor in order to make them unique to instances. I think I've done here with this code but it is not working:

//Letter Constructor
function Letter() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert HtmlText Info To TextFormat Object?

May 26, 2010

conversion of htmlText ( which contains all the formatting info ) to an equivalent TextFormat object.. so that I can transfer the htmlText info ( with formatting ) to a TextFormat object and then apply them to any textfield..

You may wonder why this approach when it can be done directly using the htmlText? Cos I am trying to manipulate the text field by resizing it ( with a user-controlled handle )..It works fine when I use normal text, but when I use the html=true, the resize seems to go haywire... ( if any one has tried this earlier.. I would like to hear about getting around this )

I need to apply the formatting at the same time make it resizable ( by user ) as expected.. which could be done if the html formatting info can be applied as a TextFormat object to the text field.. rather than set the htmlText="someFormattedText".

In short, I am looking for a parser that would read the htmlText info and convert it to TextFormat object(s).

Working on AS2 - Flash 8.

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Flex :: Error 1067: Can't Make A Custom TextFormat Object?

Jun 24, 2009

Because I want to avoid repetive code, and I'm using a lot of text formats, I created a CustomTextFormat class in Flex Builder.

Another class, called is using this object to create a format:

import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get An Object To Increase In Size The Lower It Goes Down The Stage And Decrease In Size The High It Moves Up The Stage?

Dec 29, 2009

I'm trying to get an object to increase in size the lower it goes down the stage, and decrease in size the high it moves up the stage.

It only needs to increase or decrease by a small amount. Basically, it's for a game character. To ad realism to his movements, it would be nice to have this feature.

This is where i'm up to so far:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


I think I need something like:

if (object moves up)
else if (object moves down)

View 6 Replies

Actionscript :: Get The Size Of The Flash Object?

May 20, 2010

I'm working with a Flash movie and I'm trying to get the size of the player itself (i.e. the height and width Flash has to work with from the object/embed tag). As far as I can tell, Flash doesn't make this available to ActionScript.

I'm able to use this.root.loaderInfo.width and this.root.loaderInfo.height to get the "intended" size of the flash movie (what's specified on export), but if the dimensions are different on the page, this isn't helpful.

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Java :: Determine The Size Of An Object?

Nov 12, 2011

In Java, what is the best way to determine the size of an object?

In Actionscript I can usually just do:

var myVar:uint = 5;
//outputs 4 bytes

How do I do this in Java?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Decrease Size Of Object?

Aug 14, 2005

What I'd basically like to do is have a slider that controls the size of a Movie Clip. When you move the handle to the right, the MC becomes smaller, and when you move it to the left, it becomes bigger. I found an article at Sitepoint (, which did the opposite of what I want to do, but I couldn't seem to reverse the code.

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Professional :: The Size Of The Document Object Determined?

Aug 8, 2010

If the size of the Document object in a Flash application is not set explicitly, how is its size determined?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Share Size Properties From One Object To Another?

Mar 28, 2011

I want to set it up so the size properies will  pass over to the block (same object size - height and scale) but also  changing the collision properies so the player will be enable push the  block around the screen but I'm not sure how to implement such  functionality/feature. I've experimented with two ways so far; 1.) The enemy changes to a frame of a block when he dies (illusion of a  different object but the same object with a different frame on the  timeline) using the same size properies but I can't seem to the change  the collision properies from it's prior setting of causing damage and  re-bound/bounce to the player. 2.) The enemy is removed completely from the game and a new block object  is added in the same position where enemy died but I can't share/code  the same size properies to this new block object making obvious that is a  different object. Here is a code I've what I've done so far (which is attempting to do first approach);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Size Of Mc When Dragged Over An Object?

Jul 21, 2011

I'm doing a little drag and drop work and I'm wondering if it's possible to change the size of an object when it is dragged over another object on the stage..

For example I would like to drag a square movieclip around, but when it is dragged over a certain object it either play the movieclip and 'morph' into a rectangle or simply become rectangular (using a frame label or something) !

Is it possible to do this sort of thing with hitTestObject or hitTestPoint or dropTarget without contiuously checking if the objects are in contact ?

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Flash Object Auto Size To Fit Content?

Oct 6, 2009

I have a list of items dynamically loaded from an XML file into my flash movie.Each item is positioned vertically with some buffer space between it and the preceding item.However, if the amount of items exceeds the flash objects height,then the excess items are invisible (because you cant scroll through them!).So then is it possible to make some form of call (undoubtedly an externalinterface call to a javascript function) that will resize the height of the flash object to fit all of this dynamically loaded content so that the browser's scrollbar is triggered allowing the user to scroll through?Or is it more practical to simply carve up my own scrollbar to fit the entire flash movie?

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Actionscript 3 :: Define Shared Object Size?

Jul 3, 2011

I want to let the user save some bigger data in a shared object by choice. Is it possible to define the size the user needs to allow?
I'ld like to set the minimum to at least 10 MB to have some extra space for future usage.

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Controlling The Final Size Of A Sprite Object?

Feb 1, 2012

I'm rendering a xps file using flash (no MX or Spark), and I'm running into a sort of 'contradiction' that I'm unable to solve. [Note, that I'm trying to work only in core flash (e.g. Sprite, Shape, etc.), I've already solved (sort of) this issue using Spark.]

The pages of the xps file specify an explicit size. However, the content described (especially paths) in the xps file can sometimes extend outside of this area.

The problem is, I want the parent Sprite to have the size specified by the xps file, for example so scroll bars match the page size (not the sprite size), but in some cases the Sprite is much larger than this.

I've tried recursively going down and scaling everything UP, and then at the end scaling the parent container DOWN. Unfortunately, this causes translation problems with paths, and I assume it can also cause problems with bitmaps, etc.

Without using MX or Spark, is there anything I can do to control the size of the parent Sprite, other than scaling all the children independently?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Any Way To Limit Size Of Video Object?

Jan 28, 2009

Is there a way to have a video object whatever the camera size is but have it displayed on the screen as a certain size? I cannot get the video object to stay a certain size...even if I put it in a movieclip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Decreasing Size Of Object On (Press)?

Apr 10, 2007

I have a movie that, when a button is pressed, a specific movieclip (named revealbar) moves a certain increment (in this case 25 pixels):

_root.revealbar._x = _root.revealbar._x+25;

What I'd like to do is have the bar decrease in size instead of just move.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fixed Object Size On Resizable Stage?

Jan 2, 2012

I have a SWF stage that needs to be resizable, as it loads content dynamically which may have different dimensions. Yet, I need an object (namely a 'Close' button) to keep its absolute size no matter how big or small the stage gets. I also need it to keep its relative position, let's say always at the top right corner of the resized Stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Movie Size Greater Than The Object Tag

Jan 19, 2010

I have a scrolling flash gallery. On mouse hover over a thumbnail, a popup with more description is shown. The problem is that my stage height is 200px but the popup requires additional about 200px to show properly. When I embed this in an HTML page with the object tag height set to 200px, i see the scroller completely but the popup get cut from the top. If i change the object height to 400px, it show me the popup fine, but this inserts extra blank space in the html page.

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Professional :: Change The Size Of Every Object In A Flash File?

Dec 6, 2011

i created a flash website but the problem is the size is to large to fit on screen i have imbeded buttons, Movies clips, masks, and about 7 different scenes in this 13 mb movie what do i do to make the physicle size of the objects on screen so i can view it on my sceen?

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Action Script 3 :: Object Has Changed It's Size DYNAMICALLY?

Aug 14, 2010

I'm writing a sort of "dynamic gallery" in flash. The problem is that a child of the gallery can be resized in runtime, and then I have to rearrange the gallery.

Now, of course, I can't overload the gallery items, since it's a display object which
is unpredictable. and even if I could force overloading on the items, how will I be notified if, let's say, an animation started, something move, and the item got bigger Is there some sort of Event for a display object which is dispatched on ANY kind of resize ??

My dumb solution was to go through all the gallery's items and rearrange them every given milliseconds, and now I feel so dirty and I need to confess my sins.

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Actionscript 3 :: Calculate The Rendered Size Of A 3D Object In A View?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm working on a project that the user navigates around by clicking on icons in 3d space.When a user engages one of these icons, the camera should pan and zoom so that the selected icon appears in the center of the screen at its original height and size (this is so when the 2d overlay is created over the icon, that it is the same size as its 3d counterpart.My question is how to calculate the size a rendered object in a 3d view, I should mention that this is using the Alternativa 3D platform.So there's a camera at (x1, y1, z1) with a FOV of f, pointing at an icon at (x2, y2, z2), all being rendered in a view of dimensions w and h.

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Embed - Flash Object Does Not Fit Size When Browser Zoomed

Jan 22, 2012

I'm using flex. The flash object is remain the same size and not scaling when zoom in/out from browser. So the swf is not properly displayed in the given div. I'm wondering how this example could scaling nicely when zoomed in/out.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting Size Of Flash Object Set In Html?

Sep 30, 2009

I am having trouble finding the right keywords to find a solution to my problem. I want to make my app size dynamic according the size of the <object> tag set in HTML. Im searching for the code like: stage.width but showing me the fixed html attribute instead.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotating Round Y Axis Changes Size Of Object?

Oct 14, 2009

I have an flv file which I am playing through an flv playback component. The flv has a width of 320 pixels, however I wish to dynamically control the width of this flv, therefore I have placed it in a movieclip, and set the width to an arbitrary figure (400 in the example below). All of this works fine.

If I then decide to add a function to spin the Movie clip round 360Deg on the Y access, by the time my Movie Clip has done a full circle it is smaller than it was (now 361 pixels).

If I keep the Movie Clip at the same width as the original flv, there is no problem, and if I reduce the width before the spin, then post spin the Movie Clips width is wider.

var vid:FLVPlayback;
vid = new FLVPlayback();
vid.source = "Media/Some.flv";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [OBJECT + HTML] With IE Shrinking Size Of Swf Movie

Aug 2, 2007

Today I tried deploying for the first time a swf movie into a new wordpress blog I am customizing. It looks great in Firefox, but for some reason, the object seems to shrink in Internet Explorer, and there is a strange white border around it. Since I have never placed a flash object in any of my pages before, I might not know what I did wrong, or if this is a common hacking problem. Check it out here: [URL] It is the picture menu in the top middle.. If you can check it in firefox and IE, you'll notice the dramatic difference. Also, I noticed in IE it doesn't allow rollOver functions until you click on the object.

Let me know if I should post any relevant code. The size of the swf is 500w-200h.. And i double checked the height/width i put in the html page.

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