ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert HtmlText Info To TextFormat Object?
May 26, 2010
conversion of htmlText ( which contains all the formatting info ) to an equivalent TextFormat object.. so that I can transfer the htmlText info ( with formatting ) to a TextFormat object and then apply them to any textfield..
You may wonder why this approach when it can be done directly using the htmlText? Cos I am trying to manipulate the text field by resizing it ( with a user-controlled handle )..It works fine when I use normal text, but when I use the html=true, the resize seems to go haywire... ( if any one has tried this earlier.. I would like to hear about getting around this )
I need to apply the formatting at the same time make it resizable ( by user ) as expected.. which could be done if the html formatting info can be applied as a TextFormat object to the text field.. rather than set the htmlText="someFormattedText".
In short, I am looking for a parser that would read the htmlText info and convert it to TextFormat object(s).
Working on AS2 - Flash 8.
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