Actionscript 3 :: Difference Between Event.REMOVED And Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE?
Jan 28, 2011
What is the difference between Event.REMOVED and Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE? I thought when you have: removeChild(mySpriteInstance); that this removes the item from the there a different kind of removed?? For example, if I am trying to "clean up" after an item is removed for the garbage collector...should I be listening for:
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Jan 10, 2011
I have created a flash file with animations, buttons and videos which will be uploaded to Zmags - (Digital publishing platform for flat pdfs) Everything is correctly set up on my flash file, and the .swf files work fine independently. Once uploaded to Zmags, when turning to a new page within the interactive pdf, the animations plays a small clip before the page is fully loaded. Once the page is fully loaded, the animations and buttons etc work as they should. I do not want this short clip of animation to run when the page loads.
Now I have been told that the solution will lie with: Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE and Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE.
I am informed that these event listeners will ensure the page is fully loaded before the animation to add these into my ActionScript,.I have the actions on the first frame of the timeline and have used frames to create a contents page, so when your mouse hovers over the pages numbers (buttons), different animations happen (which are contained in the frames) I have no clue what to do next to add Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE and Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE.
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function onebutton(event:MouseEvent):void {[code]...............
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Dec 3, 2010
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obj.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, objRemovedFromStageHandler);
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package {
import flash.display.*;
public class TestSymbol extends MovieClip
public function TestSymbol()
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how can i pause and resume my hole game? i wanted to try it with some vars can give the var and tell me how to use it?
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Aug 22, 2011
I hava a custom component and it contains a child icon. If I add a mouse-click event listener to both component(click-listener1) and icon(click-listener2), the event dispatched sequence is click-listener2, then click-listener1. I can understand it. But if I add a custom event to component (listener1), and mouse-click event to icon(listener2), when icon is clicked, the component will dispatch the custom event. In my test, the event dispatched sequence is listener1, then listener2. It doesn't match with event-bubbles rule.
In my opinion The custom event is dispatched in listener2, which triggers listener1. Why event flow sequence is not listener2, listener1?
In component.
icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, iconClickHandler);
private function iconClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
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This code is nested in the movieclip.
The problem is that, after several scroll, the event for "sb.thumb" cannot be removed. So, it always listening where the mouse on the stage move.
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Jan 3, 2010
The app I want to build is an interactive map for a site I'm designing. In a nut shell, students looking to enter an exchange program should be able to use the map-image (as in, an actual 'map of the world') to preview possible destinations (I've attached an image of the two basic states to clarify).
After an introductory animation, I want a mouse-over to trigger a function that populates the map-image with a series of buttons. I need the buttons to be distributed according to information in an XML file (ie. x/y coords, some information text, and an animation to load upon being clicked). I want each button to call a mouse-over function that loads info data from an XML field and place it in a dynamic text field at the top. Then, I want each button, when clicked, to call a function that animates replacing the map-image with an image of the corresponding travel destination. Finally, I want a button on each image that will clear that image from the stage and call the function that populates the map so the process can start again.
I'm working out of a couple of books on AS3, but I'm a little hazy on how I ought to be constructing this thing. So here's the first place I've run aground: After the intro animation, I want the user to mouse-over the stage and have a second animation play (clearing away the introductory text), and I want the conclusion of the clearing animation to immediately call the map-populate function; but I don't want a mouse-over to have any effect until the introductory animation is finished. Is there an event dispatched automatically at the end of an animation? What is the event listener class?
I'm not sure if I should be storing each of these animations in an independent .fla file or if I should create them on all one timeline and have the program redirect to specific frames.
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Mar 10, 2012
I know the difference between the two, but I never felt the need to use the bubbling feature. If I want to listen to an event from a deeply nested children, I always use the capture phase. Could someone explain to me why I should rather use bubbling, its advantages, and maybe show me a situation in which bubbling would be the only solution?
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Nov 1, 2009
i have a question to ask about asynchronous key controls This was what i did
and i checked with [URL]...?newspage=6249 and it looked more or less the same, so why is it that when i move my character and when i hold down a key, it just keeps on listerning to that keypress event listener, instead of just executing the other event. So say, i tap left and after which i tap right, it will work just fine, but if i hold left and tap right, the event listerner will still be listening to the left key. So, i was wondering could anyone point me in a direction as to how should i make my code stop listening to an event as soon as another event has been dispatched?
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Nov 17, 2011
if I have an event listerner (mouse, keyboard, enterframe,....event) that is being triggered, and when it finishes its event, something that is able to detect the finished event listener and fire out another sets of event.
It works more like MOTION_FINISH in TweenEvent, but it is only available for TweenEvent only, what if I want to detect a mousclick, keyboard, enterframe or even touch event?
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Dec 16, 2010
In all the ActionScript examples I come across, people write custom events with the types defined inside the custom event's class definition. But, in my experience, it makes more sense for the object dispatching an event to own its own definition of that event (which, in ActionScript 3, is a String).
[EDIT: After writing this question, I've found there to be cases for both positions -- in some situations, event types should be stored on the event object, and, in others, they should be stored on the object dispatching the event.]
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Dec 8, 2011
In my AIR application, I try to dispatch a custom event from a class to main window.This class is use to call httpservice. My goal is to send a custom window when the httpservice result is send.[code]...
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Dec 20, 2011
I would like to extends the Event class to add some events I am using in game. But I don't want the new Event Class to have the old public static types. For instance I don't want to have:
How do you go about extending the Event class without getting the old types mixed in?
Is there any way to outsmart AS3 to leave out the uneeded types?
Or should I avoid creating a new Event type altogether and just add the new strings?
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Feb 23, 2011
My stage has about 25 buttons on it. Each button when pressed to tweens the background to some random x/y coordinates and then loads an external swf file.This is all working, but the timing is off. How can I wait for the initial background tween to end before I make the loader call to the .swf file.Currently each button's behavior is called on the MouseEvent.CLICK event which calls a function that knows its unique filename.swf. I know you can add the MOTION_FINISH even to the tween event but then I would have to call a new function and lose track of the button that initially called it.
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