ActionScript 3.0 :: After Several Scroll - The Event For "sb.thumb" Cannot Be Removed
Feb 27, 2009
This code is nested in the movieclip.
The problem is that, after several scroll, the event for "sb.thumb" cannot be removed. So, it always listening where the mouse on the stage move.
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Dec 23, 2009
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Is there a way to set the minimum height of the thumbSkin so that I can ensure there is always a margin there and it always looks good, even if there are too many items?
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Jan 6, 2010
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Aug 8, 2006
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Aug 13, 2009
I am using a horizontal thumb scroller which i ahd acuired from the internet. the scroller works fine but the issue is, the scroll speed is directly related to teh thumbnails present.When i am having 10-20 thumbs the auto scroll is smooth. but when the thumbs increase to say 50+ even the slightest mouse movement cause the the thumb to scroll at rapid pace rendering the thumbnail scroller useless. Can anyone help me to modify the script so that i can reduces or control teh scroll speed. Or if tahts not possible how do i add a next prev button so taht i can take away the auto scroll and fwd/rewind the thumbs one by one or a batch at each click. I am attching the fla file for reference
// Developed by
var photo_filename:Array = new Array();
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Jan 28, 2011
What is the difference between Event.REMOVED and Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE? I thought when you have: removeChild(mySpriteInstance); that this removes the item from the there a different kind of removed?? For example, if I am trying to "clean up" after an item is removed for the garbage collector...should I be listening for:
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Nov 24, 2009
Using a bunch of the tutorials on this great site, I've been teaching myself AS, and inparticular the XML parse, etc. with the loop commands to load an ideterminate number of images, etc. attributed in an XML file.I've got the attached code to work before - and it works well here too, loading all the thumbnails in their correct location, and as per the XML file. BUT now it's part of this page, the 'current_thumb' seems stuck on the last thumbnail, and a rollOver of any thumbnail will cause only the last one to action. In addition, when I put the trace command in on the onRollOut function (trace(current_thumb_mc) I get "_level0.menu_mc.item3_mc" no matter which of the four tumbnails I rollOver.
//Initial P Value
p = 0;
//Project Information
//Assigning Information[code]..........
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Nov 8, 2010
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buttonSize = 0;[code]..........
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package {
import flash.display.*;
public class TestSymbol extends MovieClip
public function TestSymbol()
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btwi have tryd to stop all the movieclip animations and removed all the event listeners
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// Draws the squares
function drawIt(e:Event=null):void{;;
Removing all the (mc1) movieclips works fine, but when i click on the butotn to call drawIt again, all previous mc1's are displayed again with the new ones
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Oct 20, 2010
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Jan 16, 2010
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Mar 4, 2010
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Apr 27, 2010
I have a MC(image) in the center of my screen, and have two buttons, one on right and one on left side of that MC. I want to scroll (image is like a menu) that MC left or right on mouse events, down or over. So, I just want to change MCs X value while holding mouse button on buttons or just hovering over them. I have managed to do that, but it's only moving by one value I have entered after a mouse event. Here's a piece of code I did.
buttonL1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, buttonL1Pressed);
function buttonL1Pressed(event:MouseEvent):void{
var temp:int = 0;
var temp1:int = 0;
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Feb 14, 2012
I would like to disable copy event in the TextArea I'm using. To achieve so I added the following code block:
function initTA(){
var tf:IUITextField = body.mx_internal::getTextField();
tf.enabled = false;
<mx:TextArea id="body" creationComplete="initTA()" .../>
This is working fine unless the text area has lots of text inside in which case a scroll bar appears. After the scroll bar is being used by the user, the text area stopped blocking the copy event.
By the way, I am using text area for display purposes since I use rich text area format.
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Oct 22, 2009
I'm building a site that have 4000 pixels in width and 1024 pixels in height. I'm having trouble to make the page scroll automatically when the mouse reach the vry end of the page but isn't working. How to get the script so that when I put the mouse on the end of the page it will scroll automatically?
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Sep 22, 2009
I have a text box with a scrollbar attached and everything works fine except if i use the scrollbar then the scroll event attached to the textfield doesn't execute but if i type in the text field untill it scrolls then the scroll event works perfectly.
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Jan 20, 2011
I have a text box with a scrollbar attached and everything works fine except if i use the scrollbar then the scroll event attached to the textfield doesn't execute but if i type in the text field untill it scrolls then the scroll event works perfectly. i can't post code because its a media server project and the code is several classes and a few hundred lines long.
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Jan 22, 2009
I'm trying to listen to the mouseWheel event when a user hovers an object and scroll the mouse wheel. My problem is that the event only dispatches when the object with the listener has been clicked.
After the object (or the stage) has been clicked the mouseWheel event dispatches as expected.
How can I make it dispatch witchout clicking the stage/object? I've attached a simple sample file to show you what I mean. Hover the colored box and use the mouse wheel. Then click anywhere on the stage and hover the box again and use the mouse wheel.
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Oct 13, 2011
I have this funktion i vant to change a bit.[code]And if der is typed a url in @APP i want it to show insted of the thumb image,
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Aug 4, 2011
it was decided to deploy the app on thumb drives. Other than creating the flash exe which I have done using flash cs4 are there any better tools available that does not include the File, View, Control, Help that I see in the cs4 flash created exes?
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Oct 12, 2009
I'd like to create an HSlider so that the skin of the track is different on either side of the thumb. So, for example, the track on the left side of the thumb is green, but red on the other.Is this possible or will it take a custom component?
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Oct 19, 2009
how to action script a photogallery using xml in a flash file which works fine. However I need the thumbnails to be stacked vertically not horizontally. Is there a way to add code to do this?Here is a sample of the current actionscripting code:
var thumb_spacing = 40;
// load variables object to handle loading of text
var description_lv = new LoadVars();
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