Flex :: Set MinHeight Of Scroll Bar Thumb In It?
Dec 23, 2009
In my project we needed to make the scollbars look like Windows scrollbars.
Therefore I have a thumbIcon on the thumb of a vertical scrollbar, but if I get too many items in the combobox, the scrollbar gets fiddly. This is because the margin between the thumbIcon and the border of the thumbSkin is too small.
Is there a way to set the minimum height of the thumbSkin so that I can ensure there is always a margin there and it always looks good, even if there are too many items?
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Jan 26, 2011
I've got a panel, which contains a datagrid (expected to fill up the majority of the realestate fluidly), and a handful of buttons and text fields pinned to the bottom edge of the panel. Its a classic datagrid+search combo. What I'm stuck on, is that while the datagrid will grow into large 'viewport' just fine, after I shrink down to about 600 pixels or so, the height of the datagrid stops shrinking, pushing the bottom-pinned content off-screen. I've played with various settings of minHeight, and while larger settings work (also, curiously, overlaying the bottom-pinned stuff where it belongs, instead of off-screen). the smaller settings are apparently ignored or overwritten for some reason.
It seems as if there must be another setting of some sort that I need to make, but I've been messing with this now for hours, and I'm just hoping one of you knows exactly what the issue is.Here's a few screenshots, first the design preview, second, the browser rendering. You can see how the bottom row of buttons gets cut off, and, if I shrink the window even more, I'll cut off parts of the datagrid as well.
EDIT: here's code to my test app, where all the behavior is what it should be...and the hierarchy exactly mimics whats going on in my test app (copy/pasted directly from) .
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="100%" height="100%">
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Jun 11, 2009
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Mar 26, 2007
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Jan 6, 2010
Ive used the excellent tutorial to create a scrolling thumb panel ([URL]) It works brilliantly and I have movie thumbs linking to a flash player. It all works fine, what change the scrolling. At current it scrolls up and down according to where I have set the 'line', I would like it to scroll up and down near the top and the bottom, rather than all the time (effectively creating a dead zone in the middle). I cant figure out how to change the code to get this to behave as required.
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Aug 8, 2006
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Aug 13, 2009
I am using a horizontal thumb scroller which i ahd acuired from the internet. the scroller works fine but the issue is, the scroll speed is directly related to teh thumbnails present.When i am having 10-20 thumbs the auto scroll is smooth. but when the thumbs increase to say 50+ even the slightest mouse movement cause the the thumb to scroll at rapid pace rendering the thumbnail scroller useless. Can anyone help me to modify the script so that i can reduces or control teh scroll speed. Or if tahts not possible how do i add a next prev button so taht i can take away the auto scroll and fwd/rewind the thumbs one by one or a batch at each click. I am attching the fla file for reference
// Developed by www.flashmo.com
var photo_filename:Array = new Array();
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Nov 24, 2009
Using a bunch of the tutorials on this great site, I've been teaching myself AS, and inparticular the XML parse, etc. with the loop commands to load an ideterminate number of images, etc. attributed in an XML file.I've got the attached code to work before - and it works well here too, loading all the thumbnails in their correct location, and as per the XML file. BUT now it's part of this page, the 'current_thumb' seems stuck on the last thumbnail, and a rollOver of any thumbnail will cause only the last one to action. In addition, when I put the trace command in on the onRollOut function (trace(current_thumb_mc) I get "_level0.menu_mc.item3_mc" no matter which of the four tumbnails I rollOver.
//Initial P Value
p = 0;
//Project Information
//Assigning Information[code]..........
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Feb 27, 2009
This code is nested in the movieclip.
The problem is that, after several scroll, the event for "sb.thumb" cannot be removed. So, it always listening where the mouse on the stage move.
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Oct 12, 2009
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Jun 1, 2011
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I am seeing the same behavior: Displaying the default thumb rather than my custom class Using a hitArea sprite (I tried a child TextInput sized to cover the thumb with alpha 0). Can anyone suggest either a fix or a workaround? I can identify the faulty mouse out events, but then don't know how to compensate, for example, by reestablishing the "over" state, or perhaps with programmatic control of the mouse.
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Jul 6, 2011
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I have this funktion i vant to change a bit.[code]And if der is typed a url in @APP i want it to show insted of the thumb image,
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Oct 19, 2009
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var thumb_spacing = 40;
// load variables object to handle loading of text
var description_lv = new LoadVars();
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Oct 17, 2011
So I am working on this horizontal thumbnail menu which populates through XML. Now, the issue I am having is the actual "math" in calculating how this should scroll. I've looked around but I haven't found anything. What happens is the container holding all of the thumbs scrolls exactly to the width of the background it is on. So if you hover on the right of the menu, it quickly scrolls all the way to the end of the menu. What I want it to do is to incrementally scroll back and forth. It's just easier to click on the thumbs that way. Below is the code now.
public function MenuBar()
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May 13, 2007
I have this dynamically created thumb gallery from a XML[code]...
Is there any way to get _x and _y properties of a previously created thumb (e.g. k-1) and use them in maths of a position of current thumb??
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Feb 29, 2008
1. I have a script loading thumbs dynamically and I would like them to load one by one with crowing alpha. Now they all load at the same time..
2. I also would like to know how I can get the width/height of the currently loading thumb so that i can center it better.
3. Last, but not least, I want to load a separate thumb-bg movieclip with each thumbnail. Not just filters, I would like a white bg with rounded corners.[code]
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Jun 18, 2008
i basically have a gallery with thumbs loaded in via xml. and then a currentThumb.onRollover function depending on which thumb was clicked. Now this is all within the forloop function on frame1. what if I want the actions to occur on frame 2 of the main timeline after the coinciding thumb has been clicked. How can I determine which thumb was clicked? I tried using a _global.id = i; but that doesnt store the correct value from the loop.
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Sep 1, 2008
I really dont get whats going on here in the code.... It looks fine and even trace the values that i need but it just does not work. In overall, i have an Empty MC which is populated with 8 thumb via a for loop each time i click the next button. When i press next it must go forward and show the next set of thumb of the xml file which have been loaded into a variable at very first.
The previous button works opnly when i am on the 2 nd set of thumbs but as soon as i am on the 3 or 4rth set then its a mess. the function does populate my array but does not show them... it says undefined
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Feb 5, 2009
looking for a script that loads 6 logo image thumbs into a grid (randomly from folder), with each thumb having a rollover image and link.. Basically the logo area on this page : I have about 30 client logos in greyscale ( and colour version for rollover), and need to randomly load 6 logos at a time (or random individually) on a timer. oN RollOver. loads colour version of logo with link node in XML Something like...
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Mar 8, 2009
We have an mp3 player that is based on multiple thumbnails. The file is built in AS2, pure OOP. On rollover the thumbs move up, on roll out they move back down. The issue is that the button inside the thumb also moves up/down, so the thumb ends flickering. You can see it in action here: [URL] (keep the mouse at the bottom of the thumbnail, when you roll over the thumb)
What's the best way against this bug? Should we increase the button size, detect the mouse position, add an interval or how would you go about this one? It's kind of tricky as we're trying to keep the same look and functionality of the mp3 player.
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Feb 4, 2011
i have made some web pages with flash and my problem is that i want to show a thumb picture in facebook wall when i post there my website in the news tab.
i only found this to add in the index.html (?) after the head :
< link rel="image_src" href="images/logocolor1.jpg"/> (without the space after the < and the picture is inside the images folder)
but didn t work
does it take some tome to show up
or do i have to make something else?
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Nov 3, 2009
I have a dynamically created slider with AS3:
I can reference the thumb by s.getChildAt(1) ~ that took me quite a while to figure out!
But how would I assign a new graphic to it?
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Apr 12, 2010
I'm using Flash HSlider component. I used a slider with several thumbs. I'd like to prevent the user from draging just the middle thumb, but can drag other thumbs. I don't know how to do it.
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Nov 17, 2011
I'm moving an HSlider thumb via the accelerometer. The following code works fine. The problem, though, is that as I keep tilting the device, xSpeed continues to increment. This means that when I now tilt it the other way, the thumb doesn't move for a while -- since, depending on how long I was holding tilted in that intial direction, xSpeed has been going up and up.So this works, but with the abovementioned flaw:
private function readAcc(e:AccelerometerEvent):void
xSpeed -= e.accelerationX * 4;[code].......
But what I want to do is to stop incrementing xSpeed once the hSlider.value == either the minimum or the maximum. Sounds simple, but when I put in if statements, they prevent the thumb from moving at all:
private function readA(e:AccelerometerEvent):void
if(h.minimum < h.value && h.maximum > h.value)[code]........
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Jun 25, 2009
I am trying to create a slider component where the thumb does not display until the user clicks on the bar. When the user does click on the bar the thumb would appear wherever the mouse is on the bar. I have no experience with the display package and since I am pretty new to using flash in general I cant think of any other creative way to do it. How to make objects display and display where the mouse is clicking.
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Mar 26, 2010
I am trying to load a group of thuimbnails using Moviecliploader within a class function. Only the last image is loaded onto the stage. can anyone point me in the right direction, I have been wrestling with this for a couple of days.
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Feb 17, 2006
My attempt is to attach thumb based on how many dt get return in flash...so far it's okay only..when I choose another value from combobox. It will not eliminate the previous attach thumb...and also I try to attach gradually one by one.with bounce effect using Laco's..but it's seem not working at all.
function searchdt(dtSel){
cbdt.dataType = dtSel;
//for (var prop in cbdt) {
//trace("About to send "+prop+" as: "+cbdt[prop]);
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