Actionscript :: Flash - Load Frames While Playing?
Feb 12, 2011
I have a question about flash is it possible to load first 2-3 frames of a a clip and while those are playing to load the rest?
Also if the answer is affirmative at the first question id it possible to change the loading order considering what happened in the first part?
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I am building a menu.. When I rollover the mouse over the menu, it opens sub menu Something like that...
(when rollover btn1)
(open submenu1)
(when rollover btn2)
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Jan 14, 2003
I remember reading one time that you can play frames backwards. I have this ball going along this line, and when it reaches the end I want it to go back exactly the same. Isnt there some kinda code to play the frames backwards? Also, the line is curved, so I cant just move it straight across real easy like. I had to do a lot of tweening.
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Jun 23, 2007
I'm having a bit of a problem with getting the timeline to play backwards through frames.I've tried doing something like the following and thought it should've worked but it didn't,with this plz:
function onEnterFrame() {
lastframe = _currentframe--;
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Jul 30, 2004
First, here's the movie in question: [URL]
the fla is here: [URL]
The concept is, you have this big picture and when you hover over a label the picture zooms in and you get a detail.
Problem is, say you're hovering over "Operations" then you just move your mouse down to "Customers". The movie sorta stutters over from Operations to Customers. What I would LIKE it to do is act as if I had removed my mouse from the button, THEN hovered over the next item.
1. User sees big picture
2. User hovers over "Operations"
3. Movie Zooms In to Operations.
4. User hovers over "Customers"
key -->5. Movie zooms all the way back out, THEN zooms into "Customers"
so on...
So far I've tried to put a switch into the frames where the movie is zoomed all the way out. something saying "ok, we're ready to zoom in" then have the buttons say "if the frame says "we're ok" then we can zoom in". But that didn't work for me.
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Aug 12, 2009
I'm trying to work out the best practices to determine a loaded swfs (via loadMovie()) total frames, then tell the swf file (parent) that has loaded the mentioned swf (child) to play that swf for its total frames. The reason being is that I want to make sure the loaded swfs (children) are played properly all the way through regardless of lag, processor slow down etc. I've got this working but using a setInterval loop which relys on a millisecond variable in an xml file. I want to replace this with an function that does the above.
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May 18, 2011
How do I play a series of frames sequentially... (each one has a movie clip on it), and I don't want the next frame to start until the nested movie clip has finished playing?
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Mar 13, 2010
I have an animated flash site with lots of small mp3s placed directly on frames to match the animations.URL...Placing sounds on the frames added to the overall file size but was fine till I tried to create a sound off/on button - it seems that to manipulate ALL sounds they need to be placed into a movieclip.After followind a Kenny Bellows sound tutorial I placed all the little mp3's in an external file externalSoundObjects.swf.[code]I can place the mp3's back on the animation's timeline if anyone knows how I can get a sound on/off button to stop ALL sounds (incl. in child.swf's).Otherwise if anyone knows how to get the external sounds working I think I can then create a sound on/off myself
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Mar 28, 2009
So I have a MC character and have him moving with the arrows. Now there are multiple(5) frames inside of this MC. Walk Animation(which is the first frame in the MC), Standing Animation, etc. So when I hit left arrow he walks and the walk animation cycles. BUT!!! When I crouch, etc. It doesn't loop the animation it just sits on a still image (as if I did not have an animation on that frame). What am I doing wrong?The code i'm using after my if statement is gotoAndStop(frame)Within each MC there are more MC's and so on, I don't know if this screws with it.Here is an FLA, the code is partly me but ultimately from disastamaans tutorial(on the kongregate website) for basic platforming. I'm just trying to learn right now.Forgot to add that currently I have a total of five frames.1 Animated-walk2 Animated-stand3 Animated-jump4 Animated-crouch5 Animated-crouch walkThose are my five frames, and 1,2, and 3 work fine, only 4 and 5 won't animate?
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Apr 9, 2010
I have a button which when pressed I need it to play a frame on the main timeline which contains a movie clip. I also want the same button to play another frame with another movie clip after the previous frame has finished playing. I have attached a sample file of what I am looking to d
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Jan 29, 2011
Basically I have a MC called 'plane3.' Inside that MC is another MC called 'plane2.' Inside 'plane2' is an animation on frame 5.(inside the MC 'plane3' the MC 'plane2' is on a classic tween going side-to-side from frame 1 to 99, once it gets to frame 99 the code gotoAndPlay(1); makes it go on loop back to the beginning)My question is how would I go about: when you click 'plane3' it lets the tween continue playing until frame 10, then on frame 10, it gotoAndPlay (100); in the same MC and ALSO plays frame 5 from inside 'plane2'
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Jul 9, 2009
I have a image gallery where you can click a foward button or a backwards one. I have each image on every 15th frame. So when the person clicks the next button it plays from 1-15 where it stops if they click back it will go to 15-1 etc. I got it working with the 2 images so I can go between them but when I add a third it won't do anything. I execpt it's something to do with removing the event listener, but I'm not sure.
var bRewind:Boolean = false;
this.back_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseOver);
this.forward_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseOut);
function fireEvent(event:Event):void{
[Code] .....
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Sep 8, 2009
I got this video player in frame 3
i got this code
video_player.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_S TAGE, stopMovie);
function stopMovie(e:Event=null) {
to make the player invisible when the user goes to other frame
but video player stays on the frame when the user used fullscreen function and goes back to the next frame.
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Dec 30, 2011
I have a website.fla and when i change page i want the video to stop playing because at the moment it continues to play in the background even when on a different page.
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Sep 14, 2009
What I'm looking to happen is that on frame 2 I want audio track 1 to play and:
after 1 min 45s move to frame 3
after 1 min 51s move to frame 4
after 2 min 47s move to frame 5
after 3 min 15s move to frame 6
How would I code this or what would be the easiest way to do it??
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Feb 13, 2011
I developed a website using flash with Actionscript 3. I included a music as a background for the website and the music will loaded when the site loaded. But the problem that when I click buttons to move between pages(frames) then go and click button_01 the music will play again so I will have music playing more than one time in the background and the sound_btn will not work any more so even I click sound_btn the music will not stop. The code I'm using is listed down. What I should modify to not allow the music play more than one time in the background while moving from one page(frame) to another.
//number that is redefined when the pause button is hit
var pausePoint:Number = 0.00;
//a true or false value that is used to check whether the sound is currently playing
var isPlaying:Boolean;
[Code] .....
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Apr 13, 2009
i have imported a flv file into my library and placed a instance of it on the time line but It asks me if I want to add the amount of keyframes to show the movie which I would rather not as it slows down every think, is it possible to start the movie from actionscript command in a named frame and not have to add a load of frames?
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Feb 7, 2009
i have an example fla i made of my real project..a nd basically i need a diffrent sound on all 3 frames so i put my sounds in my library and the sound works when i first start up but if i sitch to a diffrent frame it stops and willnt start the next one
fla attatched at the folowing link... (flash cs3/cs4 compatible) [URL]
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Dec 14, 2010
my varloader.fla sample will load up a couple of variables from a .txt file (numbers.txt) and it will display them just fine in the dynamic text boxes on the layer below the actionscript layer. but if I move one of the dynamic text fields to another frame, lots of errors happen.
i gather this is because when the movie moves to the next frame, it 'forgets' all of the definitions in the actionscript of frame 1, but certainly there must be a way to do one load of the variables from the text file and use them project wide? please tell me i don't need to write a loader to parse my .txt file in ever frame I want to use the .txt variables?? how can i make these variables global? all i want to do is be able to display first_txt and second_txt on subsequent frames from the frame with the AS...
ActionScript Code:
here is my actionscript:[code]......
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Aug 4, 2010
I'm interested in having my flash movie play at say, frame 50 and then if you refresh - it will again select a predefined (but randomly selected) frame to play from.So, the order could be as follows:
Refresh - frame 50
Refresh - frame 150
Refresh - frame 150
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Sep 18, 2009
I am new to AS3 and was doing a little bit of research before diving in. I wish I could just create external swfs to load with each button, but the CMS system that I am uploading to won't allow it~ so I HAVE to make the thing into one swf, but the file size is too large. Is it possible to make a button that loads only a few frames within the timelime? and the next button will load another few? this is what i found and it says i can't:[URL]
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Dec 20, 2010
Im trying to create a motion where as when you select a object from the home page all the objects slide out and off screen before the new content loads.
Ive got it set up so that it all loads into a swfLOADER. Is their a way that i can make it gotoAndPlay an out phrase before loading in the next content on the swfLOADER. I dont even know if what im trying to do is possible?
Have not sucseeded so far as it just wipes the page before playing the out phase. Is their any way that i can make this work??
currently got it saying on release gotoAndPlay "out" and then on the next line loadMovie "about"
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Mar 24, 2011
I want to be able to load external images into different frames in a movieclip and then control it from inside the code. For this, I need to know how to create a blank movieclip with an ammount of frames that I can specify inside the code and how to put different images on different frames of the movieclip. How can I do this?
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Dec 3, 2003
I am trying to load a movie without using a frame script. Basically I have the below AS to load the movie (which works fine)
However I want to play frames "40-47" then load home.swf.
I understand I could have it just goto and play frame 40 with a load home.swf frame script on frame 47. But this does not work for what I am trying.
on (release) {
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Feb 19, 2003
I know this can be done in html but flash I don't know. I want to stay on the same url page and load another url in my flash movie. You can do this with SWF's, you have a main movie and then you can load a second swf into the main movie. Can this be done with a main swf and load in a url page into the swf?
View 8 Replies
Jan 15, 2006
I am building a video wall sort of thing. I am wondering whether to use a jpg to preview content of each video or load the video's directly with only loading the first 5 frames running a loop then killing the download on the rest of the movie till requested to start again by the user. Is this possible?
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Aug 7, 2009
I am loading an external SWF file into my main timeline. The external SWF file contains an FLV video. At a certain point in my main timeline, the SWF file loads and plays the video. Is there a way to say...
If the VIDEO (FLV) is done playing, gotoAndPlay(X)?
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Feb 9, 2010
I have seen flash sites that wait to load different parts of the flash file until you click on a link, thereby starting a loading graphic that then loads the content you're looking for. I can't find any information on how to do this, and I'm guessing I just can't find the right terminology.
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May 4, 2008
The three text fields below (txt1, txt2, txt3) are in three different frames (1, 2, 3)... With my current code, text data from my xml file seems to be uploaded only in the textfield in the first frame. How do I load the other items from my xml file into the other textfields?
var myXML:XML = new XML;
var myXML:XML = new XML;
myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
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Aug 7, 2009
I'm almost desperate because I'm looking everywhere for this simple (I think) task. I have an intro.swf and a content.swf. What I want is how can I play the intro.swf and while that is playing the other one (content.swf) is loading so when the intro finish the content.swf is already load and doesn't start a loading bar.
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