Ajax :: Calling WCF Service From Action Script 2?

Apr 1, 2010

I am a .NET programmer working with a Flash designer on a project. The design is that they will create a flash UI (implemented with AS2) to present a questionnaire. After it is completed by an end user, the will send me (a .net web service of some form) the answers to the questionnaire, I will perform a calculation, and I will send a response back (the response will likely be a single integer, though it may be a touple of (integer score, string description).

Neither myself nor the designer is knowledgeable of Action Script. Does anyone have a snippet for such web service calls in AS2? Are there any soap libraries for AS2 that we could use, or should I expose a RESTful interface? Can it be as simple as having the designer concat the questionnaire answers into the query string of the service URL? What would be a typical data format for my response (xml, json, plain text)

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_root.navigationMC.onPress = function() {

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on (release) {

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on (release) {

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Identifier - test

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on(release) {

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$allowed = new Array("", "");
if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $allowed)) header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden");

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Javascript :: AJAX And Playing A Sound Once

Nov 25, 2011

We have a website which displays status updates throughout our various facilities (they all have LCDs with a fullscreen IE page I point it to). Right now I go to my management page with a WYSIWYG-editor, type in the messages/updates, which saves it to a .txt file (alert.txt) and it updates the page on the screens via AJAX. The page on the screens checks for updates at a set interval of 5 seconds. What I want to do now is play a sound to alert when an update is given (the screen only displays critical network errors and such)[code]I've tried adding the sound clip via an embed HTML code (created a Flash object that plays it once upon loading the Flash object) to the text file, but this causes it to play once every iteration. Even if there are no changes.

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Dec 12, 2011

I am looking for options for project architecture. Service - text chat between two clients. An experts or a teachers use an Ajax client, another - a students use a flash (AS3) applications (social networks, AIR apps, Android AIR apps, etc).

How best to organize a chat between the two? The server side can use PHP and mySQL.

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IDE :: Loading A SWF Via HTML Button (AJAX)

Jan 7, 2010

I have a html site with three div tags, I want to be able to load an SWF into one of the div's via a html button.

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


When the html button is clicked it loads but displays a mass of nonsense code.

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Nov 20, 2009

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Dec 3, 2009

My company has some software which we use to acquire data and interact with some hardware. If we wanted to put a mockup on a website which allows the user to get a feel for the UI (gather some data, change some settings etc.), what are some good methods to do so?I'm thinking either some clever javascript or flash. I've done some JS before but only to style elements of a page. I did some stuff with flash about 8 years ago and found it really fiddly.

So my questions; Are javascript/flash reasonable solutions for this or is there something better. What is likely to be the simpler/quicker route? Is there a better way to achieve the end result?] The demo doesn't need real data, just some fake/dummy example stuff is fine.

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Web Development / Flash Making AJAX Requests?

Dec 4, 2009

The main top section of the site is a little Flash thing that has buttons as links to different areas of the site. All of that is well and good, but whenever I click those links, it has to reload the entire page (including the Flash app) when only the bottom part changes. This isn't really a huge issue, since everything's real small, but it's kind of annoying.I vaguely remember "fixing" this behavior using AJAX during my web programming class, but that was just straight HTML and Javascript, no Flash players to muck around with.My question is, how do I overcome having to reload the entire page when someone clicks a link from the Flash object? Is there some nice way I can call something other than getURL() to achieve this effect?

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Javascript :: Use Adobe's Blaze DS Via ColdFusion Through Ajax?

Dec 7, 2009

I want to use Adobe's Blaze DS via ColdFusion through Ajax. I know enough ColdFusion and JavaScript to do what I want to do, but I want to add long poling into the application and it looks like the only way to do that is through Blaze DS...but I don't know enough about Flash/Flex to finish the job.

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Flash :: Web Development - Type Animations But Using AJAX?

Dec 11, 2009

I am looking for someway to do Flash type movies but with AJAX instead? Flash requires plugins, SEO is difficult and my experience is people tend to stay away from Flash websites unless they are really really good. [URL]

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