Browser Won't Update Revised Cs4 Flash Movie?
Mar 15, 2010
I created a cs4 flash movie on our website and everything worked fine. When I modified it and uploaded it, however some browsers are not loading the new movie unless they clear their cache (IE 7, Safari so far).Is there some way I can tell the browser to grab the updated version (same name) automatically?
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Aug 14, 2010
I created a cs4 flash movie on our website and everything worked fine. When I modified it and uploaded it, however some browsers are not loading the new movie unless they clear their cache (IE 7, Safari so far). Is there some way I can tell the browser to grab the updated version (same name) automatically?
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Mar 15, 2010
I created a cs4 flash movie on our website and everything worked fine. When I modified it and uploaded it, however some browsers are not loading the new movie unless they clear their cache (IE 7, Safari so far). Is there some way I can tell the browser to grab the updated version (same name) automatically?
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Jan 17, 2006
I have a PHP mailer form on my site which needs to be published in action script2 to work, but I also have a script set up to open browser windows of a certain size & location which needs actionscript 1 to work? The PHP mailer form has a "Name" field, "Email" field & "Message" field, theses can all be reset with a button. The button clears off any text in the 3 boxes to wipe them clean. The script on the reset button is:
on(release) {
_root.myForm.formNameField.txt = ""
_root.myForm.formEmailField.txt = ""[code].....
This works fine with section script 2 but not with as1. Does anyone know of a script that resets the .text field on as1 Alternatively is there any way of opening browser windows from a flash movie with browser win controls, eg. centre win, no scrollbars.
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Jul 25, 2011
I made changes to the file and attempted to load it into my browser (IE) but it only loads the file from before I made the changes. I published the file and even cleared my cache. I double checked the location and it looks fine.
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Nov 17, 2011
I am deploying Updates via SCUP and SCCM to hundreds of Computers. Fortunately Adobe provides an SCCM Update Catalog for both Adobe Flash ActiveX and Adobe Flash Plugin. But now my Problem: After publishing the Update via SCCM, the client is not supposed to be interfered with the Update Progress (which is working) I figured the Updater works like this: First SCCM checks if a Update needs to be deployed, if this is the case, The Flash Updater begins. First the old Flash Version is beeing uninstalled. But now: if the Client has a Browser Window (IE, or Firefox) open, the Updater is not able to install the new Flash Version and quits with an Error. This leaves the Client PC without any Flash (because its being uninstalled before) How can I prevent Flash being uninstalled due to the Update progress not working while a Browser window is open?
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Aug 13, 2006
I am trying to modify Kirupa's Simple Custom Scrollbar to function the same as [URL]..I have managed to reposition / resize the scrollbar based on the Stage/Browser width/height but need your help to include these functions.When the Stage/Browser is resized, the "scrollFace" adjusts its scrollFace._y position to maintain its proportional position based on the new scrollTrack._height.Eg: The "scrollFace" is moved 3/4 of the way down the "scrollTrack".. When the Stage/Browser is resized, the "scrollFace" is still 3/4 of the way down the "scrollTrack" proportionally.When the Stage/Browser is resized, the "contentMain" adjusts its contentMain._y position to maintain its proportional position based on the new scrollFace._y.Eg: The "contentMain" is moved 3/4 of the way down via the "scrollFace".. When the Stage/Browser is resized, the "contentMain" is still 3/4 of the way down proportionally to the "scrollFace".When the "Mousewheel" of your Mouse is moved, it scrolls the content accordingly.Also it is a wee bit juttery in the scrolling, I'm not sure if it is anything I have done or just because its a large file?
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Oct 7, 2010
I have an email form that sends some variables and receives a true/false from the server. It works perfect if I use a computer that doesn't have the lates flashplayer OR if I just test from inside flash.[code]...............
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Nov 14, 2008
Just thought I'd share that after the windows update I did this week, the browser cache blocking trick described in many places where you put ?r=<randomnumber> at the end of a URL no longer works. Not exactly sure what happened, but it now causes a URL not found error, at least for me when I'm loading local files off my disk.
This thread talks about the cache blocking trick:
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Jan 27, 2010
I'm having a problem with pathways. I have a main sfw called "loadgallery.swf" and upon clicking buttons in that movie, it loads other swf galleries into a container called "movie." It is working when I test it in Flash, but not when I put it into an html page (two levels up from the swf files) and preview it in a browser.Here's the AS on a button (which works when tested in Flash):
ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
loadMovie("../../galleries/swfs/gallery1.swf", movie);
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Jul 14, 2009
I'm using Flash MX, but these movies might have been saved for Flash 4 (what I used to use). I'm using IE and I have tested on other browsers and it seams to have the same problem. I have two small flash movies playing as part of my site design but when I scroll, this clearly lag creating a 'white box' where the movies should be until they move. I'm pretty sure the lag is with them two movie clips. My site is at [URL] (it's on the main site that I have the lag). They are Flash 4 Swfs.
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Mar 30, 2011
Anyway, I have a 2037px wide flash movie that I purposely made that wide so that it would take up just about any screen.
What I'm trying to do is simply center it and basically hide the overflow on smaller screens when the movie appears on the end user's monitor. I can't get it to center, however, as it always just wants to align to the left. I don't want to use the 100% feature because that distorts the movie.
I've tried using the "overflow: hidden; text-align: center;" CSS feature, to no avail. Is there a way in CSS to make this work? Do I need to use javascript or something? If so, which script do I use?
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Dec 17, 2007
I'm having a hard time setting up my website page to center (vertical and horizontal) my flash movie in a browser. I was finally able to get it to fit screen no matter what resolution, but it looks more to me like it's aligning itself top/left.
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Mar 30, 2011
I have a 2037px wide flash movie that I purposely made that wide so that it would take up just about any screen.
What I'm trying to do is simply center it and basically hide the overflow on smaller screens when the movie appears on the end user's monitor. I can't get it to center, however, as it always just wants to align to the left. I don't want to use the 100% feature because that distorts the movie.
I've tried using the "overflow: hidden; text-align: center;" CSS feature, to no avail. Is there a way in CSS to make this work? Do I need to use javascript or something? If so, which script do I use?
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Oct 5, 2007
I want to activate Flash Fullscreen mode when flash movie loads in the browser. Without activating it through button clicks. I tried for this using this type of code:
function goFullScreen()
Stage["displayState"] = "fullScreen";
But it is not working this way, it is working when I put this type of code:
function goFullScreen()
Stage["displayState"] = "fullScreen";
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Jul 21, 2009
I can not get to any MC in _level0 (main swf) from an external swfs.Which you know, should be easy, something like _root.MenuMC._visible = false; should work
and it does, sort of.It works when I test my movie within flash (ctrl+enter or F12), but it does not workwhen I test in on the browser.tried many different ways to do it, like:
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Jul 17, 2010
I have tried everything to get my Flash movie to completely fill the browser but to no avail. I have made the dimensions 100% w + h as well as making all the margins 0 px. Am I missing something as when I compare my HTML source code it seems the same as others but the result is with me having white borders around the published file.
Here is the link for the source code.
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Nov 10, 2008
I have an image gallery with a bunch of thumbnails displayed on the page in a grid-like layout. Currently, the swf sits in a HTML page set at 100% width and height. There's a resize listener that adjusts the layout so that the thumbnails all fit on the page
at once. So, as the browser window gets narrower, the columns decrease and rows increase as the thumbnails get pushed down the page.
The problem is, once the thumbnails get pushed far down far enough to go past the bottom of the browser, the overflow is hidden and the thumbs "below the fold" are not accessible. Is there a way to pass the dynamic height of the SWF, so that the browser detects whether or not it should display the side scroll bar?
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May 8, 2009
I have to put a flash lesson I created on a cd for a client and while testing it I noticed that my exit button in the movie no longer seems to function.This is my close window function
function closeWindow(evt:Event) var url:String = "javascript:window.opener=self; window.close()"; var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url); try
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Oct 21, 2010
I have created a simple movie and placed it in an 'Under Construction' page. The whole page is meant to be black. When I open the browser a white box shows, where the movie will appear, while it is loading. I want the whole page to appear black.[url]...
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Jun 28, 2011
how to horizontally center my Flash movie in the web browser window after publishing?
A bit of background: I was able to achieve this using <center></center> tags a few years ago. But I have since upgraded to CS5 and I understand that this old method is now obsolete.
I have found a few threads/forums that address this, but I know nothing about HTML and these threads don't help me because they assume you have more knowledge than I possess. When opening up the index.html file in Dreamweaver I can't find anything that looks vaguely familiar to what is being discussed. I have found some code samples using <div></div> tags but have no idea where to place it.
So I will need it explained to me in a step by step fashion, including which file I need to fix and what program I should use. Code samples will be very welcome if you can tell me exactly where it goes.
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Mar 1, 2011
in the same way a UIWebView on XCode behaves, is it possible to embed a website or browser window in an Adobe Flash movie? Like an iframe, but within Flash itself.
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Jul 25, 2011
Test link [URL] Seems to work in Firefox and IE, but not in Chrome Could it be an issue with Chrome not accepting parameters?
AS3 Code
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Jan 30, 2012
I tried setting the browser as active windows and using SendKeys but it does not work. Is there an alternative ?
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Aug 29, 2009
i want to rescale my website height after its content height, hope this makes sensei have my website with a header and menu at the top and below them the content loads. the content for the first loaded page is of about 1000 px high, and for a third page is of mb 500 px, wich when i load leaves my browser with 500 empty px at the bottom, and u can sroll it in that area, seems kinda uncool.
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Oct 2, 2009
I recently came across interesting banner that said something "You've been wasting time online for 4:30h do something useful finally, click here"What grabbed my attention, was that this flash banner actually got the time right, I logged in 4:30h ago. How did the flash know that? Is there a function that communicates with browser and checks how long it's been on? Javascript maybe? Same way it accesses getTime, getDate etc.
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Apr 28, 2010
Best way to auto adjust flash movie in internet browser?
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Aug 16, 2004
I want to make a Flash movie be 100% of the browser window. I know how to do this just usaing the Publish settings. The problem is that I want the stage of the movie to fill the browser without scaling up the actual movieclips and components of the movie.
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Aug 16, 2004
I want to make a Flash movie be 100% of the browser window. I know how to do this just usaing the Publish settings. The problem is that I want the stage of the movie to fill the browser without scaling up the actual movieclips and components of the movie.
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Dec 12, 2011
I've got a movieclip, which has got a dynamic text element.The movieclip uses a package for its codeThe package if obviously derived from the MovieClip classI've got a timer, that updates the dynamic text field every second.When debugging the code, I see that the timer works well. Its updates the value of the dynamic text field.
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