Flash :: How To Resize The Swf Inside Swf

Nov 7, 2011

tried to load a swf(text.swf) inside swf(video.swf).In my (text.swf)i passed some text.while i resize the (text.swf),the text inside the (text.swf) is Changed.Without Changing the Content how can i resize the (text.swf)?Actually my Size of text.swf is 400*44px.If i run alone text.swf size is small,But when i added to (video.swf)the size of text.chat very large.So only i resize the text.swf,But content inside the ?(text.swf)also changedcoding

_loader.load(new URLRequest("text.swf"));


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import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;


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<param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf">
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One solution would be to resize the app window as it moves, so that the title bar is always where windows wants it. How would you resize the window while you're dragging it, though? Would you do it like this?

dragHitArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function(e:MouseEvent):void{
stage.nativeWindow.height += 50;
stage.nativeWindow.height -= 50;

see what's going on there? When I click, I'm doing startMove(), which is hooking into the OS' function for dragging a window around. I'm also increasing and decreasing the height of the window by 50 pixels - which should give me no net increase, right?

Wrong - the first '.height +=' gets executed, but the '.height -=' after the .startMove() never runs.

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Flash :: How To Apply That Resize Method?

May 20, 2010

I noticed this full flash site and wonderring[URL].. How can I apply the resize method like the way they did?

Any examples might help me a lot. I have one main.swf and page.swf which loads within main.swf. My page.swf contains thumbnail images, and it's already position in middle of stage.

When handleResizeObjectOnStage is triggered, it's start to center again on stage. But it's not the same center applied of page.swf. I want to be able to do resize like the example I have posted.


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Flash :: Resize And Position SWFLoader

Aug 6, 2010

I have a complicated problem with a couple of SWFLoaders.I have an application that loads a swf with a SWFLoader. The loaded swf loads another swf (just a compiled fla). I am adding all my resize and position logic in my loaded swf and it works good on event resize, but when I'm trying to run the same code in my swfs applicationComplete it fails. The same code on startup works great if I run my swf as a standanlone, but for some reason the scale is different when I load it into my application.[code]swfLoader is my loaded swf's swfloader that loads my compiled fla. That is what I need to resize and position to the center. The next numbers are width and height. FlexLoader is the swfLoaders loader (or content if you will). The numbers are width, height, scaleX and scaleY.As you can see the size is the same (this is also the same for the loaded swfs application), but the scale is different. Both scales are calculated from with 1280 and height 720 wich is my compiled fla's size.The only reason why I'm messing around with scale at all is that I can't find the accurate width of my compiled fla to center it (application.width - loadedSwf.width / 2)The part I'm not getting is why the scales are different? What part am I missing?

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Important: I do not want an external SWF to occupy the whole stage; I have a special place (that container) for it on the stage.

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Jul 15, 2011

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Just for any reference if needed:

import flash.media.Camera;
import flash.media.Video;
var camera:Camera = Camera.getCamera();


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Oct 27, 2010

How to resize flash dynamically with javascript and actionscript?

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