Flash :: Track What Pages (domains) A Banner Ad Appears On?

Aug 26, 2011

I am building a flash banner ad which I will traffic among some major ad networks. Is it possible for me to track what sites (or domains) my ad has appears on, without relying on their reporting?

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Professional :: Track Pages With Google Analytics To See Which Pages Are Getting The Most Clicks?

Jan 25, 2011

I would like to know how to track my pages with google analytics to see which pages are getting the most clicks. My site is XML / Flash the menu is xml. Could I put the tracking code on each of the menu items in the xml file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keeping Track Of Pages?

Mar 2, 2011

I have the code that adds a page number to each page. However, when I go backwards or back to the beginning, the numbers overwrite each other, and will not reset back to zero (first frame)Here is what I am using

ActionScript Code:
var pageCount:Number = 0;
var pageTotal:int = 14;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Using The ClickTAG Method To Track A Banner?

Aug 19, 2009

So what i did is made a new layer called it Click Tag and put a button on it and made the button invisible, then i added this Action script to it

on (release) { if (clickTAG.substr(0, 5) == "http://www.ozarksfederal.com/") {  getURL(clickTAG); }}

Ozarks Federal is the company advertising on the banner i made...and that's there websiteI think this is right but i don't know how to test if it is right?

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Flash :: Tutorial - Make Individual Pages Into Swf Pages So We Can Add Links In A Flip Book

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Looking for a tutorial to make individual pages (jpg or gif) into swf pages so we can add links in an on-line flip book. I have flash, but have not learned as of yet.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Count PDF Pages - Number Of Pages Within The PDF Using Either Flash Or PHP?

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I'm using FileReference to upload PDFs and PHP to email it.Is there any way to find out the number of pages within the PDF using either Flash or PHP?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Point Burst - Mc That Appears In Games When Click And +100 Appears?

Aug 10, 2011

Maybe the title is not self explanatory but in most  iphone games eg you click the correct example and you see a +100 points mc appear and rise and alpha out. I did this with a png done in photoshop BUT not all goes well - it doesn't work.


It seens perfct but I can't see it work. The funny thing is that the custom currentBubble - with a dot after you see the code hints but a dot after pb100 - you see no code hints. Well not normal.

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Flash :: Control It With Script When Different Domains?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a website on my server which loads a .swf file and then I want to be able and call functions in that file from javascript.

My server has domain [url]..

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Flash :: Share Cookie / Data Between Multiple Domains And Swf's

Jan 4, 2010

I am trying to create a login system where a user would be able to login inside of one flash game on say, [URL], and then that same login data would be preserved for all the games on [URL] and also the games on [URL] and [URL] I am new to shared objects in flash so if anybody knows of a way to do this in either php, as3, html, js (or a mixture of all) then that would be great.

(PS. I would prefer not to use a method that requires a javascript bridge to retrieve cookies as this is impossible for games that are played on game-portal sites where only a swf file is used)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Program Functions Differently For Different Domains?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a linux distribution server, SME Server, and I use it to direct several domain names to a website on the server. My Flash program is a data driven directory that uses PHP constructed XML files to create the directory. I have been successfully using this Flash directory for some time using one particular domain, ictytranscripts.dyndns.org. I've since added a second domain name that I want to replace the first with, but for some reason the Flash program cannot read the XML files, or something. Whatever it is, the directories are not showing up.

There is nothing in the ActionScripts that have any reference to the old first domain name. I cannot imagine what is making the difference. Here is a test page showing the Flash program working successfully (I assume):


And now the same page from different domains that direct to the same page:


Notice that in the first the Flash program comes up, but there is no data displayed and in the second, there is no Flash program displayed at all.The XML files seem to be generated without any problems. [URL]

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How Will Flash Work If The Container Html File And An Embed Swf File Are From Different Domains

Jan 8, 2012

Let me give the context first. A user opens a local html file which has a reference to a network url of an swf file to embed.

(1) If the embed swf requests a local image file , will Flash allow the request?
2) If the embed swf requests an image file on a non local url other than one of the swf file, will Flash check a crossdomain.xml file on the url?

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Banner AD - When Someone Clicks The Banner It Takes Them To The Page In A New Window

Oct 13, 2009

I am building a banner ad and I am using Flash CS4. I need it so when someone clicks the banner it takes them to the page in a new window. Its just a a simple URL and I keep getting syntax errors now and I dont know how to do this properly. I have tried these methods.


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Professional :: Create The Pages As Jpegs Within A Folder Named "pages" In The Library

Feb 5, 2010

I'm trying out a page-flip program that tells me to create the pages as jpegs within a folder named "pages" in the Library. When I try to run it, it tells me it can't find the jpegs. I can get it to work locally by including the full URL (i.e., "...My Documentsedinnerpartiesimagesp3-large.jpg), but I know this isn't embedded in the swf file.

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Flex :: SWF Access Across Domains?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a SWF that contacts a php script all on the same domain. In the first case both are hosted behind the same domain and communicate with no problem. Everything is working great.However when I take the same markup that embeds the SWF and paste it on another site (using a full qualified path for the swf in both the locally hosted and remotely hosted code), the SWF no longer communicates with the php script I wrote. I added a cross domain file to my site which looks like this.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy
SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">


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Actionscript 3 :: Crossdomain.xml Across 3 Different Domains

Aug 6, 2011

I have

A.swf - located on sitea.com which loads B.swf

B.swf - located on siteb.com which loads some files from sitec.com

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="80" />

I have placed the crossdomain.xml (above) file on each domain root but i still get a Security Error from sandbox when accessing A.swf

securityErrorHandler: [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2048: Security sandbox violation: B.swf cannot load data from sitec.com"]

I do know that crossdomains problems are meant to be simple

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Actionscript 3.0 :: SharedObject Over Different Domains

Jun 22, 2009

I am working on a project that uses SharedObject and I have a question. I've made a button that downloads a flash screensaver and at the same time also creates a SharedObject which stores a specific id for each screensaver being downloaded. When later the screensaver is installed and run, it should get the SharedObject and read the id from it. When tested locally it works perfect since both the buttons´ and the screensavers´Sharedobject are stored in the same localPath. But when the button is online and the screensaver is local the SharedObject paths don't match.

Is there a way to solve this and make the local screensaver swf read the SharedObject from the same path as the online download button has stored it's SharedObject in?

This is the relevant code in both my swfs:

var _mySo:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("name", "/");

If this won't work, does anybody have another solution to my remote to local screensaver thingy??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL From Different Sub Domains

Sep 9, 2007

My client's site exists on both http:// and http://www. and I have a flash navigation system on the site. All links are absolute values and work fine from the www subdomain but do not seem to work from the http:// domain. It seems strange to me as the links are absolute paths...

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IDE :: Transferring Xml Data To Swf Across Domains?

Jun 21, 2009

I just recently created a news ticker using the tutorial on Kirupa; however, I have not been successful at getting my xml data to show up on the news ticker. I have my xml file stored on and my website will be stored on Savannah State University's server. I do not want to have my xml file on the same domain as my website because it will be on my school's server and they don't allow access to their server. I want to be able to update the news ticker freely.

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Flash - One Loader Appears In Two MC?

Jan 7, 2012

I've concluded that I have to use several Loaders. At first I was thinking "oh well I just use sixteen loaders", but do I have to? Maybe I should create only eigth of them? Then I found this tutorial. If I'm correct I just have to create eight Loaders, then addChild to correct img1/img2?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Pass Variables Between Domains?

Apr 22, 2009

So I have an SWF8 file as a player on one domain (unsecure).  It loads and plays an SWF8 from another (secure) domain.  So far so good.  Trouble is, I need the player to send variables to the files it's playing so that links in that SWF will, well, link.  I also need the player to receive some movie control commands in return.  There must be a rule or two I'm violating, because while the file plays, anything that depends on a variable is just dead.

A note:  Both files started out as SWF6.  I understand I can only do what I'm trying to with SWF8, so I went through the code and fixed the case sensitive issues and did the conversion.

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Javascript :: Flex - SWF On Separated Domains?

Aug 30, 2009

I have an application with embed swf thatis called from javascript using handleEvent, This was working fine when they were both on same domain but now when i seperated them it returns an error .

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Actionscript 3 :: Loading One External SWF Into Another SWF Across Domains?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a.swf, which is the SWF file for my main application, and it's trying to load in b.swf, which contains some additional resources as well as some Actionscript. a.swf lives on sub1.domain.com and b.swf lives on sub2.domain.com (both on the same domain, just different subdomains.) In a.swf, I've loaded the crossdomain.xml from domain.com and also added the following code into both a.swf and b.swf:


Do I need to load crossdomain.xml in b.swf as well to prevent a security error or is having allowDomain/allowInsecureDomain enough?

Further info:
- Using Flash Player 9
- Using AS3

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Actionscript 3 :: Share A Class Between Domains?

Dec 6, 2011

I have a Singleton class instantiated in Main.swf located at domainA. The file loads Game.swf from domainB via LoaderMax [URL]. When I try to access the Singleton I guess this is not the same as the on instatiated in Main.swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Data From Other Domains?

Jul 9, 2009

I am testing a locally run SWF (in debug standalone player) that tries to load data from a remote URL using URLLoader class. I have enabled useNetwork flag in the SWF. As I said, the SWF is running in standalone player, it is not embedded in any page in any browser.As I understand, it still cannot load any external non-visual resource, if the site it tries to load from does not have a crossdomain.xml file, or if that file does not include the domain hosting my SWF. Correct?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Two Domains Pointing To 1 SWF - ERROR

May 13, 2008

I have two domains pointing to the same swf. So I have domain "A" and "B" where my swf (site) is hosted at "A". Domain "B" loads site "A".

The swf loads some vars from a DB, when seeing site directly at domain "A" I have no problems, but when seeing with domain "B", my site just freezes....giving an error at the Browser and I have to close. This is for FF and IE.

At first I thought this was cross domain policies, so I have put at my swf the following code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Different Html Pages From A Swf File With Out Refreshing Html Pages

Oct 6, 2009

I have created a website with one flash animation banner.The banner .swf has 5 menus. Each menu goes to different movieclips inside the .swf file. and at the same time i want to load the corresponding html file when i click the menu button and place the html content into the bottom area of the main html page without refreshing the html page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Data Files From Other Domains?

Apr 1, 2009

I've written an app that parses Atom and RSS feeds from a few popular sites, and reacts to this data. Everything works fine when I run the .swf locally, but fails when uploaded. Is there a security setting I should be aware of?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading SharedObject Across Multiple Domains?

Jun 7, 2009

Let's say you wanted a flash movie to load the same SharedObjects no matter where it is accessed. Is this possible and how would you set up the parent movie to transport the SharedObjects?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader With Swf In Different Domains, Not Working Online?

Oct 1, 2009

I've an swf (loader.swf) hosted inthat justs loads a swf (movie.swf) hostedloader.swf has a preloader. When I execute the movie in flash, it works perfect, but when I upload the swf, the preloader doesn't works. I see 0% and after starts movie.swf normally.Here is the code of loader.swf

Security.allowDomain("www.dominioB.com");Security.allowDomain("www.dominioA.com");var contexto:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();contexto.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;var


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Application Domain Management Across Different Domains?

Jun 6, 2011

I've been getting this following error -- when I'm loading a subsidiary SWF into a main one.The sub swf contains the overlays. OverlayOne is a subclass of Overlay.

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert OverlayOne@18684f89 to Overlay.
at HSRawVideoPlayer/setCurrentOverLay()


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