Flash :: Drawing - Repeat And Duplicate The Last Transform - Comparing To Illustrator?

Aug 3, 2009

Im using flash 8, I always used to import graphics rather than to work with original drawing tools of flash, im studding those tools and I have some questions. is there a way to do mathematic in the parameter like I can do in illustrator (I tried but nothing)?is there any way to repeat and duplicate the last transform? Comparing to illustrator?is there a way I can align the transformation point to other object?is there a way to align points?I can subtract, union...but how to get overlapped shapes?

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duplicate selection and transform is not working in flash professional cs5. transformation point automatically comes to its original point.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Duplicate MovieClips Made By Flash Drawing API

Jan 12, 2012

I have this current simple setup:

- MOVIECLIP1, with more than 30 run-time drawing shapes that modify on enterframe.
- and MOVIECLIP2, wich should contain an exact copy of MOVIECLIP1 drawed data.

The point is that MOVIECLIP2 will be as a "reflection" or "shadow" of movieclip1. I won't need to do any interaction with it, only apply filters. Is there anyway that this can be possible - rather than having to draw the same shapes twice on both movieclips?

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The transform class can grab the other movieclips but it doesn't want to grab the new image loaded in from the code above.

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Import Illustrator Into Flash?

Mar 29, 2010

When I import files from Illustrator to Flash, it seems that my entire image is grouped together and "Modify> Ungroup" is grayed out. How do I separate the different vectors so that they are editable?

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Seamless Integration Between Illustrator And Flash?

Mar 10, 2009

I stayed out of the picture as long as I could ..because Ifigured there would be confusion and consternation as Adobe assimilated Macromedia's products.Here I am with Adobe Illustrator and Flash CS3,and the disconnect between the two is astonishing! I'll attribute some of my unfamiliarity to my recent involvement with Flash, but still,the vector pen tools operate soooo differently. Furthermore,selected anchor points are black in Illustrator and hollow in Flash polar opposites! The respective tool bars look similar, but often the selected tool behaves in a distinctly different manner, and the palette serves up dissimilar options.

Go the path of least resistance. I'll do my vector work in Illustrator, my workhorse tool of choice,then paste or import into Flash. But then gradients look like poo.Pfffff. (If anyone knows,what IS the problem with Illustrator-to Flash gradients. Is it that Flash Player is still too heavily based on Macromedia technology? i.e. the PostScript is OK but FlashPlayer doesn't render it well?)So, enough rant ...

What are the chances that Illustrator and Flash are better aligned in CS4, at least as far as object compatibility and similaar vector pen tool behavior? I can probably deal with the rest.

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Professional :: Importing 3D Illustrator FXG To Flash?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a simple rectangle with a 3D-bevel effect built in Illustrator that I need to export as an FXG file for use in Flash.When I export from Illustrator to an FXG format, it creates bitmaps and embeds those in the FXG file.if i import directly into Flash CS5 there are transparent gaps (and the symbols created are very complex), and it warns me that the objects aren't compatible with flash and they should be converted to bitmaps firstIs there a way to export the object to an FXG file and keep it in a vector format?if not, and this may be an Illustrator question, is there a way to create the same kind of effect so that I can get an end FXG object that will work in Flash?

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Professional :: Illustrator To Flash Optimization?

Nov 8, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Export Swf From Illustrator And Using In Flash?

Mar 22, 2007

I have a map in AI format. I want to use it inside flash zoom in, zoom out movie which I created.

I exported the AI file as swf from the illustrator and used in my flash movie. My flash movie become very slow now.

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CS3 Cannot Import Illustrator-created Image To Flash

May 5, 2009

i cant import the image without losing a huge amount of quality. a friend made this image using Illustrator, and i am trying to incorporate it into a Flash banner.i have numerous images already being used in my Flash movie banner, and all of them have been very easily imported, resized, and animated. here is the image im attempting to use.the Flash banner is am working with can be found at the top of the page at this address.URL..
ive tried to import it to my movie as a GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, after using Fireworks to successfully edit the image without losing any quality. but as soon as i C&P it or import it directly to the Flash stage or library, the quality goes right out the window.

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Professional :: Pasting From Flash Cs5 To Illustrator / Bitmap?

Oct 20, 2010

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Nov 10, 2010

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here is what the file looks like: [URL]
so as you can see it is pretty complex. I want to import as much as I can in vector so that it saves on load time since i already built it in vectors. is it possible to import most of it in vector then just rastor the stuff that might not translate like gaussian blur etc?

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ActionScript 3 :: How To Optimize Illustrator Artwork In Flash

Apr 29, 2010

I'm working on a flash project that incorporates a lot of artwork done in Illustrator CS4. I've been copy-pasting directly from Illustrator into Flash, and I add some animations as well. Final file is going to be a one single swf file which will be a part of UI for an application and .net will be the core for this. But now flash becomes unusable slow to respond for actions. My machine is a fast i7 with 6gb of RAM, so I don't think that's the issue. We are going to use this file with dual core atom processors. Does anyone have ideas for alternative importing techniques, optimizations within illustrator, anything at all that will make this more manageable?

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Flash :: Swf To Illustrator Friendly Format (vector)?

Feb 25, 2011

So I'm making a drawing app that uses flash. I want to be able to export my drawing into an illustrator friendly format.

I'm thinking I will need to record the shapes drawn with a "history" and then export those either via text/xml/bytearray.

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Flash :: Adobe Illustrator - Import AI Elements

Mar 3, 2011

I have a Adobe illustrator file which contains all design elements of my projects. I am trying to import that file into flash, i am not able to import properly(design elements are getting disturbed). So i have exported from AI to swf. How can I import this swf (contains all design elements) into my source file (Flash file) .This swf I tried to import into flash but design elements are not coming properly.

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I have produced some vector artwork in illustrator for use inside a Flash Project. When I import the artwork into Flash the importer appears to place all of the element into many nested groups and creates folders in my library. Is there a way to import the graphics from illustrator as flat shapes rather than these nested groups?

Currently I am importing into Flash and having to go into each group and cut the shapes out and paste them into an empty MovieClip which is very time consuming.

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Flash 9 :: Updating Symbols Imported From Illustrator?

Aug 12, 2008

i'm using cs3 and have created an illustrator drawing and made symbols in illustrator so that i can import them into flash. i have successfully imported the drawing into flash but now i've gone back and edited the drawing in illustrator. is there a way i can just update the symbols i've changed rather than having to reimport the whole drawing?

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Flash :: Comparing Date Objects In As2

Jan 5, 2010


Obviously the two date objects are somehow subtly different, and that difference somehow gets overlooked when they're parsed out as strings, but how are they different?

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Flash - Comparing/exporting FLA Files?

Mar 29, 2010

Is there a way of exporting an FLA file to a human-readable format, so that different revisions of a file can be compared?

I found a script for exporting to XML here (post 6):[URL] -- but it doesn't work as advertised - e.g. it doesn't export any details of items in the library.

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Modify An Imported Illustrator File After Import Into Flash?

Jan 28, 2011

I'm trying to come up with a convenient workflow for importing .ai Files into Flash. While the import works fine, there is one major drawback: If an artist decides to update something within the .ai file, then it is frustratingly hard to make that change in Flash as well, since it is not possible to just "update" any of the imported assets from Illustrator.

There is an "update" function available in flash for imported graphics which are linked to bitmap files (.png, .jpg, etc.), but so far it does not seem possible to kind of link imported assets to an external file and maintain that link.

Or does anyone know of a way to use Illustrator files as a basis, import into Flash, and make it possible to re-import the .ai file and actually overwrite all library items that already exist? Usually Flash creates copies of the imported ai file.

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Export Flash Image To Illustrator : Bad Colors And No Transparency?

May 15, 2008

I've tried to export my vector work from Flash to Illustrator. The result is bad : colors have faded and transparent colors became opaque. It is a shame that Flash doesn't provide a correct export function to
Illustrator now that Flash and Illustrator are both Adobe's softwares.

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Flash Freezes Up On Importing File To Stage From Illustrator CS4

Nov 6, 2009

I've been running Flash CS4 (on a mac) for a few weeks now without any major issues. But the last few times I have attempted to import to the stage from Illustrator CS4, Flash freezes up. It allows me to select the file, gives the appearance of loading then the stage remains blank. Menus pull down but all options are grayed out. How to remedy this?

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Illustrator Shows BG Error When Importing AI Flash Files

Jul 26, 2007

I've been using Flash for a couple of years now... I use it mostly for designing fashion graphics (!!!). I know that Illustrator is excellent for creating artwork, I export Flash files as AI ones, but encounter numerous errors while opening such files in Illustrator. I think the problem is with the Color settings. Flash uses RGB, and CMYK is Illustrator's default settings. When I try to export a graphic symbol (with layers, groups of objects and simple shapes) from Flash Professional as an AI file, it always exports as Illustrator 6.0 version (wonder why)...

Then I try to open this file in Illustrator CS2 and always get a "BG" error message which is similar to this one:
Can't open illustration. The illustration doesn't have the correct number of operands for an operator.
Offending operator: "Bg"
0000 Bh (lots of figures)...Bg

So after getting such a message and pressing "OK" there are 2 possible results:
1. The program (Illustrator CS2) opens a blank artboard (stage) with absolutely NO objects or symbols on it.
2. The program opens an incomplete graphic on the artboard (stage) with many missing objects and shapes (say, if I exported a graphic with 2 layers, the top layer will be missing).

Unfortunately, these are the most common results....Though a few days ago I hkept several AI files open and tried to export an AI file made in Flash. To my greatest surprise Illustrator could open the file with absolutely everything I exported from Flash! Except for Bitmap fills, of course....But everything else was just perfect! I was amazed no end! What settings should I have in order to be able to open AI files exported from Flash? If I got it once, it means it is possible to open such files... I have to use Illustrator more often now, and I need my artwork to be covered to AI files without significant modifications or corrections... Is it doable?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Illustrator Text In CS5 - Change From TLF To Classic

Apr 19, 2011

I've just begun using Flash CS5 and I am really at a loss to explain the problems with text in imported Illustrator files. In CS3, which I've used for years, when you import an illustrator file the text is almost perfectly preserved. It has the correct fonts, the text weights are preserved, etc. All is well. In CS5 it converts everything to something called TLF text (whatever that is) and changes EVERYTHING to either _sans or _serif. You can't have both apparently. The fonts are not the same and it's not editable.

In order to set things right I have to change all the text from TLF to classic. THEN I have to change all the text to the proper font and weight. It is a serious problem. I've looked in preferences and on some other forums and I'm not seeing any answers at all. It seems insane to only allow sans or serif when importing and what is this TLF text anyway and why can't I have it default to classic, which seems to work like CS3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Comparing Values From XML To Variables In Flash?

Dec 8, 2009

I've got an xml file that contains some data (which will be created by an external file later on in the project) and i want to be able to check the data in that XML file against a variable stored in flash.

If the value in the XML is equal to or greater than the value in the variable i want to jump to a different frame. If the xml value is less that the variable value i want it to stop and tell the user a message. i've included my code below. I just cant get it to work. Regardless of if the value in the XML file is higer or lower than the variable in flash, it always continues to the final frame instead of stopping accordingly.


//Load xml file that contains amount of cash user has and populate cash_txt box with amount
function loadXML(loaded) {


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