Flash :: Make Two Variable Always The Same In Flex?

Nov 4, 2010

private var nsPlay : NetStream = main.media.nsPlay;When nsPlay changes,main.media.nsPlay should change accordingly;vice versa.

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Make An MXML Variable Bindable In Flex 3?

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Is it possible to use the Bindable compiler setting when using mxml?

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<mx:String id="myString">My Text</mx:String>

I could make it bindable in Actionscript, like this:


But it threw a lot of warnings-- other classes were already marked bindable in my App.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Application Variable Or Static Variable?

Oct 16, 2010

The Idea is i want to make avariable that stores his value after i close the swf and open ti again,

an example:

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Feb 8, 2010

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Dec 11, 2009

I would like to store a hex colorPicker value in a variable and then cast the value of the var backout to a textInput. The textInput is just to see witch hexcolor i have choosen.

thus meaning seeing 0x000000 in the textInput.

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This is what i've got.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Module xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"


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Flex :: Local Variable In Flash Builder 4.5?

Nov 20, 2011

I have two scripts in a View, one script is inside a Component. In the Component script I need to add numbers from data as they are added to a list and then display the total in a label placed in the View.If I declare the variable in the first script, the Component script can't see it and if I declare it in the Component Script the label can't see it.How will I declare it so that everyone in the view can see it?Here is the code, the problem is where should I place the var MyTotal so it can be used anywhere in the view:

//if I place it here the next CDATA inside IconItemRender can't see it.
private static var MyTotal:Number=0;


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Flex :: Access Member Variable By Using A Variable In The Name?

Aug 17, 2009

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Flex :: Flash Player: Get Reference Count For Variable

Sep 29, 2010

I'm looking to build a library that needs to be very careful about memory management. Basically, I have to create a static factory to "disperse" instances of my tool to requesting objects. (I don't have a choice in this matter, I really do have to use a singleton) We'll call that class FooFactory. FooFactory defines a single method, getFoo(key:String):Foo.

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Flash :: Variable Object Property Names Flex?

Dec 3, 2010

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Flex :: Assign Variable As Class In Flash Builder 4 Hero SDK

Jan 17, 2011

I am trying to assign a variable to a view navigation as follows:

protected function list_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var name1:String = list.selectedItem.vPage;
var name2:Object = list.selectedItem.vPage.valueOf();


As the View is presented as a static and not a variable. When you try to submit it as a variable in any format (String, Object) an error occurs.

Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "IM" to Class.

how I can send the (View)Class as a variable or if this is a bug in the SDK

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<!-- benchmark: output performance benchmark-->
<!-- benchmark usage:


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Dec 15, 2011

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I have declared a dummy:int variable and it is also not visible.

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Unable To Send Variable From Flash(parent) To Loaded Flex Swf(child)?

Mar 27, 2012

i am trying to load the variables from parent(flash) to child(flash).Its working fine,.

parent swf:(flash)
var parentMessage:String = "Hello";
var swf:MovieClip;
var l:Loader = new Loader();


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Flash :: Flex 4.5: Tree - Make A Flex Tree Component Display The Children Of A Sprite In A Hierarchical Way

Nov 19, 2011

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Iframe - Make A Flash/Flex Drop Down Extend Outside The Flash Object Boundaries?

Jan 22, 2010

We are developing our app in flash/flex builder for the front end hitting .NET backend webservices. There is one section of the old app that will not be initially converted, so we need have it appear in an iFrame.

So far all that works fine.We shrink the size of the SWF in the host page to just be the menu/nav area. And underneat that I have an iframe control that loads in this page from the old site.Now the problem. in the SWF is a drop down list to enable picking a client. Since the SWF has been shrunk to about 100px high, the drop-down will only occupy within that 100px area which it's opened. This is NOT good as you can imagine. How can I make the drop-down list descend over-top of the IFRAME control and thus extend outside the SWF dimensions? Is this possible?

I tried to make the internal stage transparent and leave the SWF a little larger, about 400 px high, but the IFRAME still appears behind the SWF.

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How To Make SuperClass Available In Flex And Flash

Feb 4, 2011

I am working on a project that is utilizing Flash Professional and Flash Builder. The art team creates assets in Flash Pro and publishes the project as a SWC. I then copy the SWC into my Flash Builder project's lib directory and access the assets through that. The art team is creating a lot of the same type of thing; let's say they're making lots of lizard symbols/components. All of these lizards have similar animations (walk_left, walk_right, etc.) and because of this they all have constants defined in ActionScript (WALK_RIGHT_START, WALK_RIGHT_END, etc.) relating to the keyframes in their animations.

From the Flex side of things, whichever Lizard I load, I want to be able to tell it to walk left. So I created a superclass in Flash Professional and now all of the AS classes for the lizards in Flash Professional extend this class - Lizard.as This is all fine and good, but when I want to add more complexities to my lizards, I don't want to have to open up the Flash Pro project, edit the class, recompile the SWC, send it back to Flex, and then test it out. I want to be able to have my Lizard superclass available for editing in Flex - so I made another superclass in Flex: Lizard.mxml

In Flex, each lizard component (like Gecko.mxml) currently extends Lizard.mxml, and each contains an AS component defined in the SWC (Gecko.as in this case). This seems pretty convoluted: An mxml component extending an mxml superclass, containing an AS component which extends an AS superclass. What I'd like to do is define one superclass in the Flex project, have my Flash Pro defined components extend this class (which is the part I believe to impossible), and then have my Flex Components (Gecko.mxml) extend those.

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Flex :: Flash - How To Make 3D Wall Gallery

Oct 30, 2009

I like to create a Flex application, an image gallery, which comes like 3D wall. How can I do that? Is there any examples available?

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Flex :: Make Embeddable Flash Content?

Jan 14, 2010

I'm developing a website with a flash object that dynamically generates its content and I want the flash object itself to be embeddable into other website like how youtube does it.

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Flex :: AIR: Make Taskbar Item Flash?

Feb 18, 2010

Is there a way to make the taskbar item flash in an AIR app? like it does in otherapplications to alert the user of a change.

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Flex :: Flash - Make A LinkButton Selectable?

Aug 26, 2010

Is it possible to make a LinkButton selectable? That is, the text from the LinkButton can be selected and then copied. LinkButton does not have the selectable property.

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Flash :: Make A Tab Blink In Spark (Flex)

Mar 22, 2011

In a Flex 4 app (with Spark components) I have a ViewStack with various screens, and a TabBar to navigate between them. I'd like the screens to be able to "blink" their tab when something happens in them (like Windows task bar buttons).How can I do this? My idea is to hack the blinking state into the screen's label (inherited from NavigatorContent) by putting a * in it when blinking, and somehow reading that in a custom tab bar skin.

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Gui :: Make Flex / Flash Builder Skin With PS Doc?

Jun 6, 2011

I am developing a web app using Flash Builder. A graphic designer came up with some designs for the app but I have never converted a photoshop document into a Flex skin or for that matter made a custom Flex skin by any means. Is it possible to take the photoshop work and put it into Flash or something? What exactly goes into Flex skins? If I were to contact this out, how much am I looking to spend on a 8 page app?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Variable Trigger

Jun 2, 2009

I'm having some problems switching from As 2.0 to As 3.0. How to make a variable trigger. in As 3.0? Lets say i have this on my time-line.

function onClick2(evt:MouseEvent):void{
var pagenumber = "pg03";
gotoAndPlay (2);

How do I make a mc gotoAndPlay (_root.pagenumber) like we do in As 2.0?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Image A Variable?

May 14, 2010

I'm using a filter I got through [URL]. This filter provides a transition effect between images.

My navigation is a set of thumbnail image buttons that change a central larger image to match the particular thumbnail. The central image displays the image matching the last button clicked and the transition must be from that image to a new image matching the user-selected button.

What I would like is to be able to assign the first image in the transition to a variable. Can that be done with ActionScript 2.0?

My file: [URL](click on the red globe icon on the right to see the page (of flower images)).

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