Flash - Sample Of Standalone NPAPI Adobeflash Hosting Application?

Dec 6, 2010

point me to opensource of sample of standalone NPAPI adobeflash hosting application?

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Load An NPAPI Plugin In My Own Application?

Jul 27, 2011

The docs I've found on NPAPI plugins explain how to write plugins to be loaded by browsers, but how hard is it to write an application that loads existing NPAPI plugins?

(My ultimate goal here is to find a way to use SWF content inside an application written with Python and wxPython in Linux. I've accomplished this on Windows by using the comtypes module to load the ActiveX Flash player. For Linux, I'm thinking that wrapping the Gnash NPAPI plugin in some C/C++ code and making this a Python extension seems like it would work, albeit a bit convoluted...)

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Professional :: Creating A Standalone Flash Application?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm creating a standalone flash application. Now, I have a user interface with a menu, and I have to launch a new stage in fullscreen mode with at the center an 800x600 swf.How can I create the fullscreen?

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Flash :: Mxml - Media Gallery Application Using Flex To Run On Standalone Player

Oct 8, 2010

How can i design a 3D carousel for video/images to run on standalone Flash Player on my Desktop? I am using Flash Builder 4 to develop this as a mxml application, but found that it doesn't allow access to local filesystem. My specific requirement is that I want it running on the local computer and in SWF files viewed in a user's browser. Is there a sample code to do what I am trying to do? This application has states and transition, like one state for a video gallery and one state for a image gallery

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Professional :: Flash Player Standalone Application CRASH With High Graphical Processing

Apr 16, 2011

Flash Player  Flash Player are crashing my standalone application. Later with  version 10.1 the application run ok, never crashes but was taking more than  90% CPU. The  new Flash Player solve the problem of resources, and drop down CPU to  30%, but  the application crashes always after a while, unespectly, or if I open the window of other application.
In  the other hand when I disable the harware acceleration at the swf  settings, the application goes crazy and start to make rapid flashes, and frame rate goes down to 8. [URL]. Right click on the Flash logo, Settings,then UNcheck the hardware acceleration in Display Settings.)
I'm  on a Mac Mini Core 2 Duo with Mac OS X 10.6.7 (the last Snow Leopard  these days). The graphical card is Nvidia GeForce 9400M.
I  did test the application at a Mac Book Pro core i5, Mac OS X 10.6.7,   graphica card Nvidia GeForce GT 330M and the application is more  stable but finally crashes too.
Finally if I export my application  with GPU Hardware acceleration at Publish Settings, my application  crashes almost inmediatly after I open it in each of the computers.
My guess is that the new Flash Version is using my graphical proccesor in a corrupted way.

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.net :: Silverlight Application Hosting Requirements

Sep 16, 2010

I want to build a silverlight web application that could installed on a user's computer. So any hosting requirements would be subject to whatever configuration the user has. What are there requirements to host a silverlight application? I need the same question answered for Flash and WPF.

Is it required that the .Net framework (or whatever Flash uses in that case) be installed on the machine? Obviously some webserver must be installed, what are the restrictions on the webserver for these three technologies?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLRequestHeader Standalone Application

Jun 8, 2010

I am having an issue trying to set http headers when trying to access a web service.
I have read that I need a crossdomain.xml on the server, but is this only when the application is running in a browser - i.e. hosted somewhere.
My scenarion is that I am developing an app to run as a stand alone application (not in the browser) for a 3rd party device.  This device does not support the flex mx packages.
The app calls a webservice and displays data.  The webservice requires to be authenticated.
In JS i can use an XMLHTTPRequest and load the url using "https://username:password@server.com/service.asmxpassword@server.com/service.asmx" - attempting to do this in AS 3 using a URLRequest and URLLoader I get "#2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error".
So I try to add a HTTP header instead, but this appears to be ignored - the credentials of the user who is currently logged into the network (idsid) is used instead.
Do i need a crossdomain.xml file on the server hosting the webservice even though my flash application will never be hosted.  The server admin is not happy allowing all domains ("*") since I dont knwo what domain I am in as my flash app is not hosted.
Any help you can give me would be greatly appriciated.  or perhaps there is an alternative way of doing this?
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("https://server/service.asmx");
urlRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
urlRequest.contentType = "text/xml";
urlRequest.requestHeaders.push(new URLRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/xml"));
urlRequest.requestHeaders.push(new URLRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + escape(usr) + ":" + escape(pwd)));
urlRequest.data = getSoapData();
var urlLoaderService:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
urlLoaderService.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
urlLoaderService.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onServiceLoaded);.....

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Media Server :: Possible To Use Video Phone (Cirrus Sample Application) With FMS4?

Jun 24, 2011

is it possible to use Video Phone (Cirrus Sample Application) with FMS4?It seems to be possible because in Video Phone source can be found these text: rtmfp server address (Adobe Cirrus or FMS)[Bindable] private var connectUrl:String [code]

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Flex :: Set Window Size For Standalone Application?

Aug 1, 2009

I want to set the default window size for a flex application that runs with a standalone player.I set width and height to 100% to be able to get the ResizeEvent and being able to adjust the layout if the user changes the window size. But I'd like to also define a default size.

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Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to develop an application which can be used locally by my team mates. its a sort of issue tracking application with report generation. am planning to do it on flex. in my company environment, i do have a lots of restrictions like, can't install AIR, no database, etc.

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AdobeFlash : Using Scenes To Switch 1 Scene To Another

Mar 19, 2009

i do not possess any knowledge in using of scenes and i got a proj which requires me do so and i been using the alpha-ing and tweens to do the button switching its really tiring and confusing

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Flash :: CS4 Sample Templates Are Missing

Dec 26, 2009

My sample templates are missing, all that shows now are Cateregory: Advertising and different size banners. I searched my harddrive and found the rood folder where they are stored but only the folder for Advertising exist. I haven't deleted anything, so could it have been a glitch at installation, I had startup problems with Flash constantly crashing at the splash screen and finally had to uninstall and reinstall.
Running WinXP SP3.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Sample Of Kirupa

Jan 4, 2011

I am new to flash and was working with the Kirupa tutorial that showed the letters of Kirupa being moved and fading, all done within 30 frames. The example that was posted is so smooth and slow in its transition. I followed the directions but mine is quick and jerky.

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Flash :: .net - Sample Of Embedding In Windows Form Using C#?

Sep 14, 2011

I have a swf file (little animation) created in swish and I want to put it in my windows form app like a header, I was reviewing the below link but it doesn't say too much, could someone give an example of how to do this?

Embedding Flash in a Windows Forms .NET app

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Flash :: Determine What Page Is Hosting Swf?

Sep 5, 2010

I have a SWF that can be hosted in several different places on the web (including facebook.com). How can I determine which page is hosting my SWF from within Actionscript?

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Flash :: AS3 Swf Hosting An Swf Share The Same Array?

May 22, 2009

I have an AS2 swf that has an array that is updated when a user clicks on items on the screen. The array stores the currently selected items. This As2 swf is hosted by an AS3 swf loaded in using Loader class and a local connection between them is managed by swfBridge. I want to know what the best way for both AS3 and AS2 swfs to share this array is? or how can I call a function in the AS2 (client) swf and return the array to the AS3 (host) swf when it needs to read the items from the array?

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Flash8 :: Flash Web Hosting Site Recommendations?

Apr 4, 2009

I am in the middle of creating a Flash website for our baseball association. It will probably be below 2 megs in size. for a low-cost or free web hosting site? I do not know where to start.

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Flash Streaming Video Hosting Solutions?

Aug 2, 2011

I'm trying to find a reliable yet cost-effective solution for hosting our small collection of .f4v videos. We're a small company so price is a major consideration. We also need the video to stream.I found Vimeo and it's cheap but they don't provide streaming.

Viddler looks like a good solution. It's is a little more expensive but streaming is available.We're trying to avoid enterprise solutions such as Akamai, etc.Any others out there?I also know about Red5 but prefer to have it hosted.

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Flash :: API Method On The Same Server That Is Hosting The SWF File?

Nov 4, 2011

I'm trying to request to an API method on the same server that is hosting the SWF file. I'm getting a security error 2048. This occurs whether I use POST or GET, and leaving the request data blank doesn't improve things. Nothing is sent in either case, and I get a SecurityErrorEvent to stare at. Everything works smoothly from the IDE.

The applet isn't trying to load the crossdomain.xml file, so it apparently isn't considering the request to be cross-domain, and shouldn't be any other domains involved. Loading images from the swfRoot works fine.

Is there anything else that could be causing this error? Furthermore, is there any way I can find out more details about what exactly is going on? Tracing the toString of the ErrorEvent only gives me "Error 2048" - I've seen reference in other questions to messages for this error that read "cannot load data from XXX", but I can't seem to get one of these (I'm using Flash CS5).


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Media Server Hosting?

Mar 4, 2009

I'm building a site that is using 4 looping videos as background and would like to host the videos on a FMS.

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Networking - Hosting Games Locally With Flash?

Jun 6, 2011

Is it possible to use Flash (or a Flash compatible service) to allow players in a game to host their own games (using their own bandwidth), through a web browser? In a way, to run their own game servers (for a Flash in-browser game) from their computer, but through a web browser using Flash?

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Switched From Windows To Linux Hosting, Flash Not Playing?

Sep 5, 2009

I switched to Linux in order run zen cart and now Flash isn't playing on my sites. My host says in need different scripts for Linux, but can't/won't say wha

<script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script></head><body><div id="apDiv1">  <script type="text/javascript">AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,


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Media Server :: Cheapest Flash Stream Hosting?

Oct 27, 2009

I'm looking for the very least expensive host or CDN to host and stream from (live & on-demand) using FMIS 3.5 and related flash servers. Can anyone provide the cheapest place to host and CDN from? I willl consider both Adobe or Wowza.. but ideally want Adobe.
Also, many cheaper hosts or CDNs use Wowza, i'm wondering if you have any major pros vs cons type comments about going with Wowza?

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Flash :: Not Showing Online / When Loaded To Hosting Site

Nov 16, 2009

My Flash file works fine on local file, but when loaded to hosting site, nothing shows. Zilch. Not had this problem before, but I've not tried with this hosting service before, which is GoDaddy. Could that be the problem? Or is there something wrong with my coding? Here's the URL: [URL] The Flash is 1020 px wide, 350 px high, and its supposed to be right under the spry menu (which isn't working either for some reason! No drop and wrong color for rollover!).

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Actionscript 3 - Sample Code For Aggressive Flash Ads (browser Takeovers, Floaters, Etc)?

Jul 13, 2011

I need sample code for a school project that involves showcasing/demonstrating stereotypical annoying Flash advertising tactics—for instance: spanning the whole screen, disabling the back button, making you wait before the close button appears, spoofing a virus scan, spawning a ton of popups, etc.

I have to turn in my own Flash source code for this project. I'm new to Flash, though, and I'd really like to find some sample code to work from or even just direct links to .swf files.Of course, these malicious and intrusive ads are everywhere when one doesn't want them, but now I can't find any good examples. I've spent hours clicking around on the seediest sites: free Viagra, guaranteed lottery winnings, URLs longer than my address bar—the whole gamut, basically.

I'm using Firefox with Adblock to inspect the list of blocked items on each site. I've also been using Firefox's "Page Info" command to inspect for media, but so far the only Flash ads that have been showing up are pretty tame.So can any of you point me to some obnoxious Flash ads? Anything I can grab with a browser addon like Flashgot would be great. Source code would be ideal, though I don't expect to find that.

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CS3 :: Finding A Standalone Flash Player?

Apr 2, 2009

What should I use to test my swf movies on another (not my development machine) ?When I open them with IE or firefox the Flash active x player doesnt have the zoom 100% option so I end up with distorted (resized to window) swf is there a standalone flash player for that kind of purposes or something?

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IDE :: Update Standalone Flash Player

Dec 14, 2010

I have made a swf file that requires Flash Player 10.1 to play back properly. I have successfully updated to Flash Player 10.1 in my browsers, and if I open this swf file in a browser it functions correctly.

However, I want to be able to play it back in the standalone Flash Player that came with Flash CS4 Professional, and it was not updated from 10.0 to 10.1 when I updated to 10.1 for my browsers. How can I update this software to a newer version?

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Professional :: Flash Slide Show Not Showing After Hosting Change

Dec 3, 2011

When I changed hosting from the companies hosting to my own personal GoDaddy hosting everything went right, except for 2 flash slide shows (Simple rotating images). They just apear as clear boxes now. You can see what I am talking about here: [URL] and here [URL] . You will notice the empty large empty box on the right in both pages. When you right click on it the browser recognizes that it is flash. On the Piza site I tried taking out the original code and entering the flash object via Dreamweaver CS5, but that yeilded the same results (I only mention this because the code on that site will thus look a bit different).

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