Flash :: Slow When Resizing Textfield If Embedfonts = False?

Jul 5, 2011

have anyone encountered the issue wherein using a dynamic textfield without embedding fonts causing the flash movie to resize in a very slow manner ( i resize the textfield by using the scaleX and scaleY property, i have also tried using the width and height property but its just the same result)? if i try to set the textfield's embedFonts property to true then there will be no problem when resizing but once i set embedFonts to false then the flash window seems to resize bit by bit

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML Display With TextField.embedFonts = True?

Jan 6, 2007

what I am trying to do is to load HTML content from an XML file and put it in a TextField object I create dynamically. After all this is done, clicking on a button fades the TextField object out and another TextField with new content appears.I've got the whole process working fine, including the fading. And to get the fading to work, I've actually had to set my dynamic TextField objects' embedFonts property to TRUE.Now here's the hiccup:

When embedFonts is FALSE, Flash displays the TextField's HTML content properly. The text flows properly and looks as expected. The only downside is that the fade effect doesn't work.When embedFonts is TRUE, the fade effects works perfectly, but Flash displays the TextField's HTML content with a bunch of extra spaces between some of the letters. The line height seems to be different also.The odd thing is that when I debug the code to look at the styles, in both instances of embedFonts set to TRUE or FALSE, the styles are exactly the same. But Flash is rendering the HTML with different kerning and line height in each of the scenarios.

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Actionscript 3 :: Set The EmbedFonts Property Of The Textfield To True The Text Doesn't Show Up

May 14, 2010

I have some issue with the [embed] tag. Even if I set the embedFonts property of the textfield to true the text doesn't show up.The thing is that it worked previously and after some changes (not related to fonts) it doesn't. I'd like to understand how the embed process for font works to find the error in my code.

I declare :

[Embed(source = 'asset/font.ttf', fontName="font", mimeType="application/x-font-truetype")] private static var font:String;

to assign the font to the program.Then i call "font" when declaring my textFormat. Is the "fontName" property the link with the textformat ?I work with flashdevelop and the flex_sdk_4.0.0.14159 (the big adobe one, with air (~140mo))

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Flash :: Left-justify Textfield Without Resizing

Jul 15, 2010

I would like to set a fixed width for an input textfield with an embedded font. I would like to have the option to left-, right-, or center-justify the text. This is proving difficult.

If I set myTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;, I get left-justified text, but the textfield width changes with each keystroke. Same trade-off with TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT and TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER.

Now, if I use TextFieldAutoSize.NONE, then I can fix the width and height of my textfield, making it the size I want... but the cursor is always blinking in the middle of the textfield. What's the secret to justifying that cursor to the left [or right] and the textfield staying the size I initially set it to?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting TextField's 'text' Property Slow?

Apr 1, 2010

Short version:Setting a TextField's 'text' property seems to be quite slow. Any way to optimize this?Long version:For a video player I'm working on, I've rewriting a bunch of code I've written in the past and optimizing where I can, and I've noticed something a bit strange.I have a time readout (the typical "00:00 / 01:00" thing) that I'm updating every frame, and it seems to be gobbling up FPS (I'm using mrdoob's great little Stats class for monitoring).The thread to make the call is a bit heavy -- involving a dispatched custom event from the FLVPlayer class (with the current netStream.time as a property) onEnterFrame, which is passed up 2 parents and then back down via a function call -- but I've isolated each step along the way and everything is totally fine (running at or close to 30fps) right up until that very last call where I set the TextField.text property, which results in about a 10fps drop.

If I comment out the setting of TextField.text it runs great, but even if I set it to something arbitrary (like currentTime.text = "0") -- bypassing the reformatting math -- it just tanks.Anyway, anyone know if there's something I can do about this? I've considered using a Timer set to 100m instead of onEnterFrame, but I actually assumed the overhead would come from the dispatching of and listening to the event as well as the reformatting of the time, but *not* the very last step of setting the .text property, which is something I can't avoid whether I use a Timer or onEnterFrame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Gets Cut Off When Resizing TextField?

Jun 22, 2009

I have a dynamically created textField full of text, placed in a sprite that resizes (actually it's part of a nested set of sprites that resize when the browser window is resized). As I'm resizing the window, I notice that the text does not resize smoothly, but kind of steps or jumps (just a tiny bit) between sizes - as if Flash(player) is trying to lock to pixels - perhaps to improve readability.

Sometimes it ends up that the end characters in lines actually fall outside the text box, and so get cut off.This also happens sometimes if the user's screen size just happens to be the right size to start with (the site is full screen).Relevant parameters may include:

multiline = true
wordWrap = true
autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT


Can't think of any reason you'd _want_ this to happen. The resizing to pixels makes sense, if that's what's happening, but FP should do it so the text stays within the bounds of the text box.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ExternalInterface Getting Textfield Size And Resizing?

Aug 7, 2010

how to get my dynamic textfield height and send it to a javascript to resize my embedded swf. I have been digging around for 2 days now and can't figure out how to do this. I've found lots of examples on sending text back and forth but not on how to send the height.

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Actionscript 3 :: Img Tags Inside An Anchor In An Flash/AS3 HTMLtextfield With EmbedFonts = True, And A Css File For Styles Behaves Unexpected?

May 17, 2010

when the embedFonts is removed, it works perfectly as expect. Otherwise when an image is clicked, it selects the whole text around it. Alternatively can anyone suggest a method to style dynamic textfields instead of using html?

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Flex :: [IOErrorEvent Type="ioError" Bubbles=false Cancelable=false EventPhase=2 Text="Error #2032"]

Aug 25, 2011

I am trying to display database details in a Flex datagrid and connected using HTTP Service. It was able to display details without any issue when I was working in the FlashBuilder 4.5, however, I deployed the bin-debug part in the Tomcat webserver to access it globally.

I am experiencing this error message when I am trying to access the swf file "HTTP request error Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032"]. URL: http://localhost:8084/UA/details.jsp"

I tried to create the crossdomain.xml file and deployed in the root directory but still experiencing the same error.Here is my crossdomain.xml :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">

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ActionScript 3.0 :: EmbedFonts With Multilanguage?

Oct 18, 2008

I use a font in a library and i do :

var fontClass:Class = getDefinitionByName( myFont) as Class;
Font.registerFont( fontClass );


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ActionScript 3.0 :: EmbedFonts And Method?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm having a couple of problems. One is that in my custom MovieClip class, I have a textbox that refuses to show up when embedFonts is true, but is otherwise fine when it is left alone. The second is that for some reason, I can't access a method in this custom class from the main class (AT least I think that's what's wrong). It gives me an error:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: EmbedFonts Won't Work

Jun 29, 2006

I am having a problem using embedFonts. It just won't work. At first I thought it was something in my code, but it seems to be working fine except for the embed. So I went through the help doc on it and even using the example code it won't work. I am guessing it must be how I am setting up the font in the library. So here is what I am doing. In the library, I select New Font... I name the font Pakt an choose the font I am using which is Pakt-Black. Then I use this code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: EmbedFonts And HtmlText?

Jun 4, 2009

I am reading some CDATA text from an XML file. This text has HTML tags in it.I want to place this text into a dynamically created textfield that has embedFonts set to true. However,when I set this to true, the html formatting doesn't work. Instead, I only see the text without any of the formating.

Now, when I comment out my embendFonts = true statement, the html formatting works, but I loose my linked, library font. (Since the font Futura is on my machine, it stil uses a jaggy (system?) version of it, I'm assuming this would be a problem on a different machine).Is it possible to use embedFonts with htmlText? Am I calling this stuff in the wrong order?

copyTformat.font = myFont.fontName;
copyTformat.size = 18;
var tf:TextField = new TextField();[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HTML Text Vs EmbedFonts?

Jun 12, 2009

Here it is. I need to embed a font. Else, when displayed if the user does not have it, in my case Frutiger STD, it will not display correctlty. I also need to use the htmlText to render bold and italic and other tags. Problem is usign both togetter. If I set the textfield htmlText and I use the embedFont = true, no bold or italic appears. Text is displayed, but in the normal weigth only.So, it's like html does not support the embed .how to make Html works with embededFonts?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The EmbedFonts Property To True?

Jan 3, 2004

How do you set the embedFonts property to true with actionScript? I am trying to have a font embedded (font symbol?) and I do not know how to set it with teh embed fonts property so it shows up in the .swf file.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Use The .embedFonts With A Chinese Font But This Does Not Appear To Work

Feb 8, 2011

I have been trying to use the .embedFonts with a chinese font but this does not appear to work. When I use an english font, no problems there, its just when I try any non English font, nothing appears.

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Actionscript 3 :: Textformat, Embedfonts And Multiple Fonts?

Dec 2, 2011

Here is my issue : I have a dynamic html text field, to which i passed html text / textformat such as : <P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Trebuchet MS" SIZE="14" COLOR="#000000" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">Some text<B>some bold text</B><I><U>and some italic underline</U></I></FONT></P>My problem is, i can't use embedfonts because if i do, and use Trebuchet MS for instance, the bold tag will never render as in flash you have to select if the font your embed is bold or not. I'm trying to avoid to convert the whole htmltext/textformat thing to a CSS one..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use EmbedFonts = True; The Text Dissapears?

Sep 23, 2009

I'm having a problem embedding fonts in a second of my code.I have added a font to the library and am using it in the code but when I use embedFonts = true; the text dissapears. Here is the code in mention:

_mc.mc.createTextField("ti", _mc.mc.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 43, 108, 35);[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying Fonts With .embedFonts & .createTextField

Nov 13, 2002

so I'm making a site with 4 main buttons. Each of them send you to the sub-section and I'm making the sub-category buttons from 4 arrays with the names of each subCat and a .duplicatMovieClip loop. My problem is that I can't get the font I'm using (Adobe "Myriad Web Bold") to display those subCat... I tried using a "dummy" dynamic text field off stage with embedded font as well as adding/linking the font into the library. When I do a "Size Report" the font seem to be embedded but the text doesn't show up. When I set ".embedFonts = true;" to "false" then the text comes back (but in device font of course...)

Here some of the code:

// creates the new buttons
for (i=0; i < subCat_array.length; i++) {
_root.subCat_masterBT_mc.duplicateMovieClip(subCat _array[i]+"_mc", 100+i);
_root[subCat_array[i]+"_mc"]._x = _root.subCat_masterBT_mc._x;


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Actionscript 3 :: Resizing A Sprite Without Resizing Its BitmapFill (or Its Contents For That Matter)?

Nov 1, 2010

I am not simply trying to contain things and have the container resize without the contents resizing. I would just use a simple MovieClip for that.. My main focus is on the use of BitmapFill. I'm trying to make a repeating background image for a container; thus far I'm able to draw my BitmapFill sprite to the size I want. (Which is the stage's height) but when the stage is resized, I want to re-size my container but have my containers BitmapFill crop or add more as the window is resized bigger or smaller. Allow me to illustrate what I mean:

I've got a simple rectangle sprite that fills with a bitmap from the library and a simple resize handler function that detects when the window has been resized.what I would like to do is have my rectangle resize to the height of the stage.stageHeight maintaining its bitmap fill, but not resizing the bitmap fill or any children within the sprite.

From what I've read, this is a little tricky because the sprite resizes in relation to what it contains.. or.. something like that.. I really don't know any more.. I saw one example where a person extended the sprite class but I don't know why or how..

in my library there is an image called 'pattern' and my code looks like this:

stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeHandler, false, 0, true);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Smooth Resizing As Opposed Going In And Resizing Every File Manually?

Sep 11, 2009

I'm loading a few pngs/jpgs externally so they can be swapped out occasionally, and the issue I'm running into is when they are shrunk they become fairly choppy. Is there a way to have flash re-render them, or do something to smooth the resizing as opposed to going in and resizing every file manually myself?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: .embedFonts = True  Causing Text To Disappear?

Sep 22, 2009

Why would this happen?
I've added Helvetica to my Library.  I've set it to export for Actionscript.  I've given it the name 'Helvetica'.  I'm setting the defaultTextFormat.  Then I tell it to embedFonts, and the bloody textfield doesn't show up.
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat('Helvetica Neue', 13, 0xFFFFFF);
tf.embedFonts = true;

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Actionscript 2.0 :: EmbedFonts, List Component Not Displaying Font

May 4, 2009

the embed fonts stuff in flash, it sometimes works and then again it does not. my problem I need to embed a greek font to be used with the List Component. what I did so far:

1. library-> new Font ( Named it myFont, exported it as:MyFont )

2. put a list comp on stage called it myList

3. got a xml file called index.xml encoded in UTF-8 (so it displays greek chars) that gets loaded (makes no diff if you use component inspector to insert the labels)

4. set system.codepage to false;

Code: Select allmyList.setStyle("embedFonts", true);
myList.setStyle("fontSize", 13);
myList.setStyle("fontFamily" , "MyFont");

what it does not work. I am at a loss as to how to get this to work. I am attaching the file and the font used. (verdana arial should work too, but even they don't embed)

Mabe it has something to do with the xml encoding, but if you try to just copy the greek characters into the component inspectors lable field they are still not displayed. So I guess xml encoding is not the problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing A Sprite Without Resizing Its Auto-fill?

Nov 2, 2010

I've got a little problem with BitmapFill, I'm trying to use a sprite as a container for various things and i would like it to have a filled pattern background. my problem is that i want it to resize the sprite to the height of the window but not have the background fill resize, and add more / crop as the window size is changed. to illustrate what i mean, please view the diagram attached to this post .

I have an image in my library called 'pattern' and my code is as follows:

ActionScript Code:
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Selectedcolor, True To The Text True Or False In The False Print Text?

Aug 28, 2010

Selectedcolor, true to the text true or false is false text into print.colorPicker component in, I select Export to a selected color, the color value myMC texte into summer, but accuracy can not control.

var myColorPicker:ColorPicker = new ColorPicker();myColorPicker.editable = false;myColorPicker.visible = false;myMC.visible= false;myColorPicker.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);myColorPicker.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, changeHandler);[code].........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Got New Font Called Sunset Inside Library And EmbedFonts Set To True, But Nothing Works?

Jul 16, 2010

I just tried everything to do embedFonts work correctly in CS5. In Flash CS4 there was no any problems with this. The TextField is created in AS3, I got new font called Sunset inside library and embedFonts set to true, but nothing works, there is no errors and the text is still invisible

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Flash :: Flashplayer 10.1, Set Enhanced Seeking To False, Without FMS

Nov 26, 2010

So I run into this issue that Enhanced Seeking is enabled by default. And I would really like to disable it (long story here). But it seems you can only disable it on the FMS, by adding this setting to the application.xml. But the thing is we are not sure if we will end up using an FMS or not. So, can I disable Enhanced Seeking without using FMS?

seek() reference

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Get Flash To Return True Or False

Sep 13, 2005

What is the most simplified way to get flash to return True(1) if a variable is > 0, returns False(-1) if a variable is < 0, and returns nothing(0) if the variable is 0?

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Flash :: Remove (bool)false Values From Array In It?

Mar 24, 2012

I have an array that has a lot of values including a lot of 'false' values.Is there any way of removing the 'false' values that is faster than this[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MySQL Data Into Flash Via PHP (Prints False)

Jan 5, 2007

I've been making flash based websites recently with a simple PHP and MySQL backed CMS. The only problem I'm getting is when the text is loading from the database into the dynamic textfield in the flash movie, it prints either 'false' or '_level0...' The text does eventually load correctly, any way I can get it to print LOADING instead of these two or something similar?

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