Flash :: Xspf Player Remove Album Cover?

Feb 13, 2011

I'm trying to embed this player to a web page:


It's working fine, but I would like to remove the album cover from the player so it looks like on this page:

[URL] (The gray player in the right column, not the player in the center of the page)

I looked at the documentation and also the source of this page

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var myMic:Microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone();
myMic = Microphone.getMicrophone();

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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.at nt_fla::MainTimeline/fl_startSlideShow()at nt_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
// USER CONFIG SETTINGS =====var autoStart:Boolean = false; //true, falsevar


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Nov 28, 2011

I'm finishing a flash application. You can see the app here:


The app sends an FQL query to get the user's albums, generates thumbnails based on cover_object_id. This part works fine. After clicking on an album the app loads photo thumbnails in the same fashion. We've just discovered that although it usually works, for some people and some photos instead of a thumbnail facebook returns the following error:

{"error": {"message": "Unsupported get request.","type":
"GraphMethodException"}} picture

The photo thumbnail request URL:[url]....The query used to generate the list of photos in an album:

var fql:String = "SELECT object_id, aid FROM photo WHERE aid = ""+aid+""";

permissions for the app:
'permissions' => 'publish_stream,user_photos,friends_photos'

Essentially some photos return an error. The object_id of the photo is valid as it's pulled right from the FQL result - here is an example of an actual request that returns the error, complete with token https:/[url].......

Edit2: The above approach didn't work, for some reason. Some pictures would still result in an error. Fortunately the FQL tables had properties like "src_small" and "src_large" which return the direct link to the photos. Even though graph supposedly allows to retrieve any image using it's API I had to fall back to the src results from the query - I guess that was a patch of sorts for situations like this.

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Stop / Remove An Embedded Player?

Mar 8, 2010

I am working on a webpage where i have to include an embedded video.The video is hosted on some other domain.I am able to embed the video and autoplay once the web page is loaded.However i have a requirement where i have to remove the div displaying the video once it is played , and in place of the video i have to now display some text.

The problem is i am able to do autoplay by the autostart variable in the embed tag...but how do i know that the video has ended.The hosting company only provides an embed tag and they donot have any player apis to use.

One way (or rather a workaround) that i feel is to start a eventlistener in the background and see for the total time of the video and when that time is reached remove the content.But the problem is what if the user pauses the video, then also the div would be deleted.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Remove Logo Of YouTube From Their Chromeless Player?

Jul 16, 2009

I'm embedding a video of YouTube by using their chromeless player, stretched and fit to all screen. the player includes by default their logo and it looks so huge so it ruins the graphic.in youtube site, they offer you to replace the original logo with new one - "Powered by Youtube", but they don't explain how to remove the original first.[code]...

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I have a player that loads both images and videos. I am having a problem removing the previous child from the holder and am close to using tricks to fix it. I'd rather not. Here's the code that loads the image:

var _mediaLoader:Loader = new Loader();
_mediaLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);
_mediaLoader.load(new URLRequest("blah.jpg");
function imageLoaded(e:Event):void{

And my flv loader is a bunch of mumbo jumbo with this code at the end:
So, how can I remove the previous child, if there is one, when loading the next item on the playlist?

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Apr 5, 2006

can you do this in actionscript i need it to cover a 800 x 600 scene and if it could have a rollover of light grey very faint

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