Flex :: AIR App That Loads And Runs Existing AIR Swf?

Feb 19, 2010

I have an existing AIR app whose main content is App.swf.I would like to have another AIR app that hosts and runs App.swf. When I say run it, I mean displays it's WindowedApplication.Here's the code for the 2 AIR projects (imports are omitted for brevity):

// App AIR Project -> App.mxml -> App.swf (it's just a window)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">[code]....

I get the following error while App.swf is being loaded:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.at mx.managers::SystemManager/initHandler()[C:autobuildgalagaframeworksprojectsframeworksrcmxmanagersSystemManager.as:3001]

I believe the issue has to do with AirAppHostApplication's SystemManager conflicting with App's SystemManager because they are both living in the same app domain. Can an AIR app be written where a WindowedApplication class isn't statically defined, but loaded at runtime by loading a swf and instantiating the WindowedApplication subclass that's contained in the swf.The reason I want to do this is for an automation scenario where I have to assume I don't have the source code for the app I'm automating, but I do have access to the names of the public classes and their public methods exposed for automation. I have complete control over the environment and don't have to deal with any constraints around that, so I can put 2 AIR apps in the same directory, etc.

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isPreferred : Boolean

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the mxml content
<xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="[URL]" applicationComplete="init()">
[Code] .....

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-The import StringUtil could not be found.

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public function GetIDFoo() :String { return m_strID; }

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[Code] .....

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Jul 23, 2010

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Jul 9, 2011

I have an application that is coded using Flex 3 on UI side and java @ the service layer, along with BlazeDS. Now we need to authorize the users accessing the system based on the roles that are defined for them in the database, e.g. : say a user with role guest should not be able to access Admin tab on ui and also should not be able to do any operations other than viewing the data displayed on dashboard. Also the point to note here is that roles can be created dynamically by Super users from UI. I came across this link which describes how to perform Role Based Authentication & Authorization. With this approach I need to define the roles in service-config.xml but since my roles are not pre-defined I cannot go with this.

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Android :: Upgrading And Existing Flex Application Using The Mx Library To Work?

Aug 12, 2011

I am trying to make my flex app work on Android, and that involves making an AIR app to run on Android. Seeing as the flex app needs the mic, an AIR app is required. I am using flash builder 4.5 on win7 with air 2.6. The trouble seems to be that most of it is now not available. For example mx.containers is there, but not mx.containers.viewStack. I notice that there are obvious equivalents in spark for some components but not others. VBox, HBox, Canvas VDividedBox, AdvancedDataGrid and associated custom renderers are the components my application uses the most. What is the fastest way to make this work on Android, I am under time pressure. Is there a site somewhere that recommends the best way to do this, and what components can be replaced with which?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML Loads A Preloader That Then Loads The Actual Flash Movie?

Mar 28, 2009

Everything is embedded in an HTML site. The HTML loads a preloader that then loads the actual flash movie. Inside this movie I created a few buttons, inside a scroll bar movie clip. I want the buttons to load a whole new movie inside the same html. The code I'm using in the button is simply:

on(release) {
loadMovie("new_movie.swf", 0);

The problem is that it works beautifully in the Flash movie tester but doesn't do anything when tested inside the browser, embedded in the HTML. I think the problem is that the HTML embeds as an object the first movie, the preloader for the menu movie, not the menu movie itself.

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Feb 23, 2010

have this flash xml menu that loads external swf files like this:

<item title="ABOUT"content_path="http://mysite.com/folder1/folder2/folder3/about.swf"target=""mouse_rollover_color="0xFFFFFF" mouse_rollout_color="0xDDDDDD" />

and I have this swf file with cms that I'd like for this menu to load. Currently the swf file load external text using this code:

if (contenturl1 ne "") {
loadVariablesNum(contenturl1 + "/" + userid + "/content.txt", 0);[code].....

but when the xml menu loads this swf file its structure loads but not its data.I tried using :

this._lockroot = true;

in the loading swf main time line but it did not work.I should also mention that the dynamic data that loads onto the swf that is to be loaded by the menu, resides not in it main time line but 4 movie clips deep .I don't know if that makes a difference or not.

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I received an inheritance old flex project. I've never worked with Flex. I installed the latest Flash Builder and I need to know the exact version of used Flex SDK. Is there any way to know used SDK version from project files?

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Aug 18, 2009

It is very simple to retrieve data from a database and display it inside a DataGrid. However, what are the current practices to push the changes in the DataGrid back to the database? One can achieve this by inserting a lot of meta information, however, it is very tedious and not reusable.

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Flex :: Swfloader With A Swf Which Loads Another Swf File?

Mar 23, 2011

I have one Swfloader. This swfloader loads file A.swf.On creationComplete event, File A.swf loads another swf(file B.swf).

Everything works fine when I run the application once in the same machine.But when I run two or more instance of the application, the first works fine (both file A and B are loaded) but the second swf (file B) is not loaded by file A.why the first swf (file A) doesn't load file B, when the application is running in multiple instance ?

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Flex Loads Flash SWF With Popup?

Oct 25, 2011

My Flex application is required to load a SWF file externally. This SWF file has a popup. How could I ensure the popup is at the middle of my Flex application and modal?

Edit: The popup component is owned by SWF file (through a "Show more" button) and is not just an Alert. The SWF file is provided by third party. Any update on the SWF file and its popup component do not require re-compilation.

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